Chapter 8

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"Do you know how crazy you are?!", I looked at Jon and raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, I do." He looked at me, "You are injured, why do you want to fight Nikki and Nattie?", I looked at him and rolled my eyes, turning my back and throwing clothes into my luggage bags, "Don't do that." I spun around, my arms over my chest and put all my weight on my left leg, "Do what? Wrestle? Don't fight like I'm suppose to? Don't do what I've loved all my life?", he looked at me, "Don't ignore me!", I shook my head, "I'm fighting them because that's what I'm suppose to do! I need a change at that title, even if it's in the hands of my sister; that title is my dream. I'm not doing anything that will jeopardize my chance of that dream becoming a reality. It's my body, my choice, my life." I licked my lips, "No one will tell me how to live it." He looked at me, "One little mess up and you could die!" I chuckled, "That's a little over dramatic don't you think? We take risk, it's what we do. We take beatings, we take abuse, we take everything that we are told to! It's our jobs!" Jon grabbed me, "Not if it means risking more than it's worth!" I looked at him and glared, "The title is worth every tear, drop of blood, and stream of sweat. It's worth every injury and every bruise, every cut. There is nothing that is worth more than the titles." He looked at me, "What about family, love, and friendship; that's are worth more than anything." I looked at him, "I was in love for 2 years, look were that got me. I was cheated on, beaten by an ape,  and tossed around a room that I have to pay for. 5 years ago, I was in love and I was beaten, abused, used, and cheated on. That title is my redemption from everything." Renee walked around the corner and we stopped arguing, "Dean, Ali; what are your thoughts on what happened moments ago?" Dean put his arm around me. "Bray is disrespectful, and he is about to wish he had never step foot in that ring. We are coming after him, and he won't know when or where we're going to hit him." I looked at Renee, "He did whatever his little voice in his messed-up head told him to do, so we're going to listen to ours. It's wherever, an eye for an eye may make the world go blind, but it will sure make me feel a hell of a lot better to see him go through a barricade or through the announcer's table. Let him keep throwing his words and his punches, because we're going the throw them right back." Renee looked at us, "Is this going to affect how your matches next week are going to go? Are you still going to compete?" I looked at her and then right at the camera, "The only way I won't compete is if it could lead to Dean getting hurt, break my bones, mess with my head, but if you even threaten to hurt him; I'll back down and I will come hunt your ass down. You can believe that." I chuckled softly, "Just because I'm called a Diva, doesn't mean I am one. I don't go out there to look good or get looked at. I go out there to kick ass and make a name for myself. I don't care if it's against a superstar or not, if you cross me I will take it to the ring and I will settle the score. I'm not going to win every time, but I sure as hell don't need someone who is going to be at ringside and trying to tell me how to do my job, I don't need someone who is going to try and jump in if I get close to losing or if I do lose. You win some, and you lose some. It doesn't really matter, but if I step in the ring with you and we settle the score; I'm going to drop it, unless I really don't like you. I'm fine, I'm competing, and I'll be back next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. You can count on that." I walked away and went into catering and Stephanie and April ran over.

"What do you mean you're still going to compete?", I looked at them and grabbed a water with a fruit salad, "I mean I'm still going to go out there and kick some ass to prove that I have what it takes to hold that belt. So what, I got attacked by a freaky guy, it is what it is." Hunter and Vince walked over, "No, he wasn't suppose to do that. It isn't alright." I looked at them, "Then put me in the ring with him, let me settle this. I may be a girl and I may be small, but I fight my own fights. I made that clear before I even stepped foot in the ring for WWE. You four where there when I drove a man's head through a table, a ladder, and a chair because he thought he could mess with me. You were there when I sent someone to the hospital and lowered their chances of wrestling. I can fight this and I can fight him. So I got a few bruised ribs and I got a bruised back muscle, it is what my body is use to. I've had worse fights, I've had worse injures. It's what I live for. Im not backing down or backing away until I get the belt and even then, I will fight over and over agin to show why I have it and why I waited 6 years for it. I won't back away unless I'm too injured to fight, and I find it hard to find that line for me."

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