Chapter 14 part 2

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*still dream flashback thingy*
Zara's POV

We stood outside the house in the snow. It was freezing.
"Why can't murdurers kill people inside where it is warm?" I complained.
My hands were to frozen to even operate the camera so instead I was walking around the crime scene looking for evidence. I found a knife.
"Found a possible murder weapon!" I yelled out and McGee came over and picked it up as my hand were still frozen. He looked at me exasperated.
"Seriously Zara it's not that cold" he said.
"Um I don't know if you knew this but I grew up in Central Australia where it doesn't snow ever." I pointed out. McGee sighed shaking his head and we headed back to the truck and drove back to NCIS building.
I went down to Abby with the knife and the rest of the evidence. She was playing Christmas carols very loudly.
"Abby, Abby!" I yelled. And she turned around.
"I have a murder weapon for you," I said handing it to you. Abby got some fingerprints of it. We ID them and called Gibbs who sent Ellie and Tony off to get the suspect. I was about to leave the lab when Abby stopped me.
"So... What are you doing for Christmas?" She asked.
"Well I don't know see I've never been in America for Christmas we always go back to Australia but this year we only had enough money for 4 tickets and Mitch is at a training camp so I said I wouldn't go because Jason and Jack and Sam really wanted to go back so I don't really have anywhere to go for Christmas." It all came spilling out what had been bothering me all along. Abby gave me a hug.
"Don't worry she said "you'll figure something out"
"Thanks Abs"
I paced around the room, still not quite believing Gibbs had let me interrogate the suspect. I sat down and casually examines my nails.
"So can you tell me what happened please" I said the guy looked confused as if he couldn't understand that he was getting interrogated by a 13 year old. (She turns 14 on December 31)
"We know you killed Petty Officer Brinkins we have evidence"
"I didn't kill anyone" he replied. I took out a photo of the dead officer and slid it over to him. This guy was annoying me.
"So first you kill someone and then you don't even admit it. That's low," I said. "Did it even occur to you that she might have plans for Christmas. A family" I was yelling now, and the guy hung his head.
"Fine, I did it but I didn't mean to. I was just walking past the house- I interrupted him.
"With a knife? Yeah, we can see it was a total accident." With that I walked out slamming the door.
I packed up my stuff to go home. I was staying at Mitchs apartment by myself until he came back. I was about to leave when Ellie came up to me.
"Hey," she said, "got any plans for Christmas?"
"Well.. Wait" I narrowed my eyes," have you been taking to Abby?" Ellie simply smiled.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to mine and Jakes place for Christmas I know where not your family but.." She trailed off.
"Sure." I said. Maybe this Christmas wouldn't be as bad as I expected.
I woke up the next morning and it took me a few moments to realise where I was. And then I realised it was Christmas. I got up and went to kitchen where Jake was up and making breakfast. He smiled at me.
"Hey" he said handing me some eggs in bacon. It had been so long since someone had made me breakfast.
"So what are you doing today? Cause usually I play cricket on Christmas but I don't think that's going to happen.."
"Well we are going to meet the rest if the team at Gibbs place for Christmas lunch" Ellie said walking in.
(At Gubbs place)
I handed out the gifts I had gotten everyone. They were only small but everyone seemed to like them. I had gotten everyone Australian animals in Santa hats. I had seen them in an American shop and had thought it was funny. I had gotten a teddy bear from Ellie and Jake, a dress from Abby, a small wooden boat from Gibbs, a pen and notebook from Ducky and Jimmy, a watch from McGee, and a knife from Tony who said he regretted getting it as I was apparently already dangerous enough. We finished lunch and Tony sat back rubbing his stomach.
"Well I'm full now." He said
"Too full to eat the pavlova I made?" I raised an eyebrow. With that he shook his head. When I had discovered none of them had ever had pavlova I had decided to make one because you haven't lived if you haven't eaten pavlova. I walked into the kitchen and brought it out, cutting it into slices and putting the pieces on plates. I looked around at the team laughing and joking with each other. Sure, I would love to be with my family celebrating Christmas the way we always did in Australia, but these guys were my second family, and I wouldn't change a thing.

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