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- its been so long sorry im on vacation and Codie and I just didn't get to it but enjoy loves -

Niall's face was written in confusion. Pregnant? With Harry's baby? Was Harry the daddy of his baby?!

"What's wrong babe?" Harry's asked soothingly while wrapping an arm around Niall's waist and pulling him closer to his body.

This is their child. That's when it hit Niall. He had the opportunity to get pregnant. So did Louis and Zayn.

"Babe c'mere you look pale," Harry states, kissing Niall's nose while rubbing his knuckles.

He is yeah...

And that's when Niall passed out.


"Niall baby?!" Harry whispered rubbing his arm, Niall slowly woke up seeing Harry's gorgeous eyes stare into his. Oh how Niall got lost in his husbands eyes.

"H-Harry? What happened? I have such a headache," Niall moans, rubbing his temples. He whimpers and sits up, nausea slowly creeping up on him. Niall lay backs down on the bed and gazes into Harry's eyes before sighing and making grabby hands at Harry to come lay down beside him.

Harry lays down on the bed, pulling Niall into his arms and cuddling him to his broad chest.

"What happened to me, Hazzy?"

Harry sighed, carding his fingers through Niall's hair.

"You fainted, love." Harry pushed back Niall's hair and kissed his forehead.

Niall scrunched up his face, more confused than ever and forgetting this mornings event, thinking that it was just a silly dream. Niall's eyes widened as realization dawned on him. Niall sat up panicked and alarmed.

"Why did I faint?" Niall's voice cracked and he looked at Harry with worried eyes.

Harry sat alarmed as well, putting his hand on Niall's forehead to check his temperature. Niall's eyes wouldn't meet his, they were darting around the room and Niall's chest rose up in down as Niall began to cry.

"P-please Harry tell me it was just a dream....a-am I pregnant?" Niall pleased with Harry, shaking Harry's hand on his head and backing up away from his husband slightly.

Harry looked at Niall with confusion and sorrow and...hurt. "Yes Niall, you're pregnant. We're having a baby."

And that's all it took for Niall to break down and sob helplessly. From being confused, happy and weirded out. Niall crawled into Harry's lap and cried, grabbing Harry's shirt in s tight fist. Harry wound his arms around his vulnerable husband and shushed him, rocking him back and forth.

Did Niall not want to have a baby with him?

Harry gasped and shook those thoughts away. Of course Niall would wanna have a baby with him. I mean they are married after all...

"Baby boy why're you crying?" Harry wondered out loud, staring blankly at the wall as he cradled his husband.

Niall hiccuped, burrowing his face in Harry's neck and nuzzling the spot before calming himself down and making himself take a deep breath.

"Because Harry I'm a boy!" Niall retorted, stating the obvious and bringing himself out of Harry's neck, aka Niall's favorite hiding spot.

Harry pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows. "So?"

Niall sat there dumbfounded, staring at Harry as if he had three heads. How could his husband he so fucking oblivious?

Niall took a deep breath to calm his nerves so he wouldn't strangle Harry. "Harry, I have a mother fucking penis not a goddamn pussy! Men can't get pregnant! This is insane! I'm a freak! I'm probably going to be taken to a lab and get experimented on! You probably think I'm some freak!" Niall couldn't help the broken sob to escape passed his lips after he was done speaking. He curled up into a little ball and held himself.

Maybe boys can get pregnant though.. Maybe Louis or Zayn could get pregnant just like him! But then again maybe not. Maybe Niall's the only one.

Harry just looked at Niall with pity before scooping Niall back up in his arms. "Niall hush and listen very closely to me," Harry spoke sternly.

Niall hiccuped, his eyes red and puffy. He bit his lip and nodded on to Harry for him to continue. Harry smiled warmly, wiping away Niall's tears with the pad of his thumb.

"Who fucking cares if you're a boy and have a dick? We're having a baby! Niall you're pregnant! We're gonna get through this together! There's no way in hell I'd ever let someone take you away from me to experiment on you! You're fucking beautiful baby! I don't think you're s freak at all! I don't think any less than you. This is amazing that we're gonna be dads!"

Niall looked his husband in the eye, this was it. They were gonna be parents.

Harry snapped his fingers in front of Niall's face, holding out his hand for Niall to take. "Princess stand up your to heavy to pull baby." Niall's face lit up smiling. Getting all his willpower to stand back up on his feet and then kissed his husbands plump lips.

Harry snorted walking towards their cat Louis and picked him up when he started squirming, he mewled loudly and jumped out of his arms, causing Niall to laugh.

"Let's put something on that for your scar yeah?" Niall took Harry to the kitchen, taking out the first aid kit.

Harry hissed at the medicine hitting the irritated scratch.


Niall turned in his daydream on the couch once Harry and him passed out in front of this boring movie what was it called? Oh, Romeo and Julia. Niall felt his head pounding.

"Daddy?" Was the first word he could say sitting up, Harry's strong muscular arms pulled him back to his chest. Well then.

"Yes baby, daddy's here don't worry"

Niall nuzzled his neck into the fabric of Harry's sweater, smelled like home. Soft kittens. Flowers. Sex...

Harry was just the bed master. Niall and him fought every night... If you get it you'd slap me.

Niall sat up hovering over Harry who was getting a tent in his boxers.

"Come and earn it dad."

Harry threw his head back when Niall started taking them off and discarded all their clothes on their carpet.

Niall kissed down Harry's body and licked a wet trail behind his ears before kissing him and sticking two digits up his hole.

"Fuck babe" Harry shivered pulling Niall on top of him gripping his sharp hip bones helping him thrust. And soon he was bouncing on top of him. Moans and muffles escaped their mouth. Niall climbed off making Harry's lanky legs shake, then he got down on his knees and started wanking Harry off. "Niall fuck kitten your so good just suck daddy already." Niall obeyed like a good boy and started swirling his tongue around the tip before smirking and stopping.

"Babe sit on my face please." Harry demanded as Niall sat on Harry's face, he poked his tongue into Niall hole, Niall started screaming and bucking back and forth as the bed squeaked. "Mmmm fuck Harry" Harry stopped making Niall whimper begging for his touch. "Mmmm who?" Niall swallowed. "Mmmm daddy, just fucking touch me already" and Harry did. They continued for 2 hours till Niall was sore and stood up from Harry's face.

"I love you princess."

"Love you too Harry."

The two were barely dressed when the door opened and a scream escaped someone's mouth.

"Harry?" The voice sounded betrayed.

Going to be continued....

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