Chapter 2

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When everyone finally has breakfast, Soos and Wendy arrived at the Shack. Stan fixed his bow tie and went to go let in the tourists.

"This is what you turned my shack into?" Ford asked in disgust as he studied the weird items for sale. "$19.99 for a spray painted gold rock with glitter poured on it?"

"Well...duh," Stan said. "Dad said to make a fortune, so I did!"

"Well give these people something real," Ford said. "Something like... Zombies!" Ford said, putting his arms in front of him and walking like a zombie.

"Nope already tried that," Dipper said.

"Or gnomes!" Ford exclaimed.

"No can do, they swore vengeance on Mabel," Dipper said, flipping through the journal.

"How about the society of the blind eye?" Ford asked, covering his eyes.

"We erased their memories," Dipper said.

"How about Bill Cipher?" Ford asked.

Mabel spit out her Mabel juice all over Dipper.

"No can do, Great Uncle Ford, he just murdered Dipper yesterday!" She said.

" about-"

"How about get your butt to work," Stan said, throwing a bunch of glue, wood, nails, and plastic animals into Ford's arms. Ford nearly fell over.

"What?" Ford shouted.

"You heard me," he said.

"You know technically I'm 2 minutes older than you," Ford snickered.

"You know technically no one cares. Now get your butt to work," Stan snapped.

Dipper sat beside Wendy at the cash register. She was reading a magazine and he was just staring off into space trying to think of what to say.

"So...Wendy..." Dipper said. She glanced up from her magazine.


"Thanks for uh...standing up for me," Dipper said.

"No problem dude, that was actually the most heart racing thing I've done in my life," Wendy said.

Dipper felt his cheeks begin to glow red so he turned away from Wendy. What should he say next? He saw a poster hanging up beside the door. It wasn't even printed, it was written in Stan's crappy hand writing. It said:

Mystery Dance: buy one ticket get the next one for the same price!

Dipper had an idea.

"So, Wendy, there's this-"

Then Dipper saw the door swing open. In walked a vampire from the outside world with a guitar in hand and fingerless gloves.

"Hey Wendy," it was Robbie.

"What do you want Robbie?" Wendy rolled her eyes.

"Look, there's this Mystery Dance coming up and-"

"Wait, don't you have a girlfriend?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah, unlike you," Robbie snapped. "But she doesn't want to go, she says everything at this Shack is a ripoff. So Wendy, will you-"

"No," Wendy said.

"Well why not? It's not like you're going with anybody! Besides, if you buy one ticket you get another for the same price!" Then a thought races through Robbie's head and he figured out the scam. "Wait..."

"Because, I'm already going with someone," Wendy said.

"Oh yeah? And who would that looser be?" Robbie asked.

"Dipper," Wendy said, grabbing Dipper's neck and pulling him close to her, making his hat fall off and she began violently stroking his hair. There was an awkward silence, beside the violent noise of Wendy's hands going through Dipper's hair. "So get lost." Wendy said, throwing her soda cup at Robbie. Robbie gave Dipper an evil glance and left.

Then out of nowhere, Soos came and began to lick up the spilled soda like a cat.

When Wendy released Dipper, he gasped for air.

"So wait what just happened?" Dipper asked.

"Dipper it is time you learned..." Wendy said with a dramatic voice.

"Learned what?" Dipper asked.

"Learned the teachings of what it feels like to go to a dance with the one and only, amazing, fantastic....ME!!!!!!" Wendy said.

Dipper felt his heart fall to his stomach and he fainted.

*Meanwhile, wherever Bill lives....*

"Oh, Stanley. You've made this too easy..." Bill said to himself. "Way too easy..."

Bill laughed to himself as he projected images of Dipper around the room.

"I knew I'd be needing Pinetree again..."

Hey! I had a hunch I'd bump into you! So yah I know I much hasn't really happened yet but don't worry there's enough space to insert Bill and his evil triangleness... Now this isn't like DipperxWendy it was just getting rid of Robbie and introducing a new situation Besides, I'm probably going to make Bill come in during the party or something... Also it's because for some reason I like to write scenes with Dipper crushing on Wendy because he's just so cute and awkward so yeah sorry XD Anyways. I'm probably gonna do one of these little author side note things every once in a while so be expecting me just like lurking at the end of the chapters... Also if you could comment and let me know if I have typos or anything that would be great because I was reading through some of my other stories and I've found a few so yeah it would be awesome if you could be my grammar police, my auto correct hates me and Changes like all my words XD

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