Chapter 10

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For a moment Dipper thought that time was frozen. He turned and saw the priceless expression on everybody's face. Everyone seemed shocked. Dipper was brought back to reality when Bill threw Dipper to the ground.

"See, you are no match for me, Pines family. Oh well, looks like you won... You can have your grunkle back," Bill said, clapping his hands and instantly untying Stan and making him appear on the ground by Dipper.

"But you can't keep your family safe forever Pines family, mark my words," Bill said, snapping his fingers and something familiar to Dipper popped up by Bill. It was the rift that Ford was telling Dipper about. It wasn't the real one, though. "You can't keep the rift safe forever. You'll slip up, and when you do," Bill echoed, throwing my the transplant glass ball onto the ground and causing a crack to form in the air behind him and Dipper could see...demons on the other side of it.

"You'll never get the rift! Don't forget, we always defeat you!" Ford yelled at Bill.

"But would you really consider this a win for you? I mean, you did just loose shooting star... So how's about you hand the rift over and maybe I'll ya know, bring her back or something? I mean, come on, Pine Tree, remember the good old days we had, making deals to keep your sister safe?"

Ford looked down at Dipper with sadness in his eyes.

"Come on, Sixer," Bill taunted, holding out his hand that was on fire. The screams from the rift grew louder as Ford inched his way towards Bill with his hand out, ready to make the deal.

Dipper knew he had to do something. He was still connected to the puppet strings but Bill wasn't holding onto them. But it wasn't like Dipper could really do anything. What would pushing Ford out of the way do anyways? Then Dipper thought of something.

Earlier Ford told Dipper that they were inside Bill's mind. This was all in Bill's mind. Everything. Mabel wasn't really dead, she just wasn't in his mind anymore. She was probably back at the shack wondering where we all were. Dipper stood you. It was difficult, but he did it.

"Everyone, I have an idea!" Dipper yelled, running towards the cliff. "Everyone jump off that cliff!"

"What? Kid, are you insane?" Stan yelled.

"Just trust me!" Dipper said, tackling Ford to the ground and they both rolled off the cliff together, tangled in puppet strings. Dipper shut his eyes tightly as he heard the screams of everyone else jumping off above him. Dipper just hoped he was right as they plummeted deeper and deeper until Dipper felt something familiar under his body... Grass.

Hi guys sorry for leaving u guys on the cliff hanger last chapter my bad!!! But it's updated now! Sorry for the short chapter. But guys guess what I GOT 1K READS ON MY TAKEN OVER BOOK! IM SO HAPPY!!!!

So in this chapter I was trying to get it up to date (like before the last mabelcorn) to where the rift comes into play. At the end of the book I think I want to end it with Stan saying "hey, who's up for A ROAD TRIP?"

For the new episode tomorrow I bet my sister 5 bucks that Stan gets possessed or even if Bill isn't in the new episode, the next episode with Bill in it Stan gets possessed. Who do you guys think is Bill's next target???

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