Chapter 1

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Dipper closed his eyes. It had been an entire day since Bill left, and in that small amount of time their lives changed. Dipper met the author of the journals, his own great uncle ford, and managed to repair the journal. He had finally gotten rid of Bill. Not for good, of course, but at least it would be a while before he came back. Dipper had to sleep on one side because his arm was burnt. Earlier that day, Soos put some disinfectant on it and wrapped it with a bandage, but now it hurt to move it. Then the bedroom door swung open.

"Hey Dipper!" It was Mabel.

"Oh...Hey Mabel," Dipper said, sitting up in his bed as Mabel turned the lights on.

"Well, duck-tective is over... It turns out Duck-tective had a twin brother? Haha, weird right?" Mabel said, plopping down on her bed.

"Yeah..." Dipper yawned, trying to shut his eyes.

When Dipper thought that Mabel's as going to shut off the lights, Mabel turned over in her bed and began talking.

"Dipper," she said.

Dipper opened his eyes and looked at his sister.

"I'm sorry for not believing you about Bill..." She said.

"It's fine," Dipper smiled.

"No really, I'm really really super duper sorry. I feel like a jerk for not believing you and letting that demon torture you.

"No really, it's fine," Dipper smiled, closing his eyes as his sister smiled and turned off the lamp. "Good night Mabel."

"Good night Dipper."

When Dipper shut his eyes he fell asleep almost immediately.

When Dipper woke up, he knew he wasn't in the real world. It was a dream. He stood up from his bed. Mabel was no longer in the room, and the room was painted yellow.

"Why the heck would I dream of this place?" Dipper asked himself.

Suddenly, a small dot on the wall appeared and it slowly transformed into a triangle. An eye appeared in the center, and it popped off he wall and grew arms, legs, a bow tie, and a hat.

"Bill! What are you doing in my dream?" Dipper shouted.

"Oh nothing much kid, long time no see. How's the family?" Bill asked.

"No Bill, get out," Dipper said.

"Sheesh. I came here to warn ya kid," Bill said.

"Warn me about what? What's wrong?" Dipper asked.

"Oh nothing much, just that your uncle scammed me," Bill said.

"Yeah, he does that a lot," Dipper said.

"Well he scammed me!"

Dipper couldn't help but laugh. His uncle scammed Bill of all people .

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you. I've got something big coming and the entire Pines family is in my way, especially now that Six-fingers crept his way back into this dimension. What was his name again?" Bill asked, putting his hand to where a mouth would be if he had one. "Farts? Flounder? Fort?"

"Great Uncle Ford?" Dipper said, offended by all the names he just called his uncle.

"Yes! Bingo, let's just call him Six-fingers, so much easier to remember," Bill said, hovering near Dipper.

"But why did you come to warn me?" Dipper asked. Even if Bill was going to do something to Stan for scamming him, why warn him?

"Look kid, I may have said it before, I like you. I suggest you save yourself while you still can," Bill said as he began to fade away along with the room. "Uh-oh, looks like you're waking up," Bill laughed as Dipper was left alone in his mind.

Dipper jerked his head up from his pillow. He was covered in sweat and his hair was in knots. He saw Mabel sitting up in her bed drawing something in her diary.

"What are you drawing?" He asked, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Oh just a little somethin called... YOUNG ROMANCE!" Mabel said, holding up her diary for Dipper to see. Unlike other girls, Mabel's diary isn't kept a secret from her sibling. In fact, sometimes Mabel would let Dipper read it to himself if he couldn't sleep at night. Dipper squinted as he looked up at the picture. It was of him and Wendy. Around the doodle was pictures of him and Wendy taken by a camera taped on the paper.

"Where'd you get these?" Dipper asked, blushing as he squirmed off of his bed and sat beside Mabel.

"I thought you said you were over her?" Mabel teased.

"Well you know I'm not," Dipper admitted.

"Yeah I know," Mabel laughed as she flipped through the endless pages of pictures of him and Wendy.

"Quick question, why did you take all of these pictures?" Dipper asked.

"Because you guys are awesome. If only you guys were the same age," Mabel said.

"Yeah..." Dipper said.

"Kids! I can't find the remote and refuse to stand up!" Stan called from downstairs.

Dipper and Mabel ignored the voice.

"Kids!" Stan called again.

Mabel and Dipper laughed at their uncle's pain as he moaned.

"Kids, where do you keep your toast?" Ford called from downstairs.

Dipper almost forgot. Gruncle Ford lived with them now. Not only that, but he was from another dimension where the toast was probably pre-made or something so doesn't know what bread is.

"Coming!" Dipper called as he jumped off of Mabel's bed and sprinted to the door. When he turned the knob, he looked back at Mabel who was doodling on her diary again. "Don't show anyone their pictures..."

Mabel nodded and have him a thumbs up. Dipper smiled and trend back around and ran down the stairs.

"Great Uncle Ford I can help you with the toast!" Dipper said.

"And what is this thing? Some sort of... Radio transmitter?" Ford asked from the kitchen. "OH MY GOSH TOAST JUST CAME OUT OF IT."

So yeah hi little author note thing here yo. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, as you can see it takes place the day Ford comes into place. I mean, Ford's pretty cool, right? And yeah so that's the intro/beginning/chapter one thing I really hope you liked it please comment if you liked it I mean you don't have to but it'll make me smile :) anyways, I'll try keeping this book up to date, funny, action packed, and full of feels! *Bill's voice* In the meantime, I'll be watching you! I'll be watching yooooouuuuuuuuu

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