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My closet is a flipping forest.

My closet is not my closet.

My closet has transformed into a forest.

Like freaking Narnia.

You know in a movie when the stupid girl enters a weird room and the audience is yelling, dont go in there and she goes instead and then gets her head sawed off.
This is a moment like that and i am not listening to the audience.

I grab my phone and then write a quick note to grammy then paste it on the fridge.

Grabbing a sweater and my sneakers, i hesitantly enter the "closet" and as soon as i enter, the necklace glows.

Okay i'm starting to get a weird feeling about this necklace its like everything weird that has happened today is because of it.

First it was the pool and now my closet.
I enter and not surprisingly, the door closes and disappears into the forest.
Well, this is it, probably the most stupid thing i've ever done, but hey maybe i'll add it to my birthday list of bad luck.

I start walking, and encounter a squirrel trust me they are not as cute as they seem in the movies.

I take out my new mp3 player and start listening to music.

After about 5 minutes, i come to a clearing and i see the last thing i expected to to see..... a school.

It looks like a mansion, very much like hogwarts from harry potter.

I dont know what stupid force is propelling me foward when the most logical thing to do is go back.
I just hope there isnt a hooded man with an axe behid the gigantic doors.

I get to the door and i do the dumbest thing in the world, i knock.
In my head i keep chanting...dont open, dont open, dont open, dont open but lo and behold, it opens.

Are you serious??!!!! Guess who is behind the door. A hooded man.
I almost laugh out loud as i look around for the axe.

"Uumm h-hi i say, i am really sorry i just opened my closet and saw the forest and i.....um what are you doing?"
The hooded figure is kneeling in front of me and i am speechless.

With his head bowed, he says"welcome, we have been expecting you"

Excuse me?

"Im sorry but i think you have the wrong person i just opened my closet and decided to go in and now you are telling me you have been expecting me, no that is insane."

"Well if you follow me, you will find out how sane i am."

Okay so its either i follow the weird hooded guy or i try to find my way back. I look back at the forest which looks scarier now that i am looking at it from the outside.
I look back at the man and decide that its better i follow him, maybe that way, i will find some answers.

"Well okay, lead the way. "

He stands up and stretches out his hand,it takes me a few seconds to realise that he wants me to take his hand. I hesitantly take it and he leads me down a hallway, up a dozen flight of stairs and i wonder, who the heck is the architect that designed this place,it looks like it should belong to the stone age.

We finally get to the end of our little journey. We stop in front of the biggest door at the end of the longest hallway and i think, figures.

He knocks twice then once then five times and says, "professor, she is here."

"COME IN" a deep voice says.

He pushes the door open and walks in with me in tow.
When i enter, the first thing i see is a large oak desk which is dominating the room.

Behind it is the most intimidating man i have ever seen, he is dark and handsome in a rough way, he should be about sixty but there is not a strand of grey on his head or his beard.
When he sees us, he stands to his full six foot two and i almost shrink back.

To his right is a man and a woman with tears in their eyes and massive smiles on their faces.
He is tall and blond with green eyes kinda like mine while she has raven dark hair and brown eyes.
There is a movement and i see an old woman come out from behind them, immediately i see her, the smell of lavender, soap and hairspray consumes me and i stand in shock she looks at me straight in the eye and smiles...... "Grandma?"

Once the words fly out of my mouth, the woman bursts into tears and leans into the mans shoulder and he comforts her. Okay i am getting more and more confused.

When i cant take it anymore, i say "does any one care to tell me what on jupiter is going on here."

The man i guess is the professor offers me a sit and i hesitantly take it while the rest of them also sit.

The he says, "thank you for honouring our call."

I let out a sigh of frustration." i didnt honour any call, i just walked into my closet, how many times do i have to tell you that" i almost yell at him.

All he does is smile then after a while, he says

"Im going to tell you a story Max and i want you to listen well. Once upon a time a long long time ago, when witches and fairy creatures roamed free in the land. A new set of poeple came into being and they were called the elementals. They could control the elements of life, water, earth, fire and air and even life itself. These set of people lived together in harmony with the regular human beings who accepted them into the society. There was peace for a while until, a new government came into power. They did not believe in the fair folk and they wanted them destroyed. They began to turn the humans that had once lived in peace with them and soon, a war broke out. The fair people fought, but the humans were too powerful and they began to wipe them out. Determined to keep the line going, they combined their powers and cast it into an ancient necklace cut from the stone where the king of the fair folk was killed.
During the war, the elementals were the safest because it was easy to disguise themselves as humans. They gathered the remaining fair folk and moved to a land that was hidden from human beings so they never had to suffer another war again.
Year after year each new born child was tested with the necklace, but none was proven the chosen one until 16 years ago, a child was tested and was proven to be the one. They sent her out to the human world, where they hoped she will fit in for they knew that the humans had grown stronger, they had created their own fake powers and they were getting stronger. They would stop at nothing to destroy the fair poeple forever.
On the child's 16th bitthday, she was brought back to the kingdom so that she could be prepared for when they would finally strike for she was the salvation of the land."

He finished and then looked at me expectantly till i finally said"okay that was a pretty interesting story, but i dont see what that has got to do with me being here."

Once again, he smiled then said, " well you see Max, the child in question here is ...............you"


Hey guys hope you like this new story, please vote and comment and i will try to update as often as i can.

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