Posted on 3/4/14
Chapter 21 - Desperate Situation
Hey guys! Here is another chapter for you all! I will try to post one in March before all the stupid testing starts. Keyword: Try! I want to get this movie over within the next 2 or 3 chapters maybe.
Anyways...... This chapter is dedicated toooo..... ****LOLsmileyFACE****
Shiaye's P.O.V.
Once the ship docked we went into a little meeting room while waiting for the trucks we were going to ride on the rest of the way to the Land of Snow. As soon as we got inside I stripped of my jacket and green shirt leaving me in my black under shirt. "I couldn't be more happy to be in a warm cozy place." I say laying on one of the booth chairs. Little fire blew out of my mouth when I pushed the fake air out. No wonder I never breathed. If I ever did, I probably would have burn the whole house down.
"I need to feed soon." Shiki rang in my head laying inside of her warm cage. Since she is in a warm place my body seems to stay pretty warm, but I still feel the coldness. Even fire couldn't stop the cold from this place. "Come on Sandyu, you don't have to call her that. She's only a princess on the big screen. It's not like she's a real one or anything." I sit up hearing Naruto's voice. "Actually she is." Kakashi said looking over at us.
"I first met her a long time ago. I was her aid when she was just a little girl. I served the princesses father. The land of snow was a perch of happiness. But on that cursive day, the lord's brother invaded our land. It was a massacred." I stiffen at his last word as I get up and walk out the door grabbing my shirt and jacket. I will not stay and hear more sob stories even if it has something to do with missions. Not everyone's life is perfect and people need to know that.
On my way out the princess walked past me and gave me a quick glance before continuing on. I watched her go the same direction I just came from.
When the cold air hit my face little flakes of snow came over me. For once water didn't effect my skin and I didn't know why but I enjoyed it. Walking around the log house where no one could see me and there were no windows, I stood looking up at the sky. Reaching my hands out, a few snow flakes touched my hands. It was magic.
This moment I'll remember for the rest of my life. There are only a few times water doesn't effect me like it usually does, and when it happens I savor every moment of it. I started to twirl in the snow and once I stopped it started to burn. A little scream left my lips as I ran to the front of the cabin and stood under the porch like thing.
I just touched snow! Real snow!
"Shiaye lets go." I jumped at my sensei's words. "Also, did you have fun in the snow?" My face turned a little red from embarrassment. "Saw that didn't you sensei?" I gave a little embarrassed look as I glanced up at him. "Savor that moment because if I'm correct you usually can't touch water with out being fried." He smiled putting his hand on top of my head and messing with my hair before walking away. I put up my hood following him and climbing into one of the many cars that held my team and Sandayu in it.
I sat down in the back where a big couch was located and started playing with fire on my hands. "Shiaye I want some heat! Share!" Naruto yelled tackling me and knocking my hand towards the fabric. "Naruto!" I yell before my hand hits the back of the couch, causing it to catch fire.
Naruto started screaming while the others just stared back at the fire. I put my hands out and let the fire crawl onto my arms. My teeth started gritting at how hard it was to keep the fire in control. I've never took fire that wasn't from my hands. "Why is this so difficult?" I mutter out. The next thing I know screams were leaving my mouth as water was splashed onto my arm.

Sasuke's Little Sister (Naruto fan fic)
FanficShiaye (Shy-a) was born a year after Sasuke. At her birth she was still born and to this day she still doesn't know it. Thankfully the demon that was born with her woke up for a short few minutes to save her life. Saving her life took away her heart...