Chapter Ten: Days Go By

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After they had told YG, and were allowed to remain a part of YG Entertainment, Seunghyun and Jiyong's happiness grew. They were going to be able to love, without having to hide it from those closest them. During the first weeks of their new relationship, they told only a few people, the girls of 2NE1, Tablo and Haru, who cried before making Seunghyun promise that he would take care of Jiyong and make sure he was always happy, and Teddy. Everyone had been happy for them, and CL had been another to tell them it had taken too long.


It had been 6 weeks since the night at the park. 6 weeks since they had learned what true happiness was.

Jiyong was snuggled against the elder rapper's chest scrolling through Instagram. He was listening to Seunghyun talk about a new artist he'd found. Bae walked in and flopped onto the couch next to them.

"Hey guys. What are you doing tonight?"

Jiyong looked up at Seunghyun before shrugging. "Nothing. Why?"

"Ri and I kind of want to go to a club, but we don't want to go alone."

"What about Dae, would he want to go?"

Youngbae looked to the floor. "No, he's gone to visit his family for a few days."

Ji gave his best friend a hard look. "Dong Youngbae, what's going on?"

The singer looked at him from the corner of his eye before sighing and letting his head fall forward. "He needed to think about some things, so he left."

"Did you talk to him?"

"About what?" The short man looked nervous.

"Okay, if you think that we're oblivious to how you act then we must be blind. You act the same around him as Ji and I do. Did you talk to him about it?"

Bae looked at the eldest, fear flitting gently in his eyes. "Yes. I think I should've kept my stupid mouth shut. I think I ruined our friendship."

Jiyong sat up. "No, you didn't. He wouldn't give up on you as a friend, he just needs time. He's not the kind of person to just up and leave forever. He'll be back. I don't know if it'll be to say he only wants to be friends, or what, but he'll come back."

Jiyong put his hand on the singer's shoulder.

"I hope so." Bae didn't know what else to say.

"So, what club did you want to go to?"

Bae smiled at his friends. "Thanks guys."


The four musicians arrived at Club Arena shortly after Bae had talked to them, being immediately recognized and ushered into the club. They found their way to a VIP booth and ordered their first round. Bae looked a little more relaxed as the music shook the floor.

They talked about nothing in particular and tried ignoring people snapping photos of them. After the third round of drinks, Seungri decided to drag Youngbae onto the dance floor.

"You think Dae is okay?" Seunghyun asked quietly.

Jiyong looked at his lover. "I think he will be. I kind of feel like he wanted to see what his parents would say if he brought home a man for Christmas, you know?"

"So you think he left to see what his family would say if he admitted feeling the same as Bae?"

"Maybe. I hope so. Speaking of Bae, we need to make sure that he doesn't get completely shitfaced tonight."

Seunghyun nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but I think that's what he wanted tonight to be about."

"Too damn bad. He has no reason to feel guilty, so I won't let him hurt himself by trying to party it away."

The elder chuckled. "I agree. I think even Seungri is picking up on it."

Ji looked out to the dance floor and saw said maknae taking a glass from Youngbae's hand, much to the short singer's disappointment.

Ji smiled at Seungri when he looked to the booth with a pleading look on his face. The younger rapper stood and walked to the dance floor. When he reached his friends, he started dancing with them. Jiyong could feel Seunghyun's eyes on him the whole time.


It was nearly 3 in the morning by the time they went back to the dorm. Because Ji and Seungri had been with Bae, he hadn't gotten nearly as drunk as he'd wanted, to which he complained about on the drive back to the building. Once Seungri managed to get Youngbae into his room and he went to his bed, Seunghyun cornered Jiyong.

"What's up?"

"You danced like that on purpose."

Jiyong smirked up at his lover. "Yeah, I did. Did you not like it?"

The elder's response was a rough kiss and dragging the slender rapper into their room by his hips.


Jiyong woke up to find the space next to him empty. He stretched before sitting up and yawning. The rapper found a baggy T-shirt and put it on as he walked out of his bedroom. The dorm was quiet as he wandered into the kitchen. As he was about to open the fridge, he saw a note from Seunghyun.

"Took Youngbae to meet Daesung. He didn't want to wake you. We should be back soon, so don't worry.


Jiyong frowned at the note as he set it on the counter.

"Why didn't he want to wake me?"

He stared at it a moment longer before deciding to take a shower.

After he showered, Jiyong got a bowl from the cupboard and poured cereal and milk into the ceramic dish. He sat at the counter and held his phone up.

I should text and ask if everything is okay.

As he began to type a message to his lover, he heard the door unlock. Jiyong hopped off the stool and walked around the corner to immediately get a tight hug from Bae. The rapper put his arms around his friend.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

Bae stepped back with a smile. "I'm fucking great!"

The younger man raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Youngbae hugged him again. "I didn't ruin it."

Jiyong smiled. "So he feels the same?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry he dragged you to a club because he was worried." Daesung said from the doorway.

Jiyong stepped away from Bae and pulled Dae into a hug. "I'm glad you guys figured it out. You'll be happy."

As they moved into the kitchen, Seungri walked into the dorm. When he saw the look the others gave him, he stopped.

"Did I miss something?"

Jiyong raised an eyebrow. "Where were you?"

"At the studio helping some new dancers. I get the feeling I missed something."

Bae snorted. "You're the only single pringle left."

"What? Single... Wait a minute?! You two too? Man, I need a girlfriend."

They all laughed as Ri sat on a stool next to Seunghyun. They sat around and talked about the possibilities of their futures, and Seungri complained about being a lone wolf.

Ugh, I wanted this to be longer, but I kind of struggled writing this chapter, and I have no idea why. But! Anyhow, I would love some comments! Please let me know what you thought! Idk why, but getting SunDae to be a thing too had to happen lol

Next chapter will be more GTOP focused, I promise :3 Thanks for reading lovelies!!  

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