Chapter 27 - Back To The Sand I Go

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Chapter 27- Back To The Sand I Go

Finished 7-3-14

Posted 7-4-14

Dedicated to: ggg1230



"All of them are going to be fine. They just brought Naruto in." The nurse came in and gave Shikamaru some water, but as soon as he heard that he spit it out. "Shiaye must have been with him.Shiaye went with him last time I knew. When are they going to bring her in!?" He yelled at the nurse.

I came around the corner and everyone looked over at me. "What do you guys mean bring her in?" I asked. Lee and I had just gotten back. "Garra..." Temari said looking over at me with a little bit of fear in her eyes. "Tell me." I say looking at my sister.

"They've sent many people out to look for her, but nothing has shown up." She said looking over at Shikamaru who was sniffling again. "It was raining too... And my best friend... Is missing.." He said whipping away tears. "What?" I ask taking a step back.

"Shiaye Uchiha is M.I.A."


Kakashi P.O.V.

It was now raining even more making me speed up more. Shiaye can't stay like this for much longer. It's bad enough she's been out here for almost three hours. Passing the place where I had found Naruto, I looked around for something, and there it was. I quickly followed the two pairs of footprints more into the woods. At least the rain hadn't washed away these away.

After traveling a while I came across the person I was looking for. Shiaye had her arm out dragging herself up the trail. The one thing that I noticed after she stopped was the huge pool of blood around her. "Shiaye." I say walking towards her. She looked up at me and the thing that surprised me the most was the blank face she was wearing. I walked over to her and picked her up bridal style.

"What happened?" I ask looking down at her stomach. She looked up at me without saying a word and rapped her arms around my neck. Sobs came from her as her grip tightened. "It's alright." I tell her as I jump into the trees. Shiaye needs medical attention now! As I neared the village, I quickly jump stepped to the hospital.

"Shaiye!" Shiakamaru yells. He runs over to us, but stops mid way and looks down. I looked down to see a puddle of blood forming at my feet. "We must get her in quickly!" Tsunade yells coming over to us and trying to take Shiaye out of my arms, but she only tightens her grip as she wakes up. "Come on Shiaye! You're going to bleed to death!" Tsunade yells at her.

"No don't let me go! Don't leave me!" Shiaye only yelled back, hanging on tighter to me. "No one is going to leave you." Gaara says, trying to calm her down. "Don't say that!" Everyone looks at her. "The ones that I loved the most left me! They all left me alone in the dark!" More sobs come from her. "Shiaye, I'll go with you. I won't leave you." I tell her as I nod my head to Tsunade. She sighs before walking off.

"Thank you. Kakashi, I feel sleepy.." She says yawning and closing her eyes. "Uchiha don't go to sleep yet!" Tsunade yells opening the doors to an operating room.

~4 Hours Later~

Gaara's P.O.V.

"How is she in a coma?" I ask stepping forward.

"The blood loss didn't help much, but the main reason she's in a coma is the traumatic event she went through. She's broken because Sasuke left her. I found the block in her mind that Itachi gave to her when she was little, and it had somehow broke a little. The memories are the worst one's that she asked him to block herself. I only know this because it's the memory that came up when I checked on her mind. Hopefully, this will only last for a couple weeks, and maybe the block will repair it self." Tusnade said looking over at Kakashi.

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