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I literally fall off the bed on Tuesday morning.

"Fivemoreminutes" I mumble as I drag my pillow to join me on the floor.

"Get up lazy bone!" Grammy yells. At 65 that woman has some lungs on her.

I get up groaning and muttering gibberish, I think its safe to say that I'm not a morning person at all.

In the bathroom, I turn on the tap to brush, but as the water starts flowing, I get distracted. I stretch my hand out over the water and it has a magnet effect on it. The water flows outward, towards my hand. I move my hand round, and the water swirls. Grinning, I continue to play with the water, then something occurs to me.

My toothbrush long forgotten, I reach out and concentrate, willing the water molecules to freeze. I open my eyes and see a frozen fountain of water. I wish Alex was here to see this , he'll be so proud. Or neutral, I never know with him.

I reverse it and the water starts flowing again. "Did you fall in?! You'll be late!" Grammy yells again, "on it!" I yell back.

I hurriedly brush my teeth, throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a light blue sweater. I hurriedly braid my hair down my back and race downstairs. I grab a Hershey's bar, kiss Grammy bye and speed of to school on my bike.

The moment I ride into school, I see Tori running towards me, you can just see the pent up gossip waiting to flow.

As I climb off and take of my helmet I turn to her "okay spill"

"There's a new boy in our grade!" ReallyThat's it?

"Okay, good for him." I say as we walk to our lockers, "you don't get it Max, I've seen him and his like super hot, like Taylor lautner hot like..."

I stop her, "okay first off, don't compare anyone to Taylor lautner, and secondly, again good for him its not my business"

We're already at my locker, I get out my notes for first period.

"Whatever, anyways, his name is A-" "okay stop. I don't care about the new boy, okay I have too many things going on right now to care okay?"

She pouts "you're no fun"

I shrug "you love me anyways".

She rolls her eyes " come on we have to go to homeroom "

In my seat , I wait for the bell to ring, I bring out my sketch pad and start doodling. Mrs Aaron walks in and starts with the morning announcement. "Today, there's a new student" as she says that, I feel a sense of déjà vu, remembering my first days at the academy.

Can we all welcome Ma " Alexander Blue!"

My head snaps up as Alex in all his glory walks into my class, my class, in my school, in my world.

How is he here, why is he here?

"Why don't you take the empty seat next to Max over there" Miss Aaron points to my left. I watch, my mouth hanging as he sits beside me, not even sparing  me a glance.

Miss Aaron continues with the announcements and I try to pay attention, but that's kinda hard considering the really hot, out of place boy beside me.

What the hell are you doing here?

I see him smirk

Aren't you happy to see me?

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