Chapter One - The Team's

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This chapter is dedicated to Blue_Cupcake! Thanks for voting!

* Shishikibobs Note's *

Welcome to the first chapter of my third book. I'm starting at the graduation. I might follow the Naruto timeline but you writer's know it's a little hard to fit some people into other people's stories. Well, here we go! Into The World Of Naruto!


Shiaye P.O.V.

I woke up to sunshine coming through my curtains. I get up out of bed to take a shower. After my shower, I walk back into my bedroom with only a towel around my body. When I'm in my room I shut the door to get dressed for my first day of meeting my team.

I walk out of my bedroom wearing a dark green wrap with fishnet on the sides, so my skin showed on the sides. On the back of my shirt was a big Uchiha symbol in the middle. For pants, I just had on regular ninja pants with black ninja boots. On top of my forehead is my blue headband with the leaf village symbol.

I walk down stairs to see Sasuke waiting by the door with two apples in his hand. One-half ate and the other he tosses to me.

Sasuke and I were on our way to the graduation. We had finally become real ninjas. When we walked into class no one was there not even Iruka, our teacher. We both sat down in the middle of the class. I was by the window and Sasuke was on the other side of me. He sat there in silence like always.

After awhile other students starting coming in. When I heard noises at the door I look up so see Sakura and Ino at it again. They are always trying to get to my brother. They are deeply in love with him they say. "She's sitting next to him again." I hear Sakura say. "Why does she always sit next to him?" Ino asked Sakura.

See the catch was that none of them knew I was even related to Sasuke. The only one who knew was Naruto. He didn't even dare shout it out to everyone. This is truthfully the first day I've shown my Uchiha symbol off to everyone. Usually, I have a sweatshirt on overtop of this shirt.

There were other reasons they didn't know. One, they didn't ask because they were always to in on Sasuke. Two, whenever Iruka called my name he only said my first name. Finally, they thought I was another fan girl like everyone else and they don't know a thing about who my brother is.

I blocked out Ino and Sakura. Then out of nowhere Naruto came and sat on the desk. He was giving a death glare at Sasuke. They had always been completive. "Naruto! Don't glare at Sasuke like that!" Sakura had her hands in fists.

Then the kid in front of us scooted back and knocked into Naruto and then Naruto went into Sasuke. They were kissing.

"Oh My God...." I stand up and back away a little. Sasuke and Naruto finally realize what's going on and they break apart. Both of them spitting and air gagging.

When I look up I see all the girls looking at Naruto with death glares. BIG death glares. Most of them were also crying. They wanted to be his first kiss. So they beat up Naruto. He was now sitting in the middle of the floor.

Iruka Finally decided to walk in. "Class please take your seat. I have your teams right here." Iruka started to say team numbers then he would say 3 names afterward.

"On team Seven, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sakura Haruno." Iruka got interrupted by Naruto yelling and cheering, while Sakura was groaning. He then continued, "And Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka got interrupted again by Sakura cheering for being on the same team as Sasuke, but Naruto was mopping because he had to put up with Sasuke. Iruka finally continued. "The other member of this team is Shiaye Uchiha."

You could hear so many people whispering about my last name. "Huh? Are you sure that's her name Iruka-sensei?" Sakura looked at him confused and she had a mad expression on her face.

"Shut up." Sasuke said in his low emo tone. Sakura looked at him when he finished. She didn't say anything she just sat back down. I turned to look at her with a smirk on my face, "Looks like you don't know EVERYTHING about my brother."

After a few more teams were named Iruka told us to eat lunch and come back here to meet our Sensei's. "Good luck." He said before dismissing all of us.



Have a nice day! 

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