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I run. Fast.

Physical exercise has always calmed me down.

I burst uninvited into the professors office.

"Care to explain that the heck just happened?"

I scream, startling him as he looks up from the book he is reading. He quickly hides it and I don't miss the nervous flick in his eyes.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Oh nothing, just the fact that one minute I'm levitating all fine and then suddenly the whole room is floating and everyone is looking at me like I'm some freak show starring Darth vader dancing on a teacup! " I yell at him breathing heavily.


He clears his throat.
"Max, I'm sorry, I should have told you, the wand is tricky in the hands of a beginner, especially one as powerful as yours."

He is speaking to me like he's teaching a five year old how to tie their shoelace. His patronizing tone makes me even angrier and more frustrated.

"Why did it have to be me" I suddenly yell "why did I have to be chosen to fulfill a stupid prophecy and given these stupid powers to save this stupid place. Its not Fair!"
With that I turn and run out of the office.

I don't know how, but I find myself in the training room.
I seriously don't know what comes over me at that point, but I feel like I have to let go of all the frustration of the past few days, I scream as I let it all out. The legend, the prophecy, the powers, the whole new world. Its all just too much for me.

"And you say you don't have potential"

I turn so fast, I almost give myself whiplash. I see Alex at the door, leaning against the door frame.
"w-what are you doin here?" I ask, desperately trying to calm my breathing.

He pushes himself off the door frame and starts walking towards me. "Well right now, I'm just watching the most awesome meltdown slash display of immense powers I've ever seen, still doubt yourself? Look around". My eyes follow his hands.

What I see has my jaw hanging on the floor -I seem to be doing that a lot-

Half of the room is either frozen or on fire, the other half is destroyed beyond repair. Still in shock, I look down at myself and nearly jump back in shock, I'm no longer wearing my uniform, but a black jumpsuit with a ball of fire, water, air and earth in a circle with the symbol of dna in the middle.

I look up at Alex, and he answers my unspoken question.

"you control the earth and all that comes from it, including cotton, so you were able to change your clothes albeit unconsciously. This is your maximum suit."

I nod like what he just said made sense. Then I ask another question. I know the answer, but I hope with all my might that I'm wrong.

" D-did I do this?"

Our eyes lock, and he says it so low, I barely hear him, but it sends the message home.


For the first time, since I opened the closet, walked in, knocked, up till now. I am scared.

Alex walks up to a panel in the wall I didn't notice before and taps in a code. The room goes back to normal, how it was.... pre-me.

I stagger backwards and sit on a bench behind me.

" I didn't ask for this, no one asked me if I wanted this, I wasn't even given a choice" I feel him sit beside me. " I had a life, I was happy with my friends and my only family, I was content, and now, now its all been taken away from me, I've been given this heavy load that I don't even want to carry. Its not fair" I whisper the last part.

We sit there in silence, starring at nothing, lost in our own thoughts. I expect him to give me some kind of lecture about responsibility blah blah blah.
"I can help you"

I turn to him and he's starring ahead like he didn't say anything.
"And how do you plan on doing that"

He scoffed "Trust me, I know more than you think"
"Yeah, but I'm a maximum, that's fire, water, air, earth, life and magic"

"Yeah and I'm a multi-mental, that's fire, water, air and earth, more than fifty percent"

"I didn't know those existed "

He shrugged "apparently, there's a lot you don't know"

I sigh"I didn't ask for this"

"None of us do, but we all have to write the test put in front of us no matter how much we don't want to. The only difference is that we can give and accept help. If we choose to."

We turn to each other, my green eyes meeting his blue ones, I never noticed the golden flecks in them. "Thank you" I whisper.

He get up, nods, and leaves.

As the door shuts behind him, my heartbeat goes back to normal, and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.


Ok, I know y'all wanna kill me, and I deserve it.

I've been trying hard, but now am on holiday, so updates will be more frequent, I promise.

You can put your torches and pitchforks down now.

Love y'all, don't forget to vote and comment if you like the story so far.

Ps:not edited, I just had to update

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