Heyy!! first part of the chunin exam is in this chapter! I'm going to try to put each part of the exam in one chapter there might be one that is in two chapters idk lol. So lets go see how it works out. I DO NOT OWN NARUTO. I only own Shiaye and the other people I make up in the future. Just warning you all, this is a REALLY long chapter. And it has that part that is not in the real story line. lol Enjoy!
This chapter is dedicated to EstherJun Thanks for voting!
Shiaye's P.O.V.
We walked to the academy peacefully. Also with no conversations. Why does the world always show me silence.
When we arrived at the academy we went up the stairs two time. I thought we went up three flights of stairs. It is in room 301. huh?
At the door was two guys guarding it. A girl with two buns and a pink outfit was asking to let them in. The two buys hit her.
That got my blood boiling.
' Go punch them for punching a girl.' Shiki screamed.
I ran at the two boys and punched them both. " How dare you punch a girl!" They started to get up. " Anyways this is only the second floor. You can't fool me you idots." They were up completely and they were over towering me.
" You have a sharp eye. Little girl." The one with a bandana on told me. " Hmp." Was all I said before walking back to my team.
" You what's your name?" I looked to see a guy with a weird eye color come towards us. Beside him was the girl that go punched and a boy with black hair wearing green.
" It's common courtesy to tell your name first." Sasuke said with a smirk on his face.
" My name is Neji Hyuga. Now what's yours, and the girl who punched those two men?"
" I'm Sasuke Uchiha and this is my sister Shiaye." Sasuke pointed to me.
I zoned out on their conversation and looked at the girl. She was staring at my brother. Great another fan girl. Ugggg.
" Come on Shiaye-Chan let's go." Naruto put his arm around my shoulder. " Naruto I know were great friends and all, but would you please get you arm off me." He looked at me with a sad face and then took it down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sasuke giving Naruto a small glare.
While going to the next level of the building the guy in green came by and wanted to fight Sasuke.
" My name is Rock Lee and I wish to test my strength while fighting the great Uchiha's." Lee told us while getting in a fighting pose. Sasuke stayed silent. " I am not going to fight you." I say while starting to walk off.
Lee flashed in front of me. " Fine then I shall start the fight." Lee started to punch me. I blocked most of them but one went to my stomach and I couldn't get my hands down quick enough, and I got hit all the way across the room.
He is using tijustu. Why is that? Lee flashed beside me and kicked me in the side. I got up shortly after landing.
" Fine! You want to fight then bring it on!" I ran towards him. He started to lift his leg to kick but I slid under him and grabed his other leg. He looked down and brought him leg back down that kicked me in the face. But I still had a hold of his leg so he went with me this time.
" You messed with my sister now you've messed with me." Sasuke ran at him and activated his Sharingan. Why was he using that? It doesn't work on taijustu.

Sasuke's Little Sister (Naruto fan fic)
FanfictionShiaye (Shy-a) was born a year after Sasuke. At her birth she was still born and to this day she still doesn't know it. Thankfully the demon that was born with her woke up for a short few minutes to save her life. Saving her life took away her heart...