Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Nialls p.o.v

She pulled the trigger.

Everything was slow motion.

I ran to her, as she fell, the gun flying out of her hand.

I caught her just before she hit the ground, and placed my hand over the wound, which was right above her left kidney.

Her only kidney.


' "hey, babe, want a drink?" I said, grabbing a beer for me.

"No thanks, Niall. I can't drink."

"Why not?"

"I only have one kidney."

I put my beer back. "You and Liam would get along real well."

"Where's your drink?" She asked.

"If you can't drink, I won't drink."

"Niall, you don't-"

"I know, I don't have to, but I want to." '

*flashback over*

I haven't drank since that day.

She only has one kidney.

One. Kidney.

I ripped off my shirt so I was only in my undershirt and placed it on her wound. I held her with one arm as I dialed my phone.


"Louis! Please call the ambulance and send it to my flat, NOW!"

"Niall, what's going on?"

"I'll tell you later! Just send ambulance! HURRY! WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME!"

I hung up after yelling, tears dripping onto my phone.

I held Amelie tight as she bled.

And bled.

And bled.

Finally, I heard the sirens outside, and the boys shouting. All four of them ran in after the paramedics. They took her from my arms, and placed her in the ambulance.

I walked over to the car, but they refused to let me in.

I started to get aggravated and scream. The boys held me back as they drove away, and put me into Louis's tiny car.

I curled up into a ball, looking out the window.

"Wait, lads! I left something inside!"

"Hurry, Niall!" Liam screamed.

I ran inside and grabbed the letters. I placed the bloody blade inside. I climbed into the car and grasped it in my hand.

"Well?" Zayn asked.


"What is it?"

I didn't even know.

I opened the envelope and pulled out a few pieces of paper.

One had a copy of the note she gave me last time when she attempted suicide.

There was also a new note.


This is the story on how I got the gun, since I shot myself in Nialls flat.

Don't blame him. He didn't give me this, and doesn't have any guns.

A figure clad in black gave me a package with this gun.....

Don't blame Niall. If I were still here today, I would still love him, and I will love him forever."

There was another section below titled with my name.


I love you, and always will.

You never did anything to cause this, ok? I love you. If I were still here today, I would marry you, if you'd let me.

I love you."

I cried as I read this aloud.

I could see everyone was crying silent tears.

I heard a girls sobs and turned around to see Eleanor sobbing her eyes out.


She looked up.

"It will be ok, alright?"

She nodded as we pulled into the hospital.

"What about the other notes?" Zayn asked.

"Um... The top of one, in Amelie's writing, said; 'This is the first note I received.' " I read.

"The rest?" Zayn said.

"It says-


This package could solve your problems.

You know where to aim.

Do not open until visiting hours are over and doctors DO NOT come in. Use right away.

Do not let anyone see this note, and open alone.

-E' " I read.

"Who is this.. E?" Liam asked.

"I don't know."

"What's the other one say?" Harry asked.

"It says in Amelie's writing at the top, 'The second note I received.' The following says;


I hacked the computer system, and you are now allowed to leave tonight. Remember, I'm only helping you.

Remember the last note.

Remember to hide the package.

Remember not to open it until I told you to.

Remember to get rid of these notes.

-E' "

"Whoever this E person is, they are sick." Louis said.

We all nodded. "I agree," Harry said.

"We're here." Louis said.


Amelie's p.o.v.

It was dark.

All I remember was screaming and feeling the pain of my wound.

I'm on the brink of life and death.

I'm about to die.

My whole life replayed before my eyes.

My mom dying, my father dying, meeting Simon....

Meeting Niall.

I suddenly felt tugged, by life and death.

Death wanted me, and I was dying, but life knew it wasn't my time.

Life tugged me one last time and I was pulled away from death.

Death still reached for me.

Louis's p.o.v

My leg bounced up and down, holding Eleanor's hand for dear life. She layed her head on my shoulder.

Liam sat by me. "Nialls mind is set. He doesn't care what happens; he wants to do this." He sighed, and I sighed in reply.

This was going to be a long night.



She only has one kidney.

OMG, Niall saw everything. That's gotta be traumatizing.

Why am I saying this? I wrote it!

Thanks for reading!


(Ps "Beautiful Soul" is my favorite song by Jesse McCartney ok that's embarrassing sorry bye)

To hold on, or let go? (A Niall Horan Fanfiction) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now