Chapter 7

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I was skipping around backstage when Summer Rae ran up to me, "You can't do this! You cannot do this is me!", she was yelling and I tilted my head, "Watch Me." She screamed and I rolled my eyes, "If you want I can change it." She nodded, "Just do it!" I smirked and grabbed a walkie talkie from Robert, "Chris, Summer Rae says to change her match. How about a major assault? Lana, Eva Marie, and Ali Lee vs. Summer Rae in a three-on-One tornado tag match?" He laughed, "You've got it!" I chuckled and skipped away hearing the commentary, "Ali has gone over the edge! She's gone Psycho! This match is next and I don't think Summer is going to like it!" JBL cut it, "Don't mess with Ali, the entire roster knew that. They knew it would get them hurt, Summer and Randy deserve everything they are getting and then some!" The crowd was cheering and I smirked, this is going to be fun.
Summer walked out to the ring and went to say something but I was quick to interrupt, "No time for that sweet cheeks." She glared and I smirked, "My partners for the evening have changed, ladies! Come on out." The entire divas locker room stood beside me, "Alright, I need the Bellas, Tamina, Aj, Emma, Naomi, Cameron, Aksana, Paige, Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, and Charlotte around the ring." Summer looked as Nattie, Eva Marie, Lana, and Alicia stood beside me. "You asked me to change this match, so I did. It was going to be a three on one elimination match, then you complained and whined, so; Nattie, Lana, and Eva Marie, would you all please stay here, Alicia thanks for having my back doll, keep the dancing bimbo in the ring." The crowd cheered, "It seems you have pissed off every single one of the divas because of your mouth and your inability to keep your hands to yourself, so Eva Marie, Lana, please join me in the ring. Each time Summer falls out, the divas get to beat her. Let's break those dancing shoes." The Total Divas theme played around the arena and the three of us slid into the ring. I smirked, this is going to be awesome.

I giggled and held Lana and Eva Marie's hands high as Summer Rae was being checked on by medical personnel, the divas all climbed into the ring and I laughed and skipped around before climbing onto the turnbuckle and doing a black flip, and landing with the splits. I flipped over and stood up, "Poor little Summer, you're going to be out for a long while." I flipped out of the ring and turned, laughing and smiling at the chaos that had just taken place. When I got backstage, I took a deep breath and turned on my heel, headed toward the direction of Randy's interview. Renee was talking to him and he went to answer but I giggled and skipped in, "Randal doesn't know how to properly answer a question on his own, I actually helped him a lot of the times with answers." I stopped skipping and stood by Randy, placing a hand on his arm, "But I mean, not everyone has the brains and the skill to be amazing, he uses his looks. Sometimes those fail as well." I giggled and hugged Renee, "Nice talking to you! Bye!" I did a cartwheel and skipped away toward Dean and Roman talking about Bray and Luke, "He wouldn't do anything for Luke Harper, but Luke would do anything for him.", I giggled and stood by their side, "I know something about that, the one who puts more effort in a relationship, is always the one who gets hurt. They might even die Alittle, but as I like to say; what doesn't kill you, simply, makes you stranger." I smiled and kissed Dean's cheek and hugged Roman before slipping away, but I turned back, "Good luck, I'll be cheering you on." I winked and disappeared.

Jon's POV

Roman and I looked at each other, "What the hell?", I shrugged and we walked away, "Man, she has gone off the deep end hasn't she?" I rolled my eyes and just sent him a look, "Right." She said she was going to be cheering us on, I shook my head and just walked away, she'll do whatever she wants. We got to the gorilla and Roman looked at me, "So, you really like her huh?", I smiled, "Yeah, I do." He smiled and bumped my shoulder, "That means this is good." I nodded, "Yeah, it is." My entrance played and I was quick to walk out and get in my zone, "I thought for sure we'd see Ali out here with Dean.", JBL cut in, "I'm quite sure she will be out here, she probably went and got herself dolled up." I smiled Alittle and shook my head, Ali isn't one to get dolled up just for ringside cheering. Roman came out next and we stood in the ring, waiting for Bray and Luke to step out, to our surprise, Luke came out alone. "Where the hell is Bray?!", Luke stood at the bottom of the ramp has the screen turned on, Bray's ugly face popping up, "I think I have something that belongs to you Ambrose." I made a face and Roman looked just has confused, "Don't worry, she hasn't screamed or called out for you." He backed up and Ali was tied up to a chair and she was pissed, "Let me go you freak!" He laughed and she glared, standing up and falling onto her back, breaking the chair, she coughed and rolled over, Bray grabbed her by the hair, "Someone is a perfect little Sister Abigail.", I grabbed a mic, "Don't touch her Bray! She isn't a part of this!" She elbowed him in the stomach and turned, grabbed the nearest object and slapping it over his head, "Ali get out here, ringside." She backed up and quickly ran, we didn't notice Luke jump in the ring and got to hit me, but Roman hit him aside, Allison ran down into the ring and was quick to go to my side, "Are you okay?", she nodded, "I'm fine, Alittle shaken up due to the fact that I was kidnapped, right after my shower might I add." I chuckled and wrapped an arm around her, "Bray is just a boy, he isn't a man. He has to hurt a woman, that isn't the traits of a man. He is a scared little boy that can't fight his own fights. He isn't even out here, to stand by his supposed family member's side. He is a weak disgrace of a man." The lights flicked off and Bray was in the middle of the ring with us, standing face to face with Ali, "Look at you Sister Abigail, you only have guts and spice when you are by this lunatic's side. What is this Ali? Is it love?" She glared at him, "No, Ali it isn't. You don't know what love is, you've always been hurt, left, abandoned. What makes you think he'll stay? What makes you think he'll be any different?" She evilly smiled and swayed side to side, "He'll stay because we are one in the same, I mean, we've all got a few screws loose. He accepts my lose screws and I accept his. Nobody accepts yours Bray Wyatt, you're just a wack-job." Ali was standing tall, never faltering and I stood by her side, "Why don't we just do this match like we were suppose to, Me and Luke against each other, you and Roman on the side? Let's leave Ali out of this. Because if you don't, I'm going to beat you around this arena and just when you think it's over, I'm going to come back for more, and just when you think I'm finally gone, I'll pop up and slam your head into the nearest hard object." The bell rang and we started the match.

Ali watched on as I was tearing Luke apart, she was sitting on the Commentary table and Bray walked over to her and stroked her cheek and smiled, "Come home Abigail." She glared and slapped his hand away, rolling her eyes and going back to watching me. She smiled and I went back to beating Luke. It had been a couple of minutes, "Oh my god! Roman Reigns just superman punched Bray Wyatt!" Ali stood up on the table and backed away, jumping down between Michael and JBL, "He was targeting Ali!" She was glaring at him and Luke hit me across the back. Her eyes shifted over to me and she frowned, she marched over to Bray, "This is between me and you right now. Do what ever you want, leave Ambrose and Reigns alone Bray. Call off your mutt." He smirked and grabbed her, hitting her with the Sister Abigail. She fell to the mat and Bray laughed over her. "Call the Medical Team!" The bell rang and the lights flicked, Wyatt and Harper disappearing. I jumped out of the ring, Roman joining my side, her eyes flashed open and she coughed, rolling over and going to stand up. I shook my head and placed a hand on her, gently lowering my her back down, "Don't." She smirked and stood up anyway, "I'm fine, I'm use to being beaten up. It's what we do." I softly smiled, "No baby, it's not, you're not suppose to be beat by Bray." She smiled, "But I was." The medical team ran out and she walked over to them and one of the girls placed a hand out, "We got to get you checked out." She frowned, "Let's not make a big deal out of it. It was like being hit by a baby." The lady smiled, "let's at least take you to the doctor." She nodded and they walked up the ramp, I looked at Roman, "Go." I ran after them.

I ran around the corner and Randy slammed me against a wall, cameras behind him, "This is your fault. If she wasn't following you around like a love struck teenager, this wouldn't have happened.", I glared, "If you would've kept your hands to yourself, she would be with you, by your side. Not mine, though it was inevitable, she was bound to leave you. It seems like she was getting bored with you." He punched the wall beside my head and left, the cameras stayed as Ali let out a scream, "WHHHAAAAATTTTT!" I took off and ran to her. I ran into the room and she was breathing heavily, "What do you mean I can't wrestle for 6 weeks?" The doctor looked at her and then at me, "You can't. Bray hurt your ribs and your back, the chair didn't help either.", she ran her tongue over her teeth and stood, she moved her body, did a cartwheel, and smirked, "I think I'm in perfect shape to wrestle Doc. Clear me, I have a match against Nikki next week on RAW and a match against Nattie on Smackdown, I'm doing those." The Doctor looked at her, "Allison." She frowned, "Please! I wrestled while I had a broken finger for 30 minutes! I wrestled with bruised ribs before!, I can do this. I doesn't hurt." The doctor sighed, "Fine, wrestle. Just don't get to hurt.", she smirked, "I'm use to pain Doc." She skipped around the room and left quickly, "Watch her Jon, she isn't one to tell you anything." I nodded and walked out, Randy talking to her, "Are you okay?", she glared, "I'm just peachy, I was having a good ol time before a hillbilly psychopath beat me up and a wanker that cheated on me got all up in my personal space." Randy smirked, "You never cared before." She smiled and looked at him, "Well before, I was madly in love." She stomped on his foot and sent an elbow to his ribs, grabbing him and flinging him against the wall. "Stay away from me Orton, or I'll make it worse than it already is. Don't you have a match against Punk, Cena, and Brock next? Something about the championship? No? Oh wait, yeah you do." She smirked and patted his cheek before winking and skipping away.

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