Chapter 7

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The wind calmed down and everyone at the party were terrified. Most of them left, all except Soos, Wendy, Candy, and Grenda of course. Ford was sitting on his knees where his brother was taken from him, still hadn't said a word. Dipper was digging through his journal trying to find a solution. But he hadn't been able to write much about Bill since he hadn't seen him since now.

"It's no use," Dipper whispered to himself, flipping through one page after another. "It's hopeless."

"Are you kidding, Dipper?" Wendy said. "Look at all the things you've done, you fought zombies, chased away ghosts, and even defeated a demon once! You're Dipper Pines!"

"Yeah!" Soos said. "Remember when you dudes went back in time and fought a time Cyclopes just for me?"

"Yeah Dipper! Think of all the things we've done so far, this can't be that hard!" Mabel said.

"Yes it can," Ford finally spoke.

Everyone was silent as Ford stood up.

"Bill Cipher is by far the most dangerous demon I have ever encountered. For all we know, Stan could be dead," Ford implied. "And there really is nothing we can do about it."

"Not if I have any say in it," Dipper declared. "To the lab!"

No one moved from their spot.

"To the lab!" Dipper repeated. "Anyone?"

"Dude, don't say it like that, that sounds like some old scooby-do quote or something," Soos laughed.

"Right...right..." Dipper sighed as he led everyone to the vending machine and imputed the code. They walked down the stairs, took the elevator, and entered the gigantic lab Ford built years back.

"Hm..." Dipper said, looking around at things. "What's this?" Dipper asked, looking at a framed picture of two little kids by a boat.

"That's some a boat..." Ford replied.

"Aw is that you and Grunkle Stan?" Mabel asked. "You guys were so adorable!"

"Hey dudes, check it out, I'm a nerd!" Soos said, putting on goggles.

"Give me those!" Ford snapped, snatching the goggles from Soos's head and stuffing them into a drawer.

"Hey guys, check it out," Grenda said, pulling a huge stack of papers out from under a copy machine. "Is this in any way important?"

Everyone gathered around the stack of papers.

"What the-" Dipper mumbled, grabbing the stack and looking at the pages. "These pages look a lot like..."

"Journal #3!" Ford finished his sentence.

"But how?" Mabel asked.

"But why?" Soos asked.

"Wait a second..." Dipper said, thinking. "I let Stan borrow my journal not to long ago... He gave it back pretty quickly... This is probably what he did with it!"

"Why that little scammer!" Ford shouted. "I'm having second thoughts about saving him..."

"Oh, come on, Grunkle Ford, you literally sat in silence for 5 whole minutes when he got taken. You know you want to save him," Mabel smiled, sticking a sticker on Ford's jacket.

"Yeah, and when we save him, if we save him, I'm gonna kill him."

"Uh, Mr. Ford, you know that's murder right, you could go to prison," Soos said.

"Soos, it's a metaphor," Ford sighed, putting his face in his palm. "Let's get this over with."

Stan grabbed the stack of papers and flipped through until grind the one with Bill Cipher's wheel illustrated on it.

"One can follow this brain demon anywhere if he recites these incantations," Dipper read. "But don't give into anything you see or hear."

Mabel snatched the paper.

"Followus thus Billith into his palaceth!"

"Wait, Mabel!" Dipper shouted, and felt a buzzing in his head as he could feel himself dissolving in thin air...

So yeah hi! Sorry for not updating for so long, I got into school and it's been really chaotic. So how'd you like that chapter? Who saw the new Gravity Falls tonight? I thought it was pretty awesome. And I can't wait for the next one it has wittle harmless Bill *cough* psychopath *cough* but I just love Bill so much he's just so adorable but then he almost kills everyone so... I can't decide XD Do you think we can survive the next episode? YES WE STAN!

Anyways sorry for such a short chapter with like absolutely no action basically, I promise the next chapter will be more fun. Still can't decide where Bill lives? Probably gonna make it like a mind scape brain place or like inside Bill's own mind... I'm not sure. Just stay tuned for the next chapter!!!! I hope you all are enjoying it!

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