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I shouldn't feel uncomfortable in my own skin.

Trying to be the person I want shouldn't feel like shrugging on a jacket, but not being able to secure it with zippers or buttons. Instead I must watch it hang loose around my shoulders and bluster in the wind.

I shouldn't have to live life fearing the world and its judgments.

If I'm fat it's wrong, if I'm skinny it's wrong, if I dye my hair and pierce my ears it's wrong, but if I like cardigans and long skirts it's wrong.

I should have my own opinion, but no, not that one. I need to stand up for myself, but gosh don't be such a prick. If I'm smart and study I'm a nerd and if I don't I'm dumb.

I have the right of free speech and free will, unless I say that, which you don't like so it's wrong. Follow your dreams, except that it has to be this dream, your dream will lead you nowhere in life.

This world doesn't tolerate people being themselves or people going by the mainstream. Everything is wrong. So what's right?

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