LATHB : Chapter Eight

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Previously on Looking After the Harrison Boys…

Without hesitation, I pulled Zane’s pants down and said, “Suck on this and die bitach!”  And then I made a run for it before he could do or say anything to me. I turned into a room close-by from the kitchen and hid myself away.

“I don’t get it, how co – Woah, I think my eyes just went blind!” Devin’s voice was filled with shock. “Why the hell are your pants pulled down Zane in the kitchen?”

“I – no – she – pulled – I“

A smile crept onto my face, proud at what I’ve done and I laughed quietly at his reaction.

“See Zane, I told you I’ll get the last laugh.”


After the embarrassing (and freaking hilarious) moment when Zane got caught with his pants down in the kitchen, he hurriedly ran off to god knows where and that was my cue to enter the kitchen.

“You’re back?” I asked Devin with a silly smile plastered on my face.

“Yeah,” He replied and placed down whatever he was holding onto the kitchen counter then looked at me, strangely. “What’s got you smiling like that?” He asked curiously.  

I pointed to my smile, “Oh this?” and then laughed, suddenly remembering the look on Zane’s face when he got caught with his pants down, “I just saw something hysterically funny just before I came in here.”

He snorted, “Yeah, I saw something as well – something a little too disturbing.” He muttered under his breath and then shuddered. “Might get nightmares tonight…”     

“Totally, I mean -“  

Devin shot his widened eyes at me. “Wait, you saw it as well?” He asked slowly. 

Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh. Crap!

I laughed awkwardly and unconsciously scratched the back of my head, a bad habit of mine that I do whenever I’ve just landed myself in a bad situation or just did something I shouldn’t have done.

“Saw what?” I tried my best mocking a confused tone and appear confused on my face as well, but I wasn’t sure whether or not I was succeeding though. Hopefully I was.  

He blinked at me and opened his mouth and then shut it closed then opened it again, lightly shaking his head. “Nothing,” He assured me and then quickly changed the subject, earning me to mentally give myself a high five for succeeding. “So, what were you doing while we were gone?” He said in a much more lighter and comfortable tone.

“What was I doing? Oh you know, I casually pulled someone’s pants down and owned the son of a bitch.”

Was what I wanted to say to him but instead I blurted out whatever came to my mind first.

“Umm what was I doing?” I clapped my hands; “Oh you know, I was casually looking out of the win…dow.” I forcefully let out a chuckle straight after and then smiled like a fool at him which is another bad habit of mine that I do when I wanted to go and hit my head multiple times on the wall for saying something so utterly stupid.

Me responding like that to him, I assumed that he would say something along the lines, “Looking out of the window? Uhh, who does that? Oh right, stupid people like you.” Oh wait a minute. That’s something Zane would say not Devin.

What am I on about?

My assumptions of what Devin was going to say were cut off when I found him laughing and smiling at me, which totally caught me by surprise because I’m so used to having people give me a dead-panned look and say some sarcastic comment to me, which I really don’t mind people doing (except for when a certain person does this, I actually do mind.) and I didn’t know how to react to it.

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