Chapter Six: How Do We Tell

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Light streamed into the bedroom, forcing the shorter rapper to open his eyes. He was snuggled into Seunghyun's arms and he could feel the elder's gentle breath on the back of his neck. He smiled and turned in the other's embrace, facing the sleeping man. He looked peaceful until the alarm started blaring, making him furrow his brows.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

Seunghyun sighed, his eyes still shut. "Normally, morning's aren't good, but this is an exception."

His warm chocolate eyes opened and met with Ji's lighter chestnut eyes. He smiled.

"You gonna turn the alarm off any time soon?"

Jiyong fumbled behind him, hitting the clock to silence it. The elder chuckled and pulled Ji to sit up with him.

"I don't want to go!" Ji snuggled his face against Seunghyun's warm neck.

"I don't either, but we have to."

Ji looked up at him. "I know. Damnit, today is gonna be annoying."

"It won't be that bad. We'll get through it."

Jiyong snuggled into Seunghyun's arms. "I just want to stay here with you."

The elder laughed quietly. "Me too."

There was gentle knock on their bedroom door, followed by Dae's voice.

"You guys getting up?"

"Yeah, we'll be out in a few minutes."

Ji sighed. "Now we have to go."

Seunghyun kissed Ji's nose before standing from the bed, the younger man still in his arms. The elder walked to the closet and set Ji down. Jiyong kept his arms around the other's neck and rested his forehead against Seung's.

"What should I wear?"

The taller rapper smiled. "I don't know that it matters since we'll change our clothes for the interview anyway."

Ji smiled. "That's true."

Ji wandered into the closet and picked a simple outfit; skinny jeans, a tank top with a button down shirt over it, and plain sneakers. He walked out with his clothes draped over his arm as Seunghyun walked around him to pick his clothes.

A few moments later, they walked out to the living room and joined the others.

"We ready?" Ji asked.

The three singers nodded and they left for their interview.


They were piled into the backseat of a van on their way to the interview. Ji leaned against the other rapper with his eyes closed. He opened them when he heard one of the others clear their throat.

It was Seungri, and Ji watched him raise the window between them and the driver. "Why were you gone for so long?"

"Because we wanted to hang out."

"What did you do?"

Ji and Seunghyun each raised an eyebrow at the youngest member. "We went to the new butterfly exhibit and the park. Why are you so interested?" Seunghyun asked, suspicion coloring his voice.

The maknae shrugged. The rappers saw something in his eyes. The elder glared at Bae. "What did you do?"

He shrugged. "I didn't do anything."

Dae chuckled. "What, did you think we were oblivious to it? Just because you told Bae, doesn't mean we didn't know too."

The two rappers looked at each other before Ji looked at the others. "What? You told Bae?"

"He was the first I talked to when I finally admitted my feelings to myself. I didn't you guys knew too though."

"Well, you guys always look at each other when the other isn't paying attention, touches linger too long. It has always been obvious."

Bae and Seungri nodded in agreement of Daesung's statement. Ji blushed and looked out the window while the taller man just smirked.

"Are you guys okay with it?"

They were all surprised how small Ji's voice sounded. "Of course we are. We're like the original GTOP fans, so we've kind of just been waiting for this." Seungri stated matter of factly.

Seunghyun laughed, hard, before covering his mouth, and even though he had mostly silenced himself, his shoulders were still shaking. Ji chuckled as well.

"Well, I guess we don't have to worry about breaking it to them then. Any ideas on how we could tell YG?"

"Is that really a good idea?" Bae looked shocked.

"Well, we don't want to lie to anyone about it. We figure he'd rather know and decide if we are out or not. It'll be up to him if and when we told fans or other groups we're friends with." Seunghyun sounded confident.

The others nodded and the rest of the way to the interview, they brainstormed when and how the new lovebirds could tell YG.


Once they arrived at the interview, they were all ushered off in different directions for hair, makeup, and clothes. The singers were worried about what would come of them telling anyone besides them, but they also knew that the two rappers would be happier showing people what they now shared.

After being done up for their appearance, they waited impatiently, ready to be called on set. Jiyong was fidgeting with the edge of his shirt and biting his lip. Bae put his hand on his shoulder, reassuring his friend.

"It'll be alright."

Before the leader could respond, they were called out in front of a crowd of eager fans.


They arrived back at the dorms in the late afternoon, having done a lengthy photoshoot after the interview. They were all exhausted and Seunghyun wanted nothing more than to take a hot shower and curl up with Ji watching bad TV.

The five musicians trudged into the dorm, walking like zombies to their bedrooms. Seunghyun stayed back beside Jiyong, and as the others walked ahead, the elder grabbed the shorter into a tight embrace.

"I told you we'd make it through today."

Ji gave him a small, but happy smile. "You did." The younger gently pressed his lips against the others. "I'm glad you were right."

Seung smiled back, softly running his hands down Ji's sides. "So, I think I'm gonna take a shower, then we could snuggle and watch TV?"

The shorter's face twisted into a wicked smirk. "I could join you in the aforementioned shower?"

Seunghyun's eyes twinkled with lust, as he replied with a growl in his voice. "Hm, you could indeed."

The taller man lead Jiyong down the hall and into the bathroom, locking the door behind them.

Hahaha! Teaser! I'm not confident about writing anything dirty really atm because I haven't written it in so long, so I hope leaving how far they go to your imagination is acceptable. :3 and I am so sorry about the 3 week wait for this chapter, I could not for the life of me actually get the dialogue right, so let me know how it is? I feel like this is pretty choppy, but at some point I want to polish it up a bit. Thanks for reading lovelies <3

PS! It was my birthday when I wrote the majority of this, on the 16th. I am officially all grown up XD (I'm 20 now. And gods do I feel old)

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