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Why do you love to hurt me
Push me when I'm already down
Laugh as I cry
And crumble me to dust
When I am rubble

It hurts all the more 
Because you know where I bleed
And you push those places
Until they break me
If that isn't cruelty then

It must be
Self-inflicted heartbreak
Forcing yourself to give up your heart
And taking the cold as your solace
Ice numbs the pain

And if that isn't the embodiment
Of tears and aches
Then it must be my weaknesses
Because I still keep you around
While you set fires around my feet

I could list all the kinds of hurt
The ones you do
And the ones I do
But you'd never relent
So give me a list

Tell me why you hurt me
I hurt me because I feel
That I deserve it
And pain is a distraction
From you

But why do you
You who has it all
Love to hurt me 
More than you love 
To try and heal yourself

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