I'll Give You This Strawberry If You Keep It A Secret, Okay (L)

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You and L had no cases to work on so far and couldn't decide on anything to do. Things would either be "too stupid", "too boring", or according to L "too far away." You really wanted to play tennis outside with L but it was over 80 degrees outside and L was being a lazy, annoying brat again.

"(Y/N)." L called out, not taking his eyes off the computer screen.

"Yeah, L?" You said, looking up from the puzzle you were working on that Near gave you for your birthday.

"Can you please pass me that plate of strawberry cake that's on the coffee table?"

You glared at L for the 7th time that afternoon. L is treating you like a butler... Or a maid in that case. You couldn't take it anymore. You had to do something about it. "L." you said, catching the strange boys attention.

L looked up from his laptop and stared at you with a confused expression. "Yes (y/n)?" He said, very slowly.

"You need to get off your lazy ass and actually be motivative for once. I can't continue doing things for you. Sure, I'm only your successor but that doesn't mean you have to treat me like some maid all the time." You said.

L looked at you with great surprise, but then immediately shook his head and stared into your eyes.

"You know what." He began. "You're right. I'm sorry for always making you do things for me and... and I'm sorry you think you're just some maid to me. Cuz you're not just a maid, you're my successor... you're my best friend." He said, with an silly, yet adorable grin on his face.

*Change of P.O.V*

I was left speechless. He called me... his best friend. He actually called me his best friend. I didn't think he even had feelings but... Wow.

*Back to original P.O.V*

L suddenly stood up from the ground and started walking towards you. You didn't know what he was doing but you sure hoped it wasn't a terrible prank like the one Mello and Matt pulled on you the other day. Those sneaky bastards put gum in your hair and it took you forever to get it out. You even had to cut some pieces of your hair off.

Suddenly, L wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly.

"Uh... L?" You managed to say, having trouble breathing since L was squeezing you too hard.

"Yeah (y/n)?"

"I. Can't. Breath."

L immediately let go of you and kept saying sorry over and over again.

"L! It's okay! Stop saying sorry!" You said.

There was a short pause before he said "sorry" once again.

You sighed and then thought of an idea.

"Hey L? Wanna come watch a movie at my room?"

L didn't answer. He was deciding if he should go or not.

"Okay." He finally said. "What movie are we watching?"

"Any movie of your choice." You said.


L and I started walking towards my room. I unlocked the door and let L walk in before stepping into the room myself. The cold breeze from the AC immediately brushed on my face, cooling me down from the massive amount of heat I felt outside the room.

"My laptop is on the table near my bed. I'm already signed into Netflix, just pick a movie and wait for me to come back." I said. L just gave me a small nod and heading towards the table where my laptop laid. I went into the kitchen to get some snacks, such as popcorn, a bag of marshmallows, chocolate, strawberry cake, and my favorite, JAM!

I walked into my room and saw that L was sitting on my bed, laptop on his lap. For once he wasn't sitting in that... Strange position that will "lower his thinking by 40% if he sits normally" (I know he didn't say it in that way but pls bare with me guys)

"Oh hey you're back!" L said. "And you brought snacks!!"

I couldn't help but smile. L can be so adorable sometimes. I'm glad I get to always be around him and help him with cases.

"I sure did!" I said, laughing. I sat next to L and handed him the plate of cake. I grabbed my spoon and opened the jar of jam. "You know, you remind me of Beyond. How he always used to eat Jam." L said.

"Huh... I guess you're right." I said.

"What are we watching?" I asked. L suddenly stared laughing. "What's so funny!?" I asked. L immediately stopped and blushed. "Oh- I was just thinking about something. Hehe, sorry." I laughed at his silliness. "It's fine, just start the movie."


After the movie L and I decided to just hang out in my room for the rest of the day. I admit, I do have a small crush on L. Okay fine, I have a HUGE crush on L. Ever since we were little kids. I doubt he even likes me back though.

"(y/n)?" I heard L say.

"Yeah?" I said, turning around to look at him

"Are you alright? You were kinda staring at the wall for two whole minutes." He said.

"I w-was?" I said, shocked. L just nodded and chuckled.

I found myself staring into L's eyes. Surprisingly, he was staring into mine as well. The both of us didn't say a word. We just continued staring at each other. Then, L slowly starting leaning into me, and I found myself doing the same thing. The more we both leaned forward, the smaller the space between us became. L and I were so close to each other that I was able to feel his breath on my skin. L started to close his eyes the closer he got to me. I didn't know what to do! Was he going to kiss me!? Before I knew it, L's lips were placed against mine. His lips were so soft and warm. I was shocked at first but eventually I closed my eyes and kissed him back. When he noticed that I was kissing him back he pulled me closer to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck. The longer we kissed the more passionate and sweet the kiss became, but eventually the both of us had to pull away to breath.

I was staring at my lap awkwardly while L fiddled with his fingers. You could feel the tension in the air. He kissed me. L actually kissed me! And... And I enjoyed every passing moment of it. How he pulled me closer to him and the way our lips moved in sync.

I felt my bed move slightly and I turned to see L grabbing the strawberry from his cake and walking back to my bed, facing me. He then got closer and whispered in my ear. "I really really like you. More than you can ever imagine. I've liked you since I was 13 years old and when I noticed you kissing me back, I couldn't help but feel extremely happy." He said. My cheeks starting heating up. Oh no, he's gonna see my blush! I heard L chuckle. He then grabbed my chin gently and moved my head so I would be facing him.

"I'll give you this strawberry if you keep it a secret, okay?" L said, smiling.

I smiled back. "Okay."

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