Chapter 5

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Tonight was the big night. Dipper was anxious, perhaps too anxious. He was afraid Wendy wouldn't show up. What if she did but was abducted by aliens? What if when she got there he spilled punch on her? What if she decided to go with Robbie? When Mabel came out of the bathroom from changing into her dress she asked Dipper how she looked.

Dipper wasn't going to lie, she looked absolutely beautiful. He was memorized by the sparkles for a moment.

"Wow, you look, really beautiful," Dipper said.

He wasn't lying, he meant it.

"You're not looking to bad yourself, bro bro," Mabel said.

Dipper looked at his old suit that Stan gave him. It was better looking than he expected if Stan wore it when he was younger. As they ran the stairs, Dipper was stopped by Wendy who was waiting at the bottom. She was wearing the one dress he saw in her closet that she was talking about. The green one. And she was wearing the squirrel mask.

"Hey! Wendy!" Dipper squealed. He could barely contain his excitement. He didn't know why, but whenever he was around Wendy his voice always cracked and his heart rate sped up.

"Hey Dipper. How do you like my mask? It's the new sexy," Wendy said, removing her mask to reveal her face. Dipper was in love. He couldn't doubt it. Her face was like icing on a cupcake. She was just so beautiful that he couldn't hear what Wendy was saying to him until she began shaking him.

"Earth to Dipper," Wendy said, shaking Dipper from his daydream. "Here, wear it," She said, putting them mask over Dipper's head. "I'm gonna go grab my jacket from the break room. I'll be right back then we can go hang out," she said, leaving the living room.

"Hang out? Yeah, sure! Definitely!" Dipper said excitedly.

"Uh-oh," Mabel said.

"What?" Dipper asked, folding his arms.

"Look at you two, getting all romantic at the dance," Mabel teased.

"I know!" Dipper exclaimed. "I mean, I know..."

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have some boys to dance with," Mabel said, running outside the shack door and to the dance was being held.

Wendy returned with a jacket on.

"Let's go!" Wendy said, running out the door with Dipper at her side.

When they got outside, there were lots of people. Dipper didn't even know some of them, which was weird because everybody knew everybody in a small town like Gravity Falls. Mabel was on the dance floor dancing with Candy and Grenda, and Soos was on a stage he built being the DJ.

"Wow, it's actually not that horrible," Wendy said.

They stood in silence for a moment, until a song came on. It was the Stanford Shuffle: a ripoff parody of the Cupid Shuffle.

"Oh! Dipper! I love this song!" Wendy said, running to the dance floor and began dancing. Dipper shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the dance floor and danced beside his sister.

"So how are you enjoying the party?" Mabel asked.

"It barely even started yet!" Dipper replied.

"I know... Do you think anyone will dance with me?" Mabel asked concerned.

"Hey, if anybody doesn't, I will," Dipper replied with a smile.

"Just don't step on my feet," Mabel laughed.

"With that attitude I guess I'll just go dance with Wendy," Dipper laughed.

"Oh yeah right, you can't even reach her shoulders," Mabel teased.

"Okay dudes, time to grab your special someone if you have one and dance!" Soos announced in the microphone.

Without warning, Mabel grabbed Dipper almost immediately when Soos announced that and began dancing with him.

"Last couple standing wins!" Soos declared.

"Mabel! What are you doing?" Dipper whispered.

"I panicked, okay? What if no one danced with me? Then I would loose the dance completion!" Mabel said.

Dipper looked over his shoulder to find Wendy. He felt relief flood over him when he saw her dancing with Candy.

"So what did he mean by last one standing? Is this process of elimination? Or..." Dipper asked.

Suddenly the music sped up.

"Time to level up!" Soos said.

Dipper looked over and saw Stan with a wheelbarrow full of fake snow.

"If you get his with a snowball, you're out!" Stan shouted as he began launching balls of snow across the yard.

A sound of horror arose from the dancers as the began dodging the snowballs.

After a few couples were out, Soos yelled "level up" again and Stan pulled out a sack of rotten tomatoes and began throwing them at people. It kept leveling up until the last people in were Mabel and Dipper and Wendy and Candy. And the object being thrown was anchors. Of course, they were paper mâché, but Stan likes to be over dramatic about things. As the music sped up, Dipper felt his feet beginning to move faster and faster until he found Mabel dipping him down, pulling him back up, spinning him around, and tossing him and before he knew it he was on the ground again in front of awe du ready to dance. He looked over and saw Candy had landed in a position in front of Mabel. He looked at Wendy who was out of breath and smiling as she held Dipper hands up.

"Wrong partner!" She whispered.

"I think we won..." Dipper whispered back

"We have a winner!" Soos said. "Wendy, Dipper, Mabel, and Candy!"

Everyone cheered and the moment was perhaps the best moment of Dipper's life so far. And then that moment ended. The wind began blowing very hard and the power went out. It was pitch black outside and Dipper could hear the faint laugh if someone familiar. Dipper looked up and saw something emerging from the triangular window. He looked closer.

"Well well well congrats Pinetree I have taught you well!"

It was Bill.

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