Basic outlines of fanfics, OP Percy, and Chaos comes to town

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The basic Table of Contents in fanfiction:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
I'm trying to update
Don't kill me
Chapter 4
Thank you!!
Chapter 5
Up for adoption
Chapter 6
Done with this
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Sorry again!
Up for adoption

Chaos in Avengers fanfics.

Was there some other type of crossover I wasn't aware of when I looked at the description? Or the tags? Or anything whatsoever?

I mean really, here's a small story on the truth of Chaos Stories. Then I'll do how Chaos fit into the Avengers later on in this chapter. Cause let's face it, the only reason he's there is Percy needs to be more powerful.

Story time!!!

So Percy went to CHB cause I'm to swag to say the whole thing after he got back from a quest from Athena to marry Annabeth and so he did like the twelve labors of Hercules/Heracles and then gotta hold the sky without letting atlas freeeee. When he got back everyone had met this new kid of Poseidon Ares or Zeus cuz no other god is good enough for betrayals and stuff so yeah and Percy found that they hated him but he still wanted to marry Annabeth cuz authors to laZ to make up a different plot line. So then Percy went the beach and saw Annabeth kissing the new guy and yelled at her but still loved her so later he saw her making out with the guy and CHB cheering them on. He grew tears and Poseidon disowned Persassy cuz he felt like it then Percy ran off and Chaos found him and he's now the Prince of the universe cuz chaos adopted him and he's also commander of an army that grew into existence when the plot demanded it. So Percy got Luke beckendorf Silena zoë Michael castor and some random purple chick from another planet make up the force. The names were Luke: Alpha, Hero. Beckendorf: Forge, Silena: Beauty. Zoë:Archer, Star, Poison. Michael:Archer. Castor: Sugar or something like that. The random girls name is complicated like Loiustreford Commatoser Eckbert Maryin John Green. They gotta go to earth and save it from Gaea and Kronos who somehow rose again even though that ain't possible. Or maybe Order came to visit earth too. So they go. Percy beats everybody. Percy get captured. Percy gets revealed. Percy makes out with Annabeth. The end.

With all seriousness, that is the truth. The sad sad truth.

In Avengers fanfics.

Percy be OP:

Percy killed Gaia in one stab.

Percy made a hurricane cause he wuz bored

Percy never gets scratched from fighting

Percy discovers his new father

Percy duels the gods and wins

Percy plays hopscotch in Tartarus

Percy bakes cupcakes

People die from cupcake radiation but Percy lives!

Blue food makes its way to Broadway, courtesy of Percy Jackson

And that, ladies and gents, is the story of OP Percy. Now for Chaos/Avenger fanfic time!!!

*eh hem*

so basically Percy was all swag and wanted to marry Annabeth so he went on these quests that should've killed him but then where would the story go? so he basically got cheated on by Annabeth or somehow they both became prince or princess of the universe cuz chaos wanted that. And then Percy (cuz he's the important one here) was a terrorist to Nick Fury and had the avengers chase him but it turns out chaos made him immortal and a bunch of other cool stuff and stuff like that so yeah and then they went to get ice cream and chaos gave Percy even more power and said "yeah Perce we be buds so here's more power than I possess cuz you be swag and deserve it so yeah here's OP action time" and then Percy sees avengers again and finally joins them after saying no like twice, and then he saves the world from Tartarus or Gaea or Kronos or Order or Destruction cuz they be the only enemies anyone can think of. Seriously, be creative peeps. And then they won the war after Percy had like a bijillion-trillion nightmares that dominate the plot more than anything like idk maybe the actual plot should. Yay! They win! Let's go get shawarma.

*deep breath*

That sucked.

Kill me now.

O my gosh that was awful.

That's why it's so sad. It's true.

I swear I can't even go back over it for mistakes it just---gah!




I think I--

Ok never mind

Alright. I'm good now.

Hope you guys enjoyed that.

I know I didn't.

Love y'all and all that chicken fluff


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