This chapter is dedicated to JessicaGera! Thanks for reading!
Sakura's P.O.V.
Today I woke and took a shower. Once I was dressed I looked myself over in the mirror. I was tightening my head band when my mother called me. "Sakura you better hurry!" I don't respond, I just grab my bag and walk off to the training grounds.
When I had gotten ther naruto was already there. It was strange for him to be the first one there and not Sasuke and Shiaye.
"Good morning Sakura-chan," Naruto says to me as I get closer to him. All I do is set my bag down and sit with him.
About 10 minutes later I see two shadows in the distance. As they come closer I made out that they were Sasuke and his sister. His sister. Why didn't I know he had a sister. To think about it more I never even bothered to think that.
"Good morning Sasuke!'' I shouted as they continued to walk.
Naruto's P.O.V.
"Hey guys I'm ready for this test. Belive It! But where is Kakashi-sensei? " I asked.
~ A couple hours later ~
When I look up I see Kakashi-sensei walking towards us. I jump up and yell at him. "You're late!"
"Sorry, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take a long way." He says with a creepy closed eye smile.
"Alright, you have until noon to collect this bells from me. If you don't you fail. When I say begin you may go." Kakashi says with a serious tone as he places the clock on one of the logs.
Sasuke's P.O.V.
We all get in our stances. Except for Naruto. He was charging at Kakashi. But Naruto didn't get far because the next thing I knew Kakashi was behind him with a kunai to the back of his neck.
I could hear Sakura gasp in shock.
"I didn't say begin yet," Kakashi says while removing the kunai and get out an orange book. It wasn't fully out of his pouch. It was slightly hanging out.
We all scattered except for Naruto. Again.
Shiaye's P.O.V.
Kakashi had already shown up Naruto. Now it was my turn to get a bell. But as soon as I was about to jump out of the tree I was in Sasuke grabbed my arm.
" What are you doing? " He asked with no emotions like normal.
'' I'm going to go find Kakashi so I can get a bell. We only have an hour or so left. '' I say pulling my arm from his strong grip. When I had jumped out of the tree I went to search him.
A stick cracked behind me. It was Sakura. She was running from Kakashi. Kakashi was making hand signs. When he was finished with his hand signs leaves were gathering around Sakura. They were swarming around her like a tornado. When they dropped so did she.
Me being the idiot I am I ran out to see if she was okay.
''Shiaye I'm surprised you came out to check on her. When I first saw you, you acted as if you have hated her for a thousand years."
I spin around to see Kakashi reading his perverted book. He put it down as I got my sword out of its sheaf. '' Let's get started, shall we.'' I narrow my eyes at him.
''You are a lot talkative than your brother.'' Kakashi got in his fighting stance.
''Shut up!'' I say as I run towards him.
When I run towards him he grabs a kunai out of his ninja pouch to block my sword. As soon as he was focused on my sword I hit him in the gut. When he flew back I went after him. Only to try to get one of the bells.
I eas hovering above him and I grabbed the bell but as soon as I had it he poofed away.
''Damn it,'' I say as I felt air pass by me. Just in time, I dunked to the ground as he was about to kick me up. This caused me to get some cuts on my arms and legs plus I had a bloody nose.
I had gotten up off the ground and started to run towards him again. He poofed away again then above me. He hit me hard.
Darkness was all around me.
Sakura's P.O.V.
I was running out of the trees when I heard someone say my name.
''Sakura? '' Sasuke head was sticking out of the ground. I screamed and passed out.
A light was coming into my vision. Also was something blue. ''Sasuke!'' I say as I hug him. But he then brushes me off and runs away. He had a worried look on his face. I've never seen him like that.
Sasuke's P.O.V.
I left Sakura in a hurry to see how Shiaye was. I was now running though trees and bushes when I saw a clearing.
What I saw was her body laying limp on the ground. She wasn't breathing but that was normal. I run over to see blood on the ground beside her.
''Shiaye!'' I yell as I start to move her. Her dark purple eyes start to open.
"Unhand me I can take care of myself!'' She got out of my arms as the alarm went off.
"Last time I do that.'' I say as we walk back to the spot we started in.
Kakashi's P.O.V.
''You fail the true mean of this test was to see if you could work as a team. You failed that for sure.'' I say.
''You have another try after lunch. If you feed Naruto you all fail.'' I poof away.
Shiaye's P.O.V.
''Here Naruto you can have some of my lunch we need you to be prepared for our second chance.'' I say as I put my food up to Naruto.
''What are you doing?'' Sasuke asked as he grabbed my arm.
I didn't answer the question I just kept on feeding Naruto.
''Thank you Shiaye-chan.'' Naruto shocked me when he said this.
Out of nowhere clouds gathered. Storm clouds. Than Kakashi came.
''YOU!!!!'' He paused ''Pass.''He had a closed-eyed smile on his face.
Sakura's P.O.V.
''What do you mean we pass? I asked.
''Just like its been said'' Kakashi answered. Lets go. My team 7. " Kakashi said with another closed eye smile.
~Shishikibobs Note~
Hello my pretties. hoped you like I know it not what he said but I was lazy. Sorry.
Belive it!

Sasuke's Little Sister (Naruto fan fic)
FanfictionShiaye (Shy-a) was born a year after Sasuke. At her birth she was still born and to this day she still doesn't know it. Thankfully the demon that was born with her woke up for a short few minutes to save her life. Saving her life took away her heart...