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Above is Isabella Moner who plays Max.
Just ignore the fact that her eyes are brown, not green.

Now read. And please be gentle, its my first book.

My name is Max. I live with my grandmother and have no idea who my parents are. I am the most ordinary human being in the world.......... At least I thought so until this afternoon...

I wake up at 6am as usual, brush my teeth, take a shower then throw on a pair of skinny jeans, a tanktop and a croptop on it.
I brush my raven hair straight, i've been thinking of dyeing it red, my favourite colour but i know grandma will kill me.
I rush downstairs where grandma is already up making breakfast.

"Hey grammy, morning" i say while i plant a kiss on her cheek, she smells like soap, lavender and hairspray, like home.

"Good morning sweetheart, i got your breakfast ready eat quickly and go to school"

I eat hastily then do the dishes and i hurry off to school on my motorbike.

As i enter the hallway, the first thing i hear is MAAAAAAXXXX!!!!!! i turn to see my best friend Tori running up to me to give me her signature bear hug.
"Happy birthday, i know you hate your birthdays but come on, 16 is such a big deal and you have to at least accept my present plleeeaaassee"
She says it so fast that i barely hear her.

Today is my birthday, one thing about me is that i absolutely hate my birthdays, it reminds me of the day that my parents abandoned me and the day is cursed.
Every year on my birthday, something bad always happens,three years ago, my grandad died, 2 years ago, i broke my arm, last year i got hit on the head with a volley ball and got a lump so big that i had to wear bangs for a whole month after that.
My grandma knows how much i hate my birthday so she doesnt mention it but she always puts something special in my lunch.

Im hoping that if i just ignore my birthday one day it will disappear from the calender.

Tori is always trying to give me presents and make me like my birthday, yeah right like thats ever going to happen.

"What did you get me this time" I say with as much fake enthusiasm as i can muster

"An mp3 player, i know you said your old one broke and i know how much you really love music so please accept it you know you want to."

I accept it only because shes right my old one broke and i really love listening to music. I take it and say thanks and she looks like she is ready to burst with happiness.
As soon as the bell rings, we hurry off to the worst subject in the world dun dun duuuun chemistry. I loathe chemistry and it doesnt help that the teacher is such a pain.
The day passes by until its lunch time. From lunch downwards, fridays are the best days ever.

During lunch, I open my pack expecting to find a birthday muffin or a cookie. Instead, I find the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen in my life. It has a stone that looked almost magical, it catches the light and glows red, blue,white and gold all at the same time.

Tori helps me put it on. I put it on not because its a birthday gift but because I can't not put it on, it is practically impossible.

After lunch, we go to gym class. We can choose which sport to do and i choose swimming cause i love it more than practically everything.

The only problem with swimming is Jennifer. She is a character right out of mean girls. I hate her more than anything, even chemistry.

She thinks she's so perfect cause shes rich and hot and has like the whole school worshipping her, well apart from me.

She hates me because i dont worship her and because i find so much joy in pointing out her flaws one of which is that she is as dumb as a post.

When its time for our warm up laps, I go to to the diving board and suddenly the necklace glows blue and the pool starts to move in different directions tossing and turning all the people already in it.
The necklace burns as I yank it of my neck and suddenly everything stops as soon as it started.

Okay that was weird. I return the necklace back to its case and I go for my laps. Nothing else happens until the class is over.

After class, I have a free period while tori has French so I go off to the library. If there is one thing I love, its novels. When I read, I imagine myself living their lives and if that makes me weird then so be it.

Once the bell rings, I look for tori in the crowd of students rushing to get out of school. I find her by her locker and she says she has to go home and that she'll see me later.
I get on my motor bike and go home.
When I get home, the house is empty which is odd cause my grandma hardly ever goes out except to buy groceries and today isn't grocery day. I
I yell for her but no one answers.
I go up to my room and jump on the bed. I close my eyes for a few minutes and when I open them, I m hungry. I go downstairs and grab a snickers bar then I go back to my room to get started on my homework.
When I open my backpack, I see the necklace that grammy gave me and I put it on again.

It has that same weird magical effect on me and I wonder what is so special about it.

I start on my homework and then I get up and start walking to my closet.

I have no idea what on earth I am doing, but its like something is puling me to the closet and then I open it and I don't see my closet. What I see has me frozen on one spot and the only think that registers is " you have got to be kidding me".

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