Chapter 4

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Dipper stood up and slid the journal into his vest pocket. He was having trouble processes the situation.

Bill just stood there, just as shocked as Dipper. Well, he wasn't standing, he was hovering above the ground like he always does.

When all the thoughts finally races back into Dipper's head, he was able to speak.

"Bill? What are you doing here? Did you come to destroy us all again?" Dipper finally asked.

"Oh nice to see you too, Pinetree," Bill said sarcastically, picking up his hat from the ground and putting it back on his head.

"How are you um... Here?" Dipper asked, backing up slowly.

"Your uncle never sent me away!" Bill laughed.

"What?" Dipper asked.

"Look, kid, I'll explain later, but now, I've gotta run. See ya round!" Bill said, flying incredibly fast backwards.

Dipper stood there for a moment in silence when suddenly Bill came flying back from where he had just flown to.

"Wrong way..." Bill said, unamused with himself as he flew the other way towards the Mystery Shack.

"Wait! Bill!" Dipper said. Ever since Bill left Dipper didn't feel the same... "Bill!" Dipper yelled, chasing after him.

Finally, Bill stopped.

"What do you want, Pinetree, I'm on a tight schedule here," Bill said.

"Why are you going towards the Shack?" Dipper asked enthusiastically.

"To pay your old uncle a visit..." Bill replied.

"Can I help?" Dipper asked. He could barely believe the words came out of his mouth. "What I meant to say was, You won't get away with this!"

As Dipper heard himself say that, he slapped himself in the face.

"Look, kid, I don't know what's going on with you but you can come back to me when your problems are sorted out..." Bill said.

"No! Bill! Wait, I wanna help!" Dipper shouted as Bill slowly backed away in confusion. "No! I don't want to help you, why do I keep saying that?"

"Yeah... Uh, so I'm just gonna go..." Bill said, snapping his fingers and disappearing. As Bill snapped his fingers, Dipper felt pain in his forehead. He closed his eyes and when he reopened them, he didn't remember what happened.

"Mabel?" Dipper shouted.

Dipper looked around. He was on the ground, and he was sitting on something hard.

"Ouch," Dipper mumbled, pulling the journal from under him.

"What happened?" Dipper asked himself, trying to remember what he was doing in the forest. He flipped through some pages in the journal until he reached the last page he was on, writing about gnomes. On the page was a picture he had drawn of Mabel in a dress.

"Oh yeah! Wendy!" Dipper said, standing up and running the rest of the way to Wendy's house.

When he arrived, Wendy's dad and siblings were outside chopping wood. Dipper wondered how she was related I such hooligans. Dipper held his breath as he knocked on the door. It took a long minute, but finally someone answered the door. It was Tambry.

"Sup, Dork?" She said without even looking away from her phone.

"Oh I was wondering if I could talk to Wendy?" Dipper asked.

"Probably," Tambry said, shutting the door.

Dipper knocked on the door again and Tambry opened it again.

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