LATHB : Chapter Two

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Previously on “Looking after the Harrison Boys”…

 “Boys meet Amelia Wilcox, the young lady that will be looking after you while I’m gone.”

I raised my head up and the smile that was planted on my face slipped right off and was replaced with an ‘o’ shaped expression.

The four boys that were standing before me weren’t the young boys that I imagined in my head. In fact, the boys that were standing in front of me who at the moment had the same expressions on their faces as I, couldn’t even be considered young but teenagers – growing teenaged men! And to make matters worse.

These four boys were the same exact boys from before and I, Amelia Wilcox, will be looking after them.


“Wilmer, is this some kind of sick joke?”

“Wait, come again?”

She’s looking after us?”

“I was expecting another old lady I mean Amelia Wilcox? Yeah, that absolutely sounds like an old lady’s name.”

I turned my head away from them, straightaway blocking their mixed responses out of my ears and stared at a random spot on the white tiled floor, thinking.

How is this even possible? How can this even be possible? I mean, why would four teenaged boys have the need to be looked after? Couldn’t they just look after themselves? Because they clearly appeared old enough to do just that!

I popped my bubbles of thoughts and cocked my head back up, aiming my eyes at Wilmer, hoping she’ll laugh in a hysterical way and say the words ‘Just kidding!’ or ‘You got punked!’ and bring in the actual four young boys I was supposed to look after.

But the look on her face had told it all.

She wasn’t kidding and was truly dead on serious about what she said. 

“Boys,” Wilmer shouted so abruptly that they all jumped in sudden fright including me and silence fell upon the room. “I’m sorry Amelia, these boys,” She gave them a stern stare before she turned back to me with a small apologizing smile on her face. “Aren’t usually like this. They’re just a little shaken and surprised that they have a much younger and attractive lady to look after them.”

A little shaken and surprised? Is she explaining their feelings or mine? Because that’s how I feel at the moment, except I’m not feeling a little shaken, I’m feeling an earthquake worthy type of shaken, which is still going on – in my head.    

“Aww Wilmer, don’t feel discouraged! We’ve – Well, I’ve always thought you were young and attractive, both inside and out. I mean if you weren’t looking after us, I would definitely date you,”

Wilmer snapped her head away from me and stared at the shaggy blonde haired guy who was grinning like a little boy. “Johnny, thank you for that lovely comment of yours, but I would rather you keep those thoughts to yourself. It would save us a lot of trouble.”

The shaggy blonde haired guy, who I now know is named Johnny, laughed and mocked a salute to her. “Yes ma’am. From now on, I’ll keep all thoughts of you inside here.” He tapped his head and continued smiling while Wilmer shook her head lightly.

The whole time he was talking, I couldn’t help but take a good look at his appearance. The first thing I noticed was his height. He was the shortest out of all the boys and was standing around the five foot nine/ten mark.

Looking After the Harrison Boys {Old version!}Where stories live. Discover now