Chapter 6

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"Bill!" Dipper whispered from under his breath.

Everyone was panicking and Dipper decided to find Wendy and Mabel. Bill caused everyone to scatter and Dipper didn't want to loose the two girls that mattered most to him. Dipper saw Wendy under a table, almost totally out of sight, and Mabel was on the ground with a scraped knee.

"Mabel!" Dipper shouted to his sister.

"Ah, if it isn't Pinetree," Bill echoed, stretching his hands out and moving everyone aside until there was a pathway between himself and Dipper. "I had a hunch I'd bump into you!"

Dipper squinted his eyes as he looked up at Bill.

"Bill! What are you doing?" Dipper asked.

"Oh, now if I told you, it wouldn't be as much fun," Bill laughed.

Dipper grabbed his sister by the hand.

"Yeah, kid, hold your sister tight, cause no one else is going to save you now!" Bill said, lighting a blue flame in his hand. "One nightmare, coming up!"

As Dipper shut his eyes tightly and prepared for impact, he heard a familiar voice interrupt the scene.


It was Ford.

Dipper opened his eyes. His own Great Uncle Ford was standing right in front of Dipper and Mabel, shielding them.

"Ah, if it isn't Six-Fingers. Hangin out with Pinetree, I see?"Bill said, extinguishing the fire from his hands and hovering closer to Ford, studying him. "You got fat... And grey... Like your brother haha!"

"What do you want with these kids?" Ford asked.

"What do I want with them? Nothing. We're pals, right, Pinetree?" Bill asked Dipper.

"In your dreams," Dipper replied.

"Well, ya see, your brother, Stanley, scammed me. Now I'm here to scam him," Bill explained.

"Stan, what the heck-a-hedron is he talking about?" Ford asked his brother who was ducking by a chair.

"What? I have no idea what he's talking about!" Stan protested, crossing his arms.

"Oh, I think you do," Bill said as he picked up Dipper by his collar and began shaking him over the ground. Tons of things began falling from his pockets. Coins, keys, lint, gum, when suddenly, out of the inside of his coat, came the journal.

"The journal!" Dipper shouted as Bill dropped him on the ground.

"Ahaha! See, you couldn't fool me, you Pines are hilarious!" Bill said, picking up the journal.

"Uh, I think you missed something," Ford said.

"The reason you needed the journals was to keep me away, and I'm here so, what do ya think about that, sucker?" Ford said, high-fiving Mabel.

"You think this is about the journals now?" Bill laughed. "It's funny how dumb you are."

"I've got my own secret that hasn't even been recorded in the journals!" Bill shouted, rising up high into the sky. Lightning shot from where Bill was and zapped Stan. "You're smarter than I thought," Bill said.

"I get that a lot," Stan said.

"You're not getting away from me that easily," Bill said, opening a portal. "See ya suckers!" Bill said, shoving Stan into the portal and jumping into it himself.

"Stan!" Ford yelled up at the sky.

"We've got to save Grunkle Stan!" Mabel said.

"Well, maybe we shouldn't," Dipper said. Everyone looked surprised. "What I meant to say was yeah, and I think I know how! We've got one thing Bill doesn't have."

And at the same time, Ford and Dipper shouted "The Journals!" As Mabel shouted "Grappling Hook!"

"Oh, yeah journals..." Mabel said quieter.

Hey guys so sorry for having such a short chapter! Also I'll try not to leave ya hangin for too long cuz I know how it feels to be waiting for a story to update! It might take longer for me to update chapters because I'm staring school tomorrow so that's gonna be a little crazy! I'm excited but I'm not excited ya feel me? Anyways, hope ya'll enjoy it and don't forget: I love reading comments and actually had a his smile today while reading a few :) and actually I've considered changing the cover for this... Do you guys think it's good or should I get a different one?

*Bill's voice*

BUT KNOW THIS: a darkness approaches. Everything you love about this story will end with an epic twist. Until then, I'll be watching you! I'll be watching yooooouuuuuuuu!

*disappears in a giant beam of light*

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