Chapter 18 - Lady Tsunade

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This is the second time I'm writing this chapter because it deleted it self!!

Shiaye's P.O.V.

Itachi was right before me. His sharingan was activated and he was looking straight at Sasuke and I. You would think after all these years of looking over what happened on that night before my eyes, I would hate his guts just like Sasuke does. I would want to kill him so brutally, but that wasn't the case with me. No matter how many times I've tried to hate him for all the sadness and anger he has caused me, I just couldn't hate him fully. I had a burning passion of hate for him in my heart but not for his death wish.

That was only because I knew the whole truth about why he did the things he did on that night.


"Itachi Please!!" I sobbed loudly into his shoulder. He had just killed almost everyone in the clan, and he had dragged me all around the compound while he killed our clan in front of my five year old eyes. My aunt and uncle where the victims we were standing in front of now. Blood was all around their bodies.

He started walking again while he was carrying me along in his arms. The very last place left was our very own house. " No!! Itachi please stop!" I yelled hitting his chest and back trying to get him to stop in anyway I could.

We entered the house and he found our parents with ease. They were facing away from us setting on their legs. They started talking and one thing had caught my attention. " Keep Sasuke and your little sister safe Itachi. This is the last thing we ask of you."

Itachi was now on the floor leaning over crying. I crawled over to my mother and took her hand. Instead of what she usually does she threw it away. She looked at me out of the corner of her open eye. Her eye held something. It wasn't sadness or anger. It was something I would have never expected at a time like this.

The happiness was swept out of her eyes when her blood met my face along with some of my father's blood. My eyes widened as tears ran down my cheeks. I jumped up and started hitting Itachi chest. Next thing I knew I could feel pain in my back as I hit the floor. In one swipe of his sword he had cut my back in many places. " I'm sorry."

That was the moment I had unlocked my sharingan.

Flashback ends~~~~

Sasuke pulled me up and stood in front of me. He started running towards Itachi. Just when he was about to punch him in the face Itachi grabbed his wrist and started bending it. SNAP! I ran at them jumping over Sasuke getting ready to punch Itachi. Just before I could do anything Itachi threw Sasuke back and kick me in the face making me slam into the wall next to us. A strong impact was on my right cheek and then I was right back by Sasuke side.

Blood trickled down my chin as I spit some out of my mouth. Black was caught in the corner of my eye. I looked up to Itachi holding Sasuke up against the wall and he had his hand around Sasuke's neck. " Sasuke! Don't listen him!" This earned me another kick that sent me down the hall a little bit.

I heard a little click sound beside me. When I look up, I saw a tag attached to a kunai, but this wasn't a bomb. It was a piece of paper with a summoning symbol. What the heck? Something moved under me. I about gaged when I saw what was below me. It looks like the inside of something alive. I looked over at Sasuke to see he's being absorbed by the wall.

I slowly got up and walked to him using the wall as support. When I got to him I sit down beside him. " Sasuke?" I say poking him. " Sasuke?" This time I sat up to look at him. His eye looked like he was in a daze. I activated my sharingan which is something I really wish I didn't do. Pain shot though my head.

I deactivated it and grabbed my head groaning in pain. Black pictures started to come around. Blood was in my view. " Nooo!!" I screamed and turned around to look at Itachi staring at me. " I'm not giving into your Genjustu brother!" He started to run away. I got up on my feet and started running after him only to be stopped by Naruto.

He looked down at me and fell down with me when my knees gave out on me. " Shiaye it's all right he's gone now." Naruto shook me a little but my gaze wouldn't leave the hole my brother had made in the wall.

Naruto let go of me when he saw Sasuke falling out of the wall. He got there just in time to stop him from hitting the floor. I had missed everything that had happened because I was trying to keep my eyes open while fighting the Genjustu. Gai was standing beside another guy with long white hair. I put my hands on the wall lifting myself up and walking around the corner to the tag on the wall.

It was a summoning tag but why? " Why would he throw this at me?" I ask myself. " Shiaye come on we need to get Sasuke to the hospital and you look like you need some rest." Naruto stood in front of me and offered his hand. I nodded and grabbed onto his hand.

We all walked outside of the village and stood there. Everyone started talking and then Naruto poked me. " We're going to get some one to heal your brother. I'll be back soon I promise and then we can go get a lot of ramen together and train like you do all the time." I started laughing because of the look Naruto was giving me. " Come back as soon as you can Naruto." I say looking at my brother on Gai's back.

Naruto and the old guy started walking off and we started walk back to the Leaf Village's hospital. It didn't take long to get there that was for sure. Gai got Sasuke a room with two beds because I refused to leave his side. Once they got Sasuke settled in they brought some extra blankets for me.

During the night I cried because of my head hurting so bad. I'm hoping this goes away because it's getting annoying already. Gai came every once in a while to check up on  Sasuke. It seemed to me that Kakashi was in here too. That was all thanks to my brother also. He really must have been busy while he was here.

Gai promised me he wouldn't leave Sasuke's room until I was done visiting Kakashi. He even told me to go home and shower before getting some food. I haven't ate or left this room for 3 days straight. Plus I needed blood for Shiki because she wasn't leaving me alone about being hungry.

Once I got back from home and eating some dango and ramen I ran into the blood center room and drank two small bags of blood. I couldn't help it. It was either kill someone or steel from the hospital. She didn't want any animal blood because it had been way too long.

Kakashi was laying in bed and I was just sitting beside him. I wonder what his Genjustu is all about. " I wish I could help you, but I can't break his Justus because I was never taught how. Plus he way to strong for me." I say standing up and walking out of the room and back to Sasuke's.

Gai left so it was just Sasuke and I. " I'm sorry I didn't help much." I say standing up and sitting on the window ledge looking out at the sky. I've always had a fascination with the stars. I didn't know why but when I was younger and couldn't sleep I would go outside and watch all the stars in the sky.

A sigh left my lips as another night went by without a moment of sleep. Soon the sun was rising high in the sky. Visiting hours were open now so Sakura came with a batch of flowers. The one thing that surprised me is that her and Ino were sitting in the chairs next to Sasuke's bed getting along fine.

" Shiaye get up. We're taking you out for some fresh air." A hand grabbed my arm and tugged a little on it. " Just for maybe an hour. Come on. You've been in here since he's been in here Shiaye." I looked over at Sakura. She was right. Fresh air would probably do me some good.

Ino and Sakura took me out to the ramen shop where we talked about things. I must admit, it made me feel so much better to be out of the hospital. The next place they took me to was the flower field. I never came here much unless it was with the class. We sat down in a patch of my favorite flowers in the world. Fire Lilies.

" How you been?" I looked up at Ino. " What do you mean?" She looked at me as if something was wrong. " Well Gai told us that you broke though Itachi Genjustu, but it took you a while." Sakura said picking flowers. " Plus the fact that you've been in the hospital ever since Sasuke been in there." Ino continued. " Well it really doesn't bother me much. It's not the worse thing I've been though." I say picking up a couple fire lilies.

Soon I walked back to the hospital. It was all most fully dark outside now. I stared at Sasuke and wondered to myself. Maybe now's the best time to do that summoning. I summoned it out of my summing band and stared at it before dripping a little blood on it. Once the smoke was clear there was a scroll. It wasn't big or anything, in fact it was really small.

" I can't believe someone as smart as you would actually see what it is." I jumped hearing his voice. I turned around to see him sitting on the window ledge. " I was curious okay. You can't blame me." He looked over at me and shook his head a little. " Still, I didn't think you would actually open it."

" Gaara, how long have you been watching me?" He shrugged his shoulder and sat down on the bed. " I know where you are and what you're doing because of that sand." My face went red. He's like a stalker boyfriend, but still sweet at the same time.

I opened the little scroll and began to read the few words on the paper. ' He's coming soon.' ~I~

" Who's coming?" I asked myself out loud. The paper wrinkled a little more. ' You'll see Shiaye. Don't fall for his tricks like your brother is probably going to.' I shirked a little at the new words on the paper. Sneaky big brother. This is one of the papers mom uses to leave me little notes.

I threw the little scroll in my bag on the floor and crawled into bed and laid down with my head on Gaara's chest. " What did that thing say?" His voice came soon after I closed my eyes. " I don't understand it myself." I say snuggling into his side.

" Something is troubling you Shiaye." I looked up at him to see his head facing the ceiling. " I'll be just fine when who ever Naruto is going to get comes here. That will get a lot of things off my mind." There was not a comeback for this one.

Here we were sitting in a hospital bed in complete silence except for the constant beeping from Sasuke's heart monitor machine. A couple minutes later his machine got a little faster. I looked over to see him gritting his teeth a little. Just as it sped up it went back to it's regular speed. Stupid Genjustu.

During the night I fell into a light sleep with Gaara's clam heart beat ringing in my ears.

~ Next day~

" Hey Shiaye!!! Wake up!!" I screamed and tackled the person to the ground. " Shiaye-chan it's just me. I brought a lady named Tsunade back and she's going to wake up Sasuke." I blinked a few times before looking up to see a woman wearing a grey shirt that showed off her big breast. Over that was a green jacket, and she was wearing blue pants. On her forehead was a diamond.

I got off Naruto and apologized to him before Tsunade put her hand over Sasuke's head and it started glowing green. Soon Sauske's eyes fluttered open and he sat up slowly. Before he could even look around Sakura galloped him in a hug. She started crying.

Naruto lead Tsunade out of the room to heal Kakashi and Lee. After a while Sakura left to go visit Kakashi and Lee. This left Sasuke and I alone. As soon as the door closed all the way Sasuke looked right over at me. I felt a tear go down my cheek. " I'm glad you're okay now." I stepped closer and sat on his bed and hugged him while crying. " I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I sobbed hugging him tighter. This time he put his arms around me and put his head on my shoulder.

My Ni-kun is back in the real world. We'll stay happy right?

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Please vote comment and Fan!! This chapter is dedicated to  @otakubooks!!!!

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