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I can hear the loud music three blocks away. And that's where we park, so we have to walk three blocks cause of the long line of parked cars.

As we enter the house, the force and intensity of the music makes me wince. The room smells like alcohol and cigarette, there are people every where, getting drunk, getting high and getting pregnant.

Typical teenage party.

I turn to Tori "well this was fun, I'm going home"

She grabs my hand as I turn to leave, " oh come on, you haven't even stayed for five minutes" I nod, "that's more than enough for me, let's go"

"Just stay for fifteen minutes, and if you don't like it, I promise we'll leave" I stare at the pleading look in her eyes, she really wants to stay, what kind of friend would I be if I stopped her from having fun, getting drunk, getting high and getting pregnant?

A good one.

"No" I grab her hand as I turn to leave.

"Hey guys where are you going?"

I turn to see Jason, looking as hot as ever. "Um we were just going to head home" I turn to go but he stops me again.

"Come on, won't you stay for my party?"


"But why?" He moves closer and I can see that he's tipsy, "don't you want to spend time with me?"

I sigh, looking from him to Tori. Max you are so going to regret this decision.

"Fine, only fifteen minutes"

"Yay!" Tori squeals as he leads us into the kitchen.

He hands us a red cup each, Tori takes hers and disappears into the crowd.

I stare at her back in disbelief, something tells me, well be here longer than fifteen minutes.

I turn back to face Jason, who is still holding the cup out to me, filled with no doubt, alcohol. " no thanks, I don't drink" I tell him.

He looks at me funny, smiles then sets the cup down. "I'll be back" and he's gone.

I turn to survey the room full of hormonal teenagers, the house is massive and every inch is filled with people, I bet even upstairs.

One thing strikes me as odd, there are no family pictures, not a single one. Now that I think about it, I have never actually seen or heard about Jason's parents, and they're obviously important judging by the size of the house.


Someone taps me from behind and I turn to see Jason holding out a can to me. I suspiciously take it.

"Its coke" he says in a slight mocking tone "you take that right?"

No, I am an anti-carbonated drink freak who drinks nothing but water and smoothies made out of herbs and meat juice.

I offer him a tight lipped smile and take the coke from him. "Yes, thank you" I say politely.

I take a sip. Tastes weird, but undeniably delicious. I take another sip, then a gulp, then another, and another. Soon the can is empty.

I want more.

I turn to Jason who automatically hands me another one. I take a greedy gulp and freeze when I feel a hand on my waist. A buzzing starts in my head as Jason draws me closer to himself.

"How do you feel?" He asks, his voice is smooth like melted butter.

"Funny, weird.....dizzy" I slur "was that coke?" He nods as he takes my empty can and hands me another one.

"I added a special ingredient, to help you loosen up". That sounded unright. Wait was that right. Ugh I don't even know, the buzzing has gotten louder and my head is throbbing.

I barely register Jason pulling me closer till I'm pressed up against him. " you spiked it" I finally manage to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

He smirks as his head comes down slowly. I can't think, I feel light headed, I am on my fourth can.

He is trying to kiss me, there's a pink elephant in an orange tutu dancing on the table.

Jason has orange ears, his mouth is inching towards mine. Its raining gum balls.

I place my hands on his chest to push him away, the gum balls are saying hi as they fall.

His lips are almost on mine, I manage to let out a faint "no" as I feel him caress me in all the wrong places.

The mad hatter and the pink elephant are waltzing on the table to the theme song of Brandy and Mr Whiskers.

Okay I'm officially drunk, stoned, high whatever term is used for drinking a spiked drink.

I can't believe this, ugh! I can't even think, my brain feels stuffed and clouded, he is about to kiss me against my will, I can't stop him.

I can't believe this, I can't believe I let Tori talk me into coming to this stupid party, I can't believe I let him drug me, I can't believe I might lose it  to a complete asshole in a strange house with an elephant and a hare dancing in a talking gum ball rain.

The moment I know I've lost it for real is when I see him, pushing his way through the crowd, with golden fire burning in his blue eyes.


Dun dun duuun! Draammaa!!!!!

I know I know its short, but......

That's all I got😊

See y'all next chapter.

Oh and do you want to know what I discovered? If you tap the star at the bottom of your screen, it turns orange 😱. Y'all should try it.


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