Carnivore, Animal, I Am A Cannibal

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-Anastasia's POV- (back to in the living room with Gerard and the rest of them)

I could feel his smug face behind me when he said those taunting words. 'Isn't she pretty?' How dare he. Who were these people? WHY THE HELL WAS I STILL ALIVE? I realized that I actually feared the answer to that question.

I looked around at the three men surrounding me, all with their wicked eyes settled on me. One of them, the man with the black hair, I recognized as Frank. The other two I didn't know, but something told me we'd be quickly introduced.

"Gerard, you seem to have won a prize" one of the younger looking guys said. He actually looked my age. He was tall, lean but muscular, and he had dark, short hair on the sides with longish, dyed blonde hair on top. He had the same piercing brown eyes as the platinum haired man I now knew as 'Gerard'.

I glared at him in response to his comment. That only seemed to make him more obnoxious.

"What's wrong darling?" He asked smiling. I could hear the others chuckle at my anger and fear. "Did my bother here rough you up a bit?" He kept on wickedly, moving closer and pressing his palm to my bruised cheek. I flinched as he pressed harder, causing a burning pain to spread throughout my face. He then brought his hand to my bloodied lip and neck. "Ooh that doesn't look too good" he said tauntingly as he pressed his thumb to my split lip. At that moment, I lost my temper. The way this guy was taunting me made me lose my common sense. So in an attack fueled by hate, while he was still pressing his thumb to my split lip, I BIT his thumb...hard. I held on for as long as I could and tasted blood as he howled in pain. The man pulled his bleeding thumb away, and I saw blood out from the wound down his hand. The blonde groaned in pain and he held his hand to his chest before looking back at me, eyes full of rage. Gerard turned me around and slammed me against the thick glass windows. His eyes with filled with so much rage that they actually terrified me. He brought me towards him before slamming me against the window again, the impact affecting my vision as I began to see spots.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are princess, but you WILL NOT treat us with this disrespect" he seethed, shaking with hatred. I looked behind him, only to see Frank and the curly haired man attending to the blonde one.I then felt Gerard grab a fistful of my hair and tug it down, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "YOU LOOK AT ME!" He demanded. I shook with terror as my eyes glazed over and small tears began to form. "I was willing to play Mr. Nice guy around you for just a little while, but it's obvious now you need to learn some damn respect!"

"I'm...Im going to fucking KILL HER" I heard the blonde man groan in the back, still in pain. Gerard looked at him and then returned his threatening gaze to me.

"No Mikey, I think we can do much worse than that" he spat wickedly as I struggled under his grip. Gerard then reached behind his back, still keeping me pinned to the wall with one arm, and produced a decent sized knife. My eyes widened as tears rolled down my cheeks and neck. I struggled but only seemed to make Gerard angrier. He brought the knife to my face and pressed to cold metal to the side of my face. "Since you seem to care for the taste of blood" he started evilly "Why don't you try some of your own" I kicked and tried to scream, but Gerard only pressed himself closet against me, restricting my ability to move. "Go ahead" he mocked "Scream. Scream for the whole world" he said as he began to drag the knife down the said of my face, right next to my hairline. "They. Can't. Hear. You" he finally hissed before slicing the knife, much faster down to the end of my neck. I screamed as the pain overtook me. I could feel the blood flooding down the wound. Onto my face, my neck, my lips. Tears poured out of my eyes as I struggled to produce another scream from my dry throat. I was in pain, so much pain. My vision went blurry from a mix of blood and tears, and I had a difficult time focusing due to the burning agony running through my nerves.
I heard Gerard throw the knife to the floor, and before I realized what he was doing, he pressed he hand to my fresh cut, and I screamed out in torment again. He rubbed my fresh blood all over his hands before covering my mouth. I panicked, causing me to writhe more. I was already low on air due to my screaming, and I was forced to inhale from Gerard's blood covered hand. I cringed as droplets of the still warm, metallic tasting liquid were forced down my throat. Gerard removed his hand.

I coughed and coughed.

Spitting out blood.

My blood.

My own blood that I had been forced to taste.

Gerard let go of my wrists and I collapsed on the ground as I began sobbing, blood still easing itself from my wound.

He stood over me. "Do know that this," he said harshly, his eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and adrenaline, "This will never become tiring for me. I will bleed you dry if that what it takes to break you" He breathed heavily, my blood covering his arms and hands.

"I just wonder, I really do wonder, how long before you'll be tired, sugar" I looked up at him, still not fully being able to see, as blood and tears still remained in my eyes.

"I guess we'll find out" he spat wickedly.

And those were the last words I remembered before everything faded to black.

Yeah I'm beginning to question my sanity after writing that chapter. Don't worry though, IM JUST NOT OKAYYYY!! Anyone...anyone? Ok I'll shut up now. Sorry if that chapter was a bit weird for some of y'all, but incase you haven't figured it out yet, Gerard is the violent character in this story. I just wanted to show what he was capable and willing to do to people. I hope this was interesting for you guys, and I really hope you'll still read :p But really though, I've sincerely appreciated everyone that has taken the time to read, rate, and comment on this fan-fic. I love reading all of y'all's comments, so I'd really like to say thank you to all of you! Don't be shy to tell me what you think of the book, I'm always open to criticism! Thank you all! :):):)


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