Chapter 1

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'I can hear the waves crashing against the ship, the sound of birds chirping high in the sky and the sun on my skin, the smell of the ocean and the fresh air, feeling the cool wind brushing against my white skin and make my hair dance.' "Ahhhhhh it feels good to be free. Now to the point of this journey, I have to be careful when I reach London, I have no idea what kind of country it's like, they say it's really different from Japan, I hope I'm ready for it...." You said. 'NO! Don't start doubting I've prepared myself for this time, I won't back down, I made a decision to find those who murdered my family and my friend! And get revenge!' I can feel my hands shaking, not because of fear, but sadness and anger boiling up in me over the deaths of my family and I wasn't able to saved them, And I was the only one that survived. Tears are starting to flow out but I hold it in, I have become stronger I'm not the same girl who I was before, I have Changed!
Then I took a deep breath and let it out to calm myself, I hold the sword in my hand, it's my family's sword it's been handed down from generations-to-generations, also I have my mother's necklace, it is also a family treasure, my mother gave it to me on my 9th birthday. As I was remembering my past the man on the bout shout "Land howwww" , and I see... London! 'This is it!' I thought while clutching my sword. After a few minutes we arrive at the port, and I get off the ship. Then I took a deep breath to inhale the air in London, it is very different from Japan. And with that thought I head toward the city.
'Wowwwww' My mouth is hung open as I watch the city of London, there are tall and big building I've never seen before, many people are walking on the streets, I can see a horse dragging a 'box'? Which reminds me of Ootori's story about, London,'I think it's called a carriage.' There are so many stores selling different kinds of things from food to house furnitures. And I can see that people are staring at me as they passed me. I know that my clothes are different from theirs after all I'm only wearing a light inner kimono and the outside a dark purple kimono, long pants, and a light purple sash 'or obi' with my katana inside it's dark purple and golden scabbard on my left hips, and my long flowing black hair loose. I really need to get out of sight it makes me feel uneasy, so I quickly run passing the people.
After one-long-hour of running I came to a stop, and I'm kind of feeling a bit hungry, and I realize I don't have enough money to buy food and my food supplies have run out. And it's a good thing that I'm out of the city, the air was sickening with the moist air and the smell of smoke. And I look at my surroundings and the sight was great, in front of me is a wide meadow with a path, so I begin to follow the path thinking I might find someplace to rest. As hours past by, my legs are beginning to feel numb and my head feels dizzy, making my visions blur, I tried focussing my mind by leaning at a nearby tree, I take it I'm in a forest, and the sun is almost about to set, so I take some more steps getting deeper into the forest.
However after a few steps my body falls to the ground, I can't move I'm so tired, all parts of my body feels heavy, 'Am I going to die?' I have an unfinished business as I lay there gazing at the now purple-orange sky, I'm slowly giving in to the darkness.

But before I'm completely swallowed by the darkness I heard a man's voice "Miss are you okay?! Miss?! Who's that ? It was all a blur, His red-blood eyes and long raven hair I can't make out his face as I drift into the darkness.

Author's note : Hey guys do you see the picture above that's how I think of Haruka's Clothes looks like, I hope you like it. And I don't own the picture or black butler thanks.

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