Chapter 21

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**** 3 months later****

Ding dong.

"Peter! The door! Its probably nova again" I yelled as peter opened the door.

"Uh hi?" Tony says as peter laughs.

"How deprate are you bro?" Peter asked as tony sighed.

"Just have jasmine open the door.please" I heard Tony say as Peter motions me over. I'm in pink pajama shorts a white tee shirt fuzzy boots and my hair in a messy bun. I had mascara down my face, not bothering to wash it off. Along with a six month baby bump.

"What do you want" I look down to see tony on his knees hands cupped to geather with a bouquet of roses in them.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a terrible person I shouldn't of ran off!" He said as I look at him.

"Look I'd really just enjoy it if we could just start over, I can't just be broken then glued back together from the point we were at" I explained as he stood up.

"Alright, hi I'm tony stark, also I'm iron man" he said as he shook my hand.

"I'm jasmine, and I'm pregnant with your child!" I said as I sniffed and looked off to the side.

"What really? You're kidding right?" He asked as I looked at them.

"Nope not kidding, I thought I told you already" I said as he looked at me and hesitated.

"I thought you said I Love You, and I freaked cause I was nervous"  he said as I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Wow, okay, now are you just gonna stand there or are you here for a reason?" I asked as he nodded his head.

"Yes actually I'm here to ask you out, Friday around 7?" He asked as I sighed with a smile.

"Oh if I have too, then I guess" I said as we laughed.

"I've missed you, you know that right?" He asks as I smile and blush.

"Really? Well you put me through so much hurt that I couldn't stand thinking about you!" I said as he chuckled.

"Yeah I'm super sorry about that never again, we can work our way back right?" He asks as I sigh.

"I guess we can, but this time if you hurt me then I'll never give you another chance" I threatened as he put his hands up in defense.

"Yes ma'am " he said as he handed me the roses and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you jasmine, I guess see you Friday night?" He asked as I smiled and nodded.

"Yup Friday night, good bye Tony" I said as he smiled.

"Good bye " he said as he walked to his car. I giggle as I close the door. Allison saw me smiling and sat down.

"Why are you so happy?" She asked as I put the roses in a vase. Penny is now a happy little two year old who is getting a little brother.

"Tony just asked me out, we are starting clean, first date and everything, except this time I will have a child" I said as I sat next to her. She smiled and hugged me as best as she could.

"That's great! When are you going to tell him its a girl?" She asked as I sighed and looked down.

"Not sure yet" I said as we continued talking for a while until we got exhausted and went to bed.

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