Im Sorry, But The Person You Seem To Be Looking For Doesn't Exist

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-Anastasia's POV-

Before I even opened my eyes, it was there. The pain, the memories; it was all there. I think I woke up screaming, but I couldn't tell you. I was in a bed. A hospital bed?

It was hard to tell. 

My vision was spotty, and I couldn't see anything straight. My entire body screamed in pain with every movement I made, but I needed to know.

Where as I?

I kept blinking until I was able to make out what was around me. Hospital room. I was definitely in a hospital room, or something like a hospital room? There were no windows, which was strange. The entire room was painted white, and there were fluorescent lights covering the ceiling. I was laying in a normal hospital bed that was surrounded by medical supplies. I was hooked into an IV, and my entire stomach was bandaged. I was drowsy and in a lot of pain, but I only had one thing on my mind:

I have to get out of here.

I remember the night at the casino. I remember Frank kissing me. I remember the roof top shoot out. I removed Gerard shooting Dylan, and then I remember blood being on my hands. Falling. My last look at the world had been when I was falling in the pool; Gerard was running towards me. I pulled the IV out. No. Why had he saved me? Right then, I didn't give a shit, I just knew that I had to get out of this place while there was nobody there. I done with these men. Whether Gerard had saved me or not, that night was the last straw. I knew the only reason why I was alive was so I could continue to be their little slave. At this point, I realized I didn't want to die, but I sure as fucking hell couldn't go back to Gerard. I couldn't go back to that house. I found a little fire inside of myself that was willing to fight until I was able to escape. That's all I had to do.

That sounded a lot easier than it was proven to be.

I through the sheet off my body, earning myself a sharp pain in the abdomen. I fruited my teeth and looked down to find that I was no longer in the black dress I had worn in the casino. I was in a pure white tank top with matching white flannel pants. My entire stomach was bandaged completely, but the pain was still there. I attempted to stand up, but my legs could barely hold my weight, so I stumbled across the room until I was leaning against the wall. My goal was to get out of this room, from there I have absolutely no fucking idea, but let's just take it one step at a time.

I slowly made my ways the door, sliding against the wall as support. My entire body ached, but I pushed through it. I finally managed to reach the door, and I felt a little relieved when the door clicked open. I stumbled out into what I had expected to be a hallway, as most hospitals usually have, but it was a large, rectangular room. Instead of windows, the ceiling of the room had skylights that let natural light flood in. I saw that there were doors identical to mine spread out evenly along the sides of the room. One of the first things I noticed was that there was no staff. No nurses bustling about. No doctors holding clipboards.

That's when the fear began to kick back in.

Wherever I was, it wasn't a normal hospital. I scanned the room and happy to see three elevators on the opposite side of the room, which I slowly made my way over to. My abdomen stung with pain, and the cut on my neck made it hard to move my head without it cracking and bleeding. Someone had actually bandaged it, but there were slaughtered marks were some blood had already leaked through. The pain in my body was not as strong as the fear in my heart though, and because of that, I was able to keep going. I made it to the elevators, but I stumbled back a little bit when one of them made a ding sound.

Shit, someone was coming up.

Currently, my trust level was at zero, so I didn't care who was coming up that elevator, I had to hide. I moved weakly to the second elevator, and pressed myself to the cool, hard metal and drywall that separated each one. I heard first elevator make another ding noise, and out of came a man that looked about in his late 50's or early 60's dressed in scrubs and a long white coat; he must be a doctor. While the man faced forward and kept walking, I slid from the front of the second elevator into the first one before the doors closed. I gasped for breathe from the quick move, as it had caused my wound to start stinging with immense pain. I looked around the elevator and found that it only had five buttons.


Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 3

And the Emergency Stop button.

I didn't know what floor I was on, but I immediately pressed lobby because I assumed is would be the quickest way out of this building. The elevator began to slowly move downwards, and for a slip second I felt relief. I felt that I was going to be able to get myself out of here. I could probably check myself out at the front desk right? People can check themselves out of hospitals if they're feeling ok right? I felt like total shit, but I didn't want to stay here any longer.

The elevator dinged and opened its doors to a rather pristine looking lobby. There were nice chairs and a front desk. It looked like any normal hospital lobby. There were signs pointing down different hallways reading things such as surgery and oncology, etc. I walked slowly to the front desk, holding my side as I did so. I got to the desk, but the lady their was furiously typing on the computer, so I had to clear my throat for her to look up.

"Hi-i" I stuttered, just wanting to leave. The reason I chose to checklist was so that I didn't have a hospital report me missing.

The woman looked at me worriedly. "Are you ok? What can I do for you?"

I breathed. "I'm just," there was a sharp pain in my side, "I'm just here to check out." I said, faking a rather non-convincing smile.

"I'm going to have to have your doctors recommendation for that. What's your name?" She asked.

"Anastasia. Anastasia Briar." I continued, still holding my side.

The woman typed on her computer before looking up and narrowing her eyes. "Is this some kind of joke?" She asked, agitated.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, confused.

"You said your name was Anastasia Briar?"

"It is. I'm- what's wrong?" I asked, beginning to feel panic.

She raised her eyebrows at me. "Anastasia Briar from Monroeville, California died here a week ago."

MOTHER OF CLIFFHANGERSSSSS RIGHT? Haha you guys probably hate me, but don't worry I plan on updating again in a few hours. I had such a busy day again, so I haven't been able to write again, but now I'm yours for the whole evening/night/morning, because ya know I don't sleep lol. So I know this chapter may have been a bit boring and confusing, but it'll make sense in the next. I hope y'all keep on reading, and I'd like to thank everyone that has kept on reading, voting, and commenting! All of you guys are super awesome and very patient and tolerant! Thank you so much for being amazing readers! I'll hopefully have a chapter up in a few hours :):):)


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