Raising The Stakes

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-Anastasia's POV-

I didn't want to go down there. I really didn't. Yet again, I was being used for someone else's needs.

"Frank and Mikey are already down there." Gerard began to explain to me. "Ray's in his room setting up his computers so that he can keep an eye on us."

I didn't respond. What the hell did he want me to say? I just felt so out of myself, like the person standing here wasn't really me.

"Now sugar, you're to atleast have to put on a smile when we get down there." He mocked my sadness.

I looked up and gave him a cold stare. Smile? You want me to fucking smile? Oh yes! Everything is fucking great with me! I'm kidnapped, no one is ever going to come look for me, I was shot and taken out of the hospital a day later, and now I'm walking around a French casino with an excruciatingly painful wound in my abdomen all so you son a bitch can have an eye candy on your arm. SO YES, LET ME FUCKING SMILE. Of course I didn't say any of this out loud, but I wanted too. Gerard scared though, and the fact that I had let him kiss me scared me more. I couldn't let him manipulate me. I couldn't let him make me his.

Gerard just smiled smugly at my misery before leading me to the elevator; he knew what he was doing to me. We got in and he pressed the lobby button. The elevator ride felt like an eternity; I was dreading this evening. To be honest, I was actually terrified. The last time I was in a casino, things didn't go so well. Now not only was I in ANOTHER casino in FRANCE, but there was a bigger, badder drug group meeting there too. And to top it all off, I had actually dropped the leader's Rolex watch down the fucking water pipes.

We reached the lobby, and Gerard let me out of the elevator, across the hallway, and to a pair of ornate double doors at the end of the hallway. He looked down at me.

"Remember. Tonight you're mine." He smirked

I wanted to spit on his face again, but due to the circumstances, I figured that was a fucking awful idea.

"If anyone talks to you, be charming, be polite, be anything than your normal self." He continued tauntingly, putting his hand in my chin and forcing me to look at him. I did my best not to look into Gerard's eyes, but he just shook his head and smiled. "You really are a piece of work princess." he said, putting his hand on one of the double doors. "Now let's go show everyone else that." And with that, he opened the door, leading me into what looked like a luxury dining area. There was a big chandelier hanging in the middle of the room, with smaller strings of lights coming out from it and attaching themselves to the wall. The ground looked like some kind of black marble, while the walls were a mix of white/gold marble. There was a huge, round bar in the middle of the room with waiters bustling back and forth, carrying expensive looking drinks. There was a long table placed in the middle of the room covered in fancy looking food.

There were men and women dressed beautifully all over the room, and to my absolute horror, everyone stopped talking and looked our way when we entered.

I widened my eyes and immediately went into panic mode. I looked up at Gerard, but it was all too obvious that he was enjoying the situation. That's when I heard a familiar French accent from across the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen," I heard Alexis say loudly he approached us, "Please welcome my guest of honor and dear friend, Gerard Way." Alexis smiled, shook hands with Gerard, and then turned to me. I immediately focused my stare on the floor. I heard everyone clap before returning back to their normal chatter.

"My goodnezz Gerard, you didn't tell me zhat I would be in the company of a goddess this evening." Alexis said flirtatiously, his eyes gazing down upon me.

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