Chapter 39

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Your's POV ;

I slowly open my eyes to the scenery around me, I'm still in Sebastian's room. But a lot of cats are on the bed with me, I smile. Sebastian must've brought them here to keep them out from the storm. Then I scent something, the air is a little different. 

"Sebastian's scent is here, it's like he just came here. But that's not possible, he is-" 

No way, don't tell me! 

I rush out of the room and to the kitchen along with Kuppuru behind me. When I got to the kitchen, I found Bard, Finny, Mey-rin and a man I don't know is there. They are cooking. Then they all realize I'm here.

"Haruka!" Finny jumped at me.

"Hey are you alright?" Bard asked me

"Don't worry guys I'm fine, but who's this?" I asked looking at the man.

"Please forgive me, you must be miss Haruka, I am Reverend Jeremy Rathborne, but please call me Jeremy." He said as he bow.

"It's nice to meet you, but I cannot think anyone could arrive to the mansion in this storm."

"Oh that can be done. I arrive here from Mr. Sebastian's request."

"I see....well what is all of this?" I asked them looking at what they are cooking "Soy bean?"

"It was Jeremy's idea! We are going to serve the guests Soy meat!" Finny said 

"Huh Soy meat, all right then let me help you guys, I didn't really help with anything Huh?" I said as I cast down my eyes. Then Mey-rin taps my shoulders.

"Don't worry Haruka we know what you feel."

"Yeah no need to worry! Afterall Jeremy here helped a lot in solving the case!" Bard said giving a thumbs up.

"Well then thank you Mr. Jeremy. Come on let's start cooking."

"Okayyyyy!!!" "Meowwwww" Then suddenly Kuppuru is purring near Mr. Jeremy's leg, and he pick Kuppuru up. A bright smile on his face, then something in me realize.

"Is something the matter miss Haruka?" Jeremy asked looking at me.

"N-no it's nothing." I said and I turn around and I begin to help the others.


I was the one who's serving the foods to the guests.

"Haruka are you alright?" It was Ciel, he held my hands and asked me. I give him a smile.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry."

"Man you were quite cute when you were sleeping." Mr. Grey said to me giving me a smile. I shiver at this.

"Ow! Ugh something hit my leg!" Mr. Grey suddenly complained

"Maybe you accidentally bump the table." Ciel said looking annoyed. I sigh in relief.

"Um Haruka is it?" Then Miss Irene called out to me.

"Yes miss is there something you need?"

"No, it's just...are you alright?"

"Huh?" I give her a questioned look.

"It's just we heard from the other servants that you were close to Mr. Sebastian. I would really be sad if  Grimsby were.."

"Oh I see, please do not worry miss, I am fine. Thank you for your concern." I said to her and bow.

"But really it's such a shame, you two were very close. I thought you two would marry someday." Mr. Lay said and I feel embarrass. Then Ciel clears his throat.

The Dark blossom (Black butler fanfic ~*(Sebastian x reader (Japanese Girl)))Where stories live. Discover now