Chapter 7

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Zara's POV

*dream flashback*
The man with the gun stepped on the bus, his gaze sweeping right and left as he surveyed us.
"Everyone stand up," he said, his voice gravelly. Nobody moved, everyone was frozen stock still.
"Move now!" He screamed, holding up his gun and everybody immediately stood up, walking quickly to the door. I stood up to follow, but as I entered the corridor, he pointed at me.
"Not you," he snarled, and he lifted his gun...
*end of dream flashback*
"Zara, Zara wake up!" My eyes snapped open, and I turned to see Mitch shaking me awake.
"Are you ok?" He asked concerned. I took a deep breath.
"I- I remembered something important. I remembered the man with the gun on the bus."
We walked into the bullpen. Gibbs looked up and seeing me he frowned.
"What are you doing here Zara?" He asked.
"I remember the person who was on the bus."
At this, Gibbs sent me down to Abby, but told Mitch to stay up in the bullpen. Probably wanted to talk about me again. But I shrugged and followed the orders, and I ran down the stairs to Abby's lab.
"Abby!" I yelled, as I sprinted into her lab, where she was fast asleep on the computer keyboard. I walked over and shook her awake.
"I- I'm awake!" She said sitting up arubtly. "Oh hey Zara. What do you need?"
"I remembered the person who was on the bus! I need some help making a reconstruction of his face.
After an hour we had a bolo out on the man who we had named Fred(we could just keep calling him the man on the bus- it was too long) and the picture running through Aphis. Gibbs came down and gave Abby a Caf-Pow. He offered me a hot chocolate but I glared at him until he gave me the coffee he was hiding behind his back, not without a lot of grunting that I was too young to drink coffee. I hadn't slept much, so I curled up on Abby's couch and fell asleep.
I woke up several hours later, and finding the lab deserted I ran up to the bullpen, where Gibbs, Ellie and Tony were getting ready.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"We found where 'Fred' is keeping the other kids."
I smiled at this. This was great news. But then a thought struck me like lightning.
"I can help you. The other kids probably won't trust you guys when you try and save them. But they know me."
"What are going at here Zara?" Ellie asked skeptically. I smiled sheepishly.
"I could come with you."
I sat in the truck, nit believing my luck. At first everyone and protested, but it made sense. Me coming would make the mission safer for everyone, and I could take care of myself, Tony had said that. We screeched to a halt, and I jumped out, pulling my gun out. It was time to go kick some butt.

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