Chapter 26 - What Would I Give For You To Say Yes

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Published: 6/20/14

Dedicated to: cookieloverone12

Chapter 26 - What Would I Give For You To Say Yes


"Give me my brother back!" I yell wrapping a tag around my kunai before tossing it in the air. Quickly I jumped up and threw my hands down giving the kunai some speed. I landed on a branch, putting my hands together. "Uchiha Death Bomb!" As I finish the tag splits with thin wire going around the area they had stopped in.

Before they could move I made more hand signs. "Phoenix Flower Justu!" I suck in air and blew fire out of my mouth at them. Dust comes up from the ground and when it clears, I gritted my teeth.

Spider webs had my tags covered up, and a big rock was covering the Sound Ninja's. "Out of all the people," A voice says in my ear. "I would have thought that you wouldn't go after us like that. Especially since we have your brother. " I turned to look beside me only to be met with.... Naruto holding me!?

The stinging on my stomach started to form and only then, I knew I had been punched down from the branch. "Deal with them Kidimaruu."

"You good?" Naruto asks putting me down. I nodded my head just as Shiki's growl left my own lips. "You guys go on ahead. I'll take him." Neji says looking over at the man. We all slowly nod before turning around and jumping back into the trees. We're all splitting up, and that's bad.

"Shiaye?" Shika was looking over at me. "What's your brothers whole goal, his reason for going truthfully?" My eyes look into his before sighing.

"His goal in life is Itachi's head on a silver platter. I don't remember a lot from that night after everyone was killed. I do remember one thing thought, the way Itachi's eyes looked, and how long Sasuke had to wait before he could defeat him. It's all about that sharingan in my family. The one who has passed through the farthest, is the strongest. He had to wait until his eyes were much stronger. Stronger than Itachi's. Only then could he defeat him." I say gripping one side of my head. It always hurts when I try to remember things, and that's all thanks to the block inside my mind.

"So this all has to do with him getting stronger to defeat your older brother?" Shikamaru asks. "Why else would he go to a man like that?" I ask going down to another branch and jumping up.

"Catch up already?" Sakon asked standing on the branch in front of us. "Finally the good one comes around." Kiba says laughing a bit. "I'll take care of him. Bring the cocky person back home guys." I laugh a little at him. "Just be careful baka." I slap him upside the head before jumping up in the trees with my two best friends.

"I'll take the next one." Shikamaru says looking over at us. "Get your teammate back and head back here to help out." Just as he finishes we come upon the girl with red hait. She threw the barrel down to the ground only to be carried off by another person.

"No!" I yell jumping down and running after the person with Naruto right on my tail. We were lead into a grassy clearing where the person threw the barrel down. Its sat straight up before the lid popped off the top of it. "Sasuke." I mumble as he jumps out.

"Sasuke!" Naruto yells running after him only to get stopped by the boy with white hair. "Let me through!" Naruto yelled drawing back his hand to punch him only to be met with bones.

"Sasuke wait!" I yell seeing him run into the trees. A shiver traveled down my spine seeing the grin he had given me before he ran off. What did Orochimaru do to him? "Naruto go after him." I say looking at Kimimaro. "No, I'm not leaving you alone with that guy." He says pointing at him. "Yes you ar-" I look out of the corner of my eye to see Kimimaro going straight towards my teammate.

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