Chapter Two: A Flutter of Wings

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As the two rappers re-entered the building, one of their backup dancers was sauntering down the hall. "Hey! Good timing, I was just coming to get you two." She said with a smile.

Ji smiled at her and they went back into the dance room, despite Seughyun's protesting.

"I don't wanna! I'm going to fall again!" The elder stated.

"Seung, if I buy you lunch, will you please just do this?" Ji asked with a sigh.

The older thought for a moment before nodding reluctantly. Bae chuckled and started up the song.


Ji, after deeming Seung embarrassed and thoroughly danced out, decided they were done dancing and could either go to a restaurant or get takeout at the dorm. It was 3 to 2. Bae, Dae, and Ri wanted takeout so they could rest on the couch for a while before going to do a photo shoot, but Seung and Ji wanted to actually go to get food. They also happened to be lucky and free of schedules for the afternoon.

Seung looked at everyone for a moment before clearing his throat. "Why don't Ji and I go for food, you guys tag along, but you take your food home?" They all nodded, figuring that was the easiest for everyone to get what they wanted. The five gathered up their bags and left the studio, discussing where they wanted to eat.

"I like that new French restaurant, and it's close to the dorms. We could go there?" Ji looked at everyone for their input. Seung smirked.

"It's kinda pricey for just random lunch though."

Jiyong looked up at him, crossing his arms over his narrow chest. "So? I'm G Dragon. I think I can afford to eat there."

The elder chuckled at Ji's stance. He held his hands up, as if in surrender. With it decided, they left for lunch, piling into the van. It only took a few moments to get to the restaurant, and the three that were heading back to the dorms went in first to look at the menu.

Seung and Jiyong were standing in the waiting area for a good ten minutes, sunglasses on and scarves over their mouths. The other three were sporting a similar disguise, but were busy looking at what was available for takeout. When a waitress finally approached them, Jiyong began whispering.

"Do you perhaps have a secluded booth or private room?" She nodded in understanding before leading the two rappers to a private booth in the back corner of the dining area.

Once they were seated, they removed their disguises warily. Seung saw Taeyang pull the scarf from his mouth to throw him a knowing smirk as the others left with their food. He shook his head and earned a raised eyebrow from the younger. "Are you actually going crazy, Seung?"

Said rapper looked at him with his devilish smirk. "I thought we had already established that I was crazy." He cocked his head to the side as he looked at Ji. The smaller man smiled. It made Seung happy to be able see his real smile.

He, unlike the other, knew what the flutters in his stomach and chest meant. He was just terrified of admitting it out loud. He was afraid, mostly because of his father's method of raising him left the elder afraid of a lot of things. The only one who knew that he felt something towards the younger rapper was Bae, hence the knowing look from across the room. Seung didn't need to see the singer's whole face to know what look he was being given, as he'd seen it dozens of times.

Ji had stopped paying attention to Seung and had begun to look at the lunch menu. He followed suit and looked at the options. He enjoyed European foods, especially French and Italian. He loved French desserts more than anything. Then there was coffee. Seung was beyond obsessed with the caffeinated drink, much to Ji's disapproval.

When the waitress walked back to their table, it was obvious that she recognized them, but didn't want to reveal that they were there. "C-can I get you anything to drink?"

Jiyong smiled his bright and amazing smile, the one that always tugged at Seung's heart. "Yeah, I'll just have an iced tea."

"Alright, and how about you?" She was looking at Seung. He smiled. "Coffee, black."

She chuckled as if she had known he would order it and walked away to give them a few more minutes to decide.

"Always with the coffee, hyung. No wonder you never sleep."

The elder scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ji giggled, as he wasn't currently portraying GD, giggling was quite normal for him. "You drink coffee in the middle of the day too. You should cut back, you know."

Seung feigned offense, placing a hand on his cheek like he'd been slapped. "Aw, Ji Ji, not you! How could you say that to me?"

The younger put his hand over his eyes, laughing. "Don't call me Ji Ji. And you really think you need that coffee?"

As if to go against his statement, the waitress had returned with their drinks and Seung immediately took a sip. Ji rolled his eyes.

"Are you guys ready to order?"

They both nodded and Ji ordered a chicken meal that was served with vegetables, and Seung ordered a grilled salmon with rice and vegetables. She smiled shyly as they handed back the menus, blushing when Seung's fingers brushed hers. She lingered a few seconds before walking to the kitchen to place their orders with the chef.

Ji didn't understand it, but he didn't like Seung touching her. When the elder turned his attention back to the other, he found Jiyong scowling at him. Seung just smiled at him, causing Ji to feel like a million butterflies had been let loose in his stomach. He looked at the table quickly, his scowl now focused on what he was feeling. He felt like there was suddenly no air in the room and his heart felt like gossamer wings were giving it permission to fly.

What the hell is happening to me?

Seung looked at the younger with concern. "Ji, are you alright?"

His deep voice made Ji come out of his head as his eyes found Seung's warm brown eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay." He threw the elder a smile to hide his sudden unease.

Seung responded with a slightly sad smile as Ji looked out the window. He knew all too well that the smile the other had given him was one that hid his emotions. Seung thought about how sad it was that so few people realized that Ji wasn't as happy as he seemed.

They sat in silence a moment before Seung cleared his throat. Jiyong looked at him expectantly, raising an eyebrow in question.

"So, uh, when do we all have a free day? Do you know?"

Ji eyed him suspiciously, knowing he'd been about to say something else. "I think we have Friday off."

"What's that, the 22?"

The younger nodded. He still felt the stirring of suspicion in the back of his mind, but he let it slip as their food arrived.

They thanked the waitress who lingered for a moment again. Ji smiled at her.

"I'm gonna guess and say you recognize us?" At her nod, he chuckled. "Want an autograph?" She looked as though she might cry.

"Could I really get it?" They both chuckled at her excitement.

"Do you have something in particular you want signed?" She looked at Seung with a smile.

"I have a GTOP promo poster in my locker." She stated in a shy manner.

They smiled again. "Bring that when we get our check and we'll sign it." Ji responded. She covered her mouth with her hand.

"Thank you so much!" She bowed in gratitude. "Enjoy your meal!"

She hurried off in excitement, smiling so wide it seemed it could break her face.

I'm sorry I know nothing about food, I googled common French lunches and used a menu I found as reference lol and how do you feel about my chapter length? It's about 1000 words per chapter, usually a little more, which is my normal format.

Ji is jelly XD vote and comment please!! I'm really unsure about this story so I really want to know if I should keep going lol

Thanks for reading!! <3

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