Chapter 3

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Dipper woke up. He didn't remember much after he blacked out. Just that him and Wendy were talking and Robbie came in... That was it. He was still in the gift shop part of the shack, leaning on the counter. He looked at his arms. There were doodle marks all over them.

"Ugh! Mabel!" Dipper yelled. He looked into a nearby mirror and saw that someone had drawn all over his face with a a marker. He heard faint laughter coming from behind the counter. Dipper looked around the other side of the counter and saw Wendy and Mabel laughing their heads off.

"What the heck guys?" Dipper asked, rubbing his face trying to get the marker off.

"Dude, calm down! It's not like we took pictures of you and posted them or anything..." Wendy laughed, pulling out her phone and taking a picture of Dipper. The flash blinded Dipper for a second and he was unamused.

"Sorry Dipper... We couldn't help ourselves..." Mabel said.

Ignoring Mabel's apology, Dipper asked what happened before he blacked out.

"Oh, Robbie came in and he was all like 'hey Wendy wanna go to the mystery dance with me' and Wendy, she was all like 'no way son' and Robbie was like 'but babe pls u aren't even going with anybody' and she was like 'yes son I am going with Dipper' then she picked you up and threw you at Robbie, which caused you to go unconscious!" Mabel explained.

"What?!" Dipper asked, alarmed that he was thrown across the room at somebody.

"Woah, dude calm down. I never threw you," Wendy laughed.

"Then how did I black out?" Dipper asked.

"I don't know... You kinda fainted after I told you we were going to the Mystery Dance together..."

"Wait-we are?" Dipper asked wide-eyed.

"Why not dude?" Wendy replied, patting Dipper in the back, causing him to fall over. "Unless of course, you don't want to..."

"What? Of course I want to!-er I mean-yeah, that's cool... It's cool bro," Dipper said.

"Cool. See ya then," Wendy said, standing up and leaving the shack.

Dipper watched as she left the shack, daydreaming of the dance.

"Uh-oh, looks like someone's got a date," Mabel teased.

"Yeah, I do! Isn't it great!" Dipper exclaimed. "I was going to ask her myself but then Wendy asked instead!"

"Well, actually she forced you into it," Mabel posted out.

"Yeah, well I've still got myself a date to the mystery dance with Wendy," Dipper said proudly, standing up and walking upstairs.

Dipper couldn't stop thinking about it. He laid in his bed just dreaming of how amazing it was going to be... Although she probably wouldn't dance with him, he's too short. But it didn't matter. It was still going to be awesome.

Suddenly, Mabel burst in the room along with Candy and Grenda with a gigantic box.

"What's the box for?" Dipper asked, but wasn't heard by any of them, for they were making to much noise.

"So Dipper, I heard you got a date," Candy said.

"Haha, yeah, who told you?" Dipper asked.

"Mabel called us all as soon as she found out!" Grenda said in her obnoxiously loud voice.

Dipper looked at Mabel and rolled his eyes. He did love his sister, though. Even though she was annoying at times.

"What's the box for?" Dipper asked.

"We're gonna make our dresses for the dance!" Grenda shouted.

Dipper smiled. But also felt bad. They always ended up making their own dresses. Mabel never wore a fancy dress before unless she made it herself. Dipper had an idea and slid off of his bed.

"Where you goin, bro-bro?" Mabel asked.

"Uh, I hear Stan calling me downstairs..." Dipper lied, but then actually did hear his Grunkle calling his name.

"Dipper! I have something for you!" Stan called.

"For me? That's... Unlikely..." Dipper muttered to himself as he marched downstairs to find Stan holding out an old suit.

"What's this?" Dipper asked.

"For they Mystery Dance! Since you got a hot date and all," Stan teased.

"Wait who told you?" Dipper asked.

"Uh, everyone knows about it, you guys are like on the front page of Gossip Newspaper," Soos said from the corner, reading a newspaper with Dipper and Wendy's face on the front.

Dipper face palmed and grabbed the suit.

"I wore it to my first dance with a real date," Stan said.

"Actually, he wore it to a dance with me because he couldn't find a date," Ford yelled from another room.

"Shut up, Stanford!" Stan yelled back.

"Uh... Thanks?" Dipper said, taking the suit and placing it on the stairs. The dance of course wasn't until tomorrow, but he still needed to do something for Mabel.

Dipper walked out of the front door and in the direction of Wendy's house. She actually didn't live that far from the Shack, it was just a 10 minute walk.

Dipper decided that while he was walking, it would be a good time to continue repairing the journal. Grunkle Ford had already began helping him. Dipper took a pen from his pocket and began writing information down about gnomes. They hadn't rewritten about those yet.

As Dipper walked, he was unaware that he was about to walk into someone, and neither was the person who was about to walk into him. Suddenly, Dipper had the wind knocked out of him and he fell down.

"Dude! Watch where you're..." Before Dipper finished his sentence, he realized who it was. "Bill?"

Wow that was kinda cliff-hanger right? I guess... Anyways, sorry for such a no-action chapter. Not much happened really, and I'll admit it. Sorry for not updating for a while! And oh yeah thanks for 300 reads on my other fanfic: Take Over! I'm super happy •3•

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