Chapter 12

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I can finally go home, but I have a cast. After 3 months of living with tony and I still didn't know that he was iron man. I've known tony for almost a year now, and I love him, but I also miss Jess, I'm not sure if I want to stay here any more or not. I put on my teenage mutant ninja turtles tee with some pajama shorts and my ray-ban glasses. My hair in a messy bun. I have on a necklace and I'm watching Loony Toons while tony comes down stairs.

"Want anything from 7-11?" He asked as I fix my pillows to prop up my foot.

"Uh yeah, cookie dough ice cream please, Ben and Jerry's to be specific" I said as he grabs his keys and kisses me before leaving. He comes back a few minutes later with two things of ice cream and what all he needed. He handed me ice cream and we ate it while watching loony toons.

"I love this show, I used to watch it all the time with jess when we were little kids!" I exclaimed as tony put an arm around me.

"I never really watched TV, I was always helping around the house." He said as I gasped.

"No!" I said as he nodded and took a bite of my ice cream.

"Yup, I usually was building with my dad" he said as I looked at him.

"That's weird, and get your own ice cream sir, this is mine" I said as he laughed at me.

"Actually no I don't I bought you two so if you want more you have more" he said as I smiled.

"You totally get me, when I ask for ice cream always get more than one" I said as he hugged me.

"Its like 11:30 already?" He asked as I looked at my phone for the time.

"Yeah it is, huh I feel like it should be later, like maybe 1:30 not 11:30" I said as he nodded.

"Well, you seem content with this show, so I'm gonna go jump in the shower, yell my name if you need me." He said as I nodded and set my ice cream carton on the coffee table.

"See you in 30 minutes crazy" I said as he chuckled.

"Alright weirdo" he said as I smiled and watched my cartoons again. He goes up stairs and I lay down on the couch. I slowly doze off to have a weird dream.


"Jazz, you're going to be late get dressed!" Allison yelled as I grab a dress and look at her and see her in a red mermaid dress. She's the maid of honor.

"I'm coming." I said as I grab the dress and rush to the dressing room where there is girls doing my hair and make up. I finish all of that and get dressed in a poofy white dress with a crown and a veil. I walk down the aisle with my dad and the groom turns around only for me to find out that I'm getting married to JC. I start breathing heavily and run off.

Then I woke up again.

+++++ END OF DREAM+++++

I sit up in panic and start breathing heavily. Tony is sitting right beside my feet and he jumps when ever I sit up.

"You okay?" He asked as I shake my head no.

"Not really, I had a dream that I was marrying a friend that my parents set me up with, and he wasn't you" I said as tony hugged me.

"You need to go to bed, come on sweetie" he said as he carried me bridal style to my room.

"Please don't let me marry that friend, I don't love him" I said as I rubbed my eyes and laid down.

"I won't baby " he said as he kissed my head 'good night' and went to his room as I slowly dozed off.

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