Chapter Fifteen: Birthday

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Reminder that I am making up my own timeline, this doesn't coincide with any of their real schedules from that time. It's just from my own mind. :) They go where I want them to ;) They have their own apartment now in my timeline.

~1 year after the start, a few days before Jiyong's 27th birthday~

Seunghyun was scrolling through his search results for "surprise party ideas" on his laptop. He wanted to surprise Jiyong for his birthday. He just had no idea what to do for his lover. He sighed and closed his laptop. He stood from the desk and walked out of his and Jiyong's bedroom. He found himself in the living room, looking out at Seoul's skyline.

He contemplated being subtle and asking his lover about it, but decided against it because he knew his lover would play it down. He was also worried that Jiyong might be nervous about his birthday since it put him closer to enlistment. He frowned, which would seem comical if he didn't look sad as well. He knew how he felt himself about having to enlist soon, and he knew that similar thoughts plagued his younger lover. It made his heart heavy to think about how long they'd have to wait to get married and have a family.

The thought of marriage made him smile suddenly and he hurried back to the bedroom to call Youngbae.

He hit the speed dial for the singer and listened to it ring impatiently.

"Hey man. What's up?"

"I have a plan for Jiyong's birthday!"

"Finally! What are we doing?"

Seunghyun told the singer his plans, and they set aside time the following day to go get everything they would need to make this Jiyong's best birthday.


The following morning after Seunghyun had taken his shower, he texted Bae what time to meet him so they could buy their supplies. Seunghyun was taking Jiyong out to lunch before the younger went to a photo shoot, which meant he'd have all afternoon to not worry about Jiyong getting suspicious about the surprise party.

Jiyong was curled up on the couch, snuggled up in one of Seunghyun's old sweatshirts. He was watching some talent show intently. When Seunghyun sat down next to him, he rearranged to be snuggled under his lover's arm.

"You ready for lunch, baby?"

"Yeah. Where are we going?"

"How about that French restaurant we went to last year?"

Jiyong smirked up at him. "You mean our unofficial first date day when we went to the butterfly exhibit?"

"Yeah, that one."

"I'd be ok with that, the food was good and we were able to get a private booth."

The younger stood up and pulled Seunghyun from the couch. "Get the car keys while I go change real quick."

The elder gave him a kiss on the cheek as he walked to the front door. After a few moments, Jiyong walked into the small entry hall wearing basic skinny jeans and a grey v-neck t-shirt. He was carrying his sunglasses and mask, as well as Seunghyun's.

"Let's go."


The next morning, Seunghyun awoke filled with excitement. He woke his lover, knowing that Jiyong had to go help new trainees that day, and was happy to know that he and the other three could decorate the dining venue they had rented for the party. Jiyong burrowed his face into the soft fabric of the shirt Seunghyun was wearing.

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