Chapter 37

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"Hayley! Jessi! Joshua! Time to go!" I yell as I get a bag together for necessities for the two little ones. Tony grabs the sippie cups. We head to the car and out the door. We are heading off to the park for a day out and I haven't heard from jess so after the park when the kids get home and nap I'm leaving while tony stays. I've gotta go check on her, she hasn't answered me or anything. We get out of the car and the kids run off to the playground as tony and I sit on a bench. Jessi comes and tugs on my dress as I look down and smile at her.

  "Aunty jazzy I'm hungry do you have anything to eat?" She asked as I shake my head no and pull her onto my lap.

"No I don't I'm sorry baby girl, how about we go get some food after this, I'll let you and josh and hayley choose how does that sound?I ask as she smiles and nods her head.

"Ok!" She then hugs me and jumps down before running off. I lean back once again and rest a hand on my belly.

"Are you ready for that?" I asked tony teasingly as he sighs.

"I don't know it seems fun until they throw fits and scream and cry and pout" he says back as I laugh.

"Like a certain some body I know?" I asked as he looks at me.

"Shut up.... I didn't do anything to you" he said as I looked at him.

"Well actually you did" I said as he gave me a questioning look.

"Oh really what did I do?" He asks as I laugh.

"Well for starters you got me pregnant and second of all you left me on our wedding day.. Oh yeah and I have to put up with your superhero shiz" I said as he looks down.

"Ok first of all the pregnant thing yeah that was your fault too. And I came back for you eventually now didn't I? And the last one yeah I will let you have that one" he said as I slapped him playfully. We finally leave and head off to eat and that lead to me dropping off the kids and tony before heading out to Jessica's house. I start heading down the road and I get about 20 minutes into the drive when tony calls me. I answer and have the phone on speaker in my hand.

"Hey how's it going?" He asks as I reply.

"It's all good" was what I said before forcefully slamming on my brakes my phone flying.

"Shit! " was all I said before going black..

*Tony's POV*

The kids were all sleeping so I called jaz and decided to check on her. She answers and I ask her how its going.

"It's all good" but right after that I heard a tire squeal across the road and a loud crash. Next thing I knew jasmine is yelling.

"Shit!" Is all I heard from her before a loud smashing noise.

"Hello? Jasmine! Are you okay?" I asked frantically. By that time I knew she wasn't ok. I heard a voice on the phone and it was a male.

"Hello sir is this Mr. Stark?" He asked as I wipe my eyes and sigh.

"Yes I am, what's going on?" I asked as he sighed.

"Your wife here she's being rushed to the Malibu hospital right now. She's in acoma and she may not be ok." Was all he said before I hung up and broke into tears.

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