Chapter 9

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Dipper tried kicking and punching himself out of the strings, but to no avail. Bill controlled his every move.

"Hey smart guy, choose your avatar!" Bill said to Ford, causing Wendy, Mabel, Soos, Candy, and Grenda to levitate.

"Uh... Mabel?" Ford said.

"Ah, you're going for shooting star, aye?" Bill said, snapping his fingers and making Mabel stand by Dipper. "Here's how the game will work. You will control Mabel, and I will control Pinetree. Whoever can make their puppet get to the edge of that cliff over there and throw their puppet over the cliff is the winner," Bill laughed. "Sounds fun, right?"

"Boo!" Mabel hissed.

"Well, your uncle made the deal, no going back now," Bill laughed. "Well, times wasting! Ready, set..."

"Bill wait!" Ford said. "Think about what your doing. Is this what you really want? Don't you remember... Us?" He asked, grabbing his wallet out of his pocket, opening it up, and revealing a photo booth photo of him and Bill and "Remember those times" began playing in the background as a flashback of Ford and Bill played in their heads.

"You know what, you're right, Ford. This is all stupid. I've been silly this entire time, let's just forget this whole revenge thing and call it a day," Bill said.

"Really?" Ford asked.

"No, I just wanted to see what you would say! Haha, it's funny how dumb you are," Bill laughed. "Okay ready set go!" Bill said, entering Dipper's body and running towards the cliff.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Mabel yelled.

"Run! Mabel!" Ford said, taking the strings off of her hands.

Mabel began running towards the cliff. She hoped there was something beneath the cliff to catch her fall. As she neared Dipper, she could see his distorted pupils and could hear Bill talking to him.

"Just like the good ol days, aye, Pinetree?" Bill laughed.

"Just shut up and run!" Dipper yelled back. "I mean, stop running!"

"Hey, Bill," Mabel interrupted.

"Eh?" Bill asked, turning his head. It was scary to see Dipper look so... Bill like.

"Look! Wendy in a bikini!" She yelled.

"Where?" She heard Bill ask and he turned his head. In that moment, Mabel pushed him over and he fell out of Dipper's body, right onto the floor.

"Haha! Yes! Run Mabel!!!!" Dipper yelled for his sister.

"Oh, Pinetree, are you sure you want that happening?" Bill asked, pointing towards the end of the cliff.

"Mabel Pines is out, I love you all, goodbye Dipped, tell mom and dad and Grunkle Stan and Waddles that I said goodbye," Mabel shouted as she jumped over the side of the cliff.

"Mabel!" Dipper shouted, and ran to the side of the cliff.

So yeah hi I updated again ^_^ was that a cliffhanger or WHAT? I was honestly going to end it at the remember those times flashback but then I watched the Last Mabelcorn and omgomgomgomgomg asdfghjkl so many theories now and dude.

[Last Mabelcorn] I got really scared I thought that Ford was Bill like for real I almost cried like seriously Alex I loved Ford and you're already taking him away???? Anyways, I think Stan is gonna get possessed next by Bill •_• cuz at the end of the episode Stan's face was in the journal ya know that thing it always does yea STANS FACE WAS THERE and the next episode they go on a road trip AWAY FROM THE FREAKING SHACK LIKE SERIOUSLY THEYRE ALL GONNA DIE NOOOOOO.

So anywho, I'll try not to keep you hanging for too long and sorry for the short chapter!!!

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