Chapter 15 - The Chunin Exams: Final rounds!

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I'm just going to fare warn you... I don't remember shit.... Only Gaara and Sasuke's fight along with Temari and Shika's. I know Kankuro forfeits but I'm not really to well about Naruto vs. neji but I know Naruto wins, and give neji a big lecture about destiny. Sooooo Sorry if its not the best on here....

This chapter is dedicated toooo.............   SkyeFort!!!


Sakura's P.O.V.

Shiaye was down waiting with the other people for the line up orders. Naruto and Sasuke are not here yet. " Where's my Sasuke-Kun?" Ino questioned. I looked up at her. " Ino pig! He's mine!" Just then Naruto ran into the arena.

" Alright lets get the line-ups out." The man held up a chart to the contestants.

Naruto Vs. Neji

Gaara Vs. Sasuke

Shiaye Vs. Jay

Kankuro Vs. Shino

Temari Vs. Shikamaru

" If one of the contestants are not here we will push back their fight. If they are not here by the end. The person present will be declared winner. The rules are the same as the Preliminaries. Will everyone but Naruto and Neji go up into the stands." Everyone jumped up into the stands.

As soon as Shiaye got up there she went straight to Gaara side. Typical. I think they look cute together, even though he is quite strange. I heard from Naruto that he tried to kill Lee yesterday. " Why is Shiaye with the Sand Village ninja?" Chonji asked. I only sighed. Boys are to stupid to understand love.

" Because you baka Shiaye and that red head are together." Ino tsked at him. " What do you mean she's with that guy. He's strong and scary. I wonder how's she does it." I got up and turned around to face Chonji. " If you haven't notice they are together because they like each other, and also Shiaye knows most of his pain. So don't you go crying about it Chonji." I sat back down and looked at the fight at hand.

Shiaye's P.O.V.

Sakura stood up for me...? I guess we really have become good friends. I smiled at this and got a look from Kankuro and Temari. I turned to them and sighed. " I'm not really in the mood for those looks, so could you try to contain them."

Naruto's chakra was cut off, but that didn't stop him one bit. He was now fighting with taijustu. When he stopped in mid track he put his hands together. Orange chakra started to grow out of him. ' He's using the Nine- Tail's chakra.' Shiki stated the obvious.

Naruto made some clone and they all ran at Neji. When Neji attacked them all they all went into a puff of smoke. Neji looked around for the real Naruto. I started laughing a bit when Naruto came out of the ground and hit Neji straight on the chin, making him go up in the air. Neji then quit. ( Or Naruto just won, something like that but I knew Naruto would win.)

My brother still wasn't here, so they had to hold back Gaara fight. I knew this ticked him off a bit by the look on his face. My thoughts were broke when the man called my name and this Jay person's name. I jumped down off the balcony to be met with yet, another guy.

Jay had scrolls attached to his back and was wearing a black outfit. His headband had the symbol of.... Waterfall Village. What's in those big scrolls he has?

" Begin." I jumped back at those words. Jay just stayed where he was. It was almost like he was staring into my soul. This guy is starting to creep me out. " Well are you going to fight? I said begin." I jumped at the sound of the producters voice.

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