Chapter 8

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Dipper opened his eyes. He was no longer back in Gravity Falls. He didn't know where he was. Everything was in black and white except for him and everyone else who came with him.

"Where are we?" Mabel asked.

Ford was standing motionless. His eyes were wide with fear.

"Grunkle Ford, what's wrong?" Dipper asked.

"This is the place," Ford mumbled.

"What?" Mabel asked. "What place?"

"The most treacherous place you will ever enter: Bill's Mind," Ford answered in a deep voice.

"Wait, but how can Bill live inside his own mind? Does that even make sense?" Dipper asked but was hushed by Ford as Ford slapped his hand over Dipper's mouth to prevent him from speaking.

"You should all wait here," Ford said. "It could be too dangerous and I don't know what Stan would do to me if you got hurt..."

"Grunkle Ford, we've faced Bill before, it's not like we can't take him on again," Dipper said, clenching his fists together.

"Yeah! We're the unstoppable team of Pines!" Mabel shouted. "Plus Candy, Grenda, Soos, and Wendy."

"Well, well, well," said an echoey voice that belonged to none other than Bill.

Everyone turned around and saw Bill approaching them from behind.

"I knew you'd show up! I wasn't sure when though, you could've given me heads up I could've tidied up a bit," Bill said, taking his hat off and dusting the ground with it.

"Where's Stan?" Dipper asked.

"Oh don't worry, he's quite safe," Bill said.

"And by quite safe do you mean locked up in a dungeon far beyond our reach where he is dying?" Mabel asked.

"No, actually, he's right here," Bill said, snapping and out of nowhere Stan appeared tied to a chair.

Everyone gasped. Stan seemed to be unconscious or worse...dead.

"Stan!" Ford shouted.

"Relax, Grandpa, he's surely alive," Bill rolled his eyes. "At least he will be until this timer goes off! Haha!!" Bill laughed. "And when that timer goes off, it will set off this hour glass!! Then Stan will be done for!"

"I don't get it, why would you need to do this to Stan?" Ford asked.

"Wow, you are really..." Bill facepalmed. "Why...why are you so old?"

Bill lowered to the ground and closed his eye.

"It's not me, right? It's totally him?" Bill asked.

"No, don't worry Bill he's just old," Mabel said.

"Well is there any way we can save him?" Soos asked.

"Hm... There is... One way..." Bill said.

"What?" They all said at once.

"If you can defeat me before the timers run out, your Stan will be safe. If not, I get all three journals and Stan's life. Deal?" Bill asked.

"Well what if we just knock over the hour glass, then the time will never run out," Wendy asked. "Then what, sucker?

"I don't think you'll be able to..." Bill said.

"Watch me," Wendy said, walking over to the hour glass to knock it over.

Dipper stood still and was fighting a sudden urge to attack Wendy. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he couldn't really control his actions as he kept up and tackled Wendy to the ground.

"Dipper! What are you doing?" Wendy asked, trying to get Dipper off of her.

"I don't know!" Dipper replied, dodging Wendy's punches and kicks.

"Haha! So is it a deal?" Bill asked Ford.

Ford looked over at Wendy and Dipper on the floor. Wendy was trying to pull Dipper's hands away from her neck.

"Hurry up, Grunkle Ford!" Dipper yelled.

Ford shook hands with Bill and the deal was set. Dipper fell off of Wendy as she gave a final punch to his face. He rubbed his face and felt blood running down his nose. He looked at Wendy. He hadn't hurt her too badly.

"What happened?" Dipper asked himself. "Wendy, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess dude..." Wendy replied. "What's wrong with you?"

"I... I don't know... Ever since Bill left I've been acting... Weird..."

"Has it really taken you that long Pinetree?" Bill asked.

"What do you mean?" Dipper asked.

"You're still my puppet," Bill laughed, pulling out strings which immediately attached to Dipper's hands and feet.

"What are you doing?" Dipper screamed in fear.

"Let the game begin!" Bill laughed, and the timer began.

So wow pretty intense here right? Sorry for the long wait for an update I just moved and we didn't have internet for like 2 weeks sooooo but we do now so I'll try to keep you guys really updated! Oh yeah what are your thoughts on Tad Strange? I think I want to some how add him into this story because he's freaking funny idk just every time I see him I just can't.

Also I was thinking about starting a drawing book that has like some of my drawings? I've been trying to improve on my artwork and it's easier to improve if I have someone judging it. So should I?

Comment "Mabel" for yes and "Dipper" for no or ya know DONT COMMENT BECAUSE YOU DONT LOVE ME I'm just kidding XD

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