Chapter 11

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My phone rang and I answered it, "Hey boo thang.", Nikki was on the other line, "So, Stephanie, Vince, and Hunter all said that this trip you're on, was required. Rant planned it." My eyes widened, "What?", I ran a hand through my hair, "So, what do I do?", Niki sighed, "Say something happened or April wants you to visit." I glanced back at Duck and Alanna playing, "I can't leave Nikki, I have a little girl that has missed me. Maybe we can work this out and it will be okay." Nikki sighed, "That's what he wants. He wants you two to get back together. Ali, just be free. Come on." I bit my bottom lip, "I'll just come back and do my job. I have to. I'm getting uneasy anyways." I looked at my bag, "Tell Stephanie to call us back." Nikki yelled over her shoulder and soon Randy's phone was ringing, "Hello?", Ali sighed, "See ya Nikki." The two hung up, "What? You ordered two weeks." He ran a hand down his face, "Yeah but, it isn't our fault. Well it isn't her's. Alanna got told two weeks with Daddy and Ali, not a few days." He sighed, "Yeah but- Steph, I just- alright fine!" Ali jumped a little, "What's wrong?" Randy looked at her, "After last nights events, the boss wants us to make an appearance to talk about it, with matches." She nodded, "Right, how are we going to tell Alanna?", he looked at her, "We can get a bus with her, like you've wanted." She looked at him, "Is that really the best idea? I mean, I just. I don't think it's a good idea." Randy looked at me and I softly smiled, "We can't force to puzzle pieces together Randy, they have to fit willingly." I walked away and went outside, "Alanna, honey, Daddy and I have been called back to work but he was thinking that you and Duke can stay on a bus with him while I travel with my girls for a bit, we will still see each other and we will still hang out." Alanna nodded, "As long as I still see you, but you have to promise." I smiled and wrapped my pinkie around hers, "I promise."

The flight to Dallas was a crazy one but the group made it, and Natalya and Brie were ready to pick up Ali. She smiled and kissed Alanna on the cheek, hugged Randy, and pat Duke. "It was a great few days, truly.", Randy smiled and went to kiss her and she turned her head, making him kiss her on the cheek, "I should go, the girls want to go shopping." Ali ran toward the car and climbing into the backseat, "Let's get out of here and quickly." The two women nodded and drove off, "How was the trip?", she looked at them, "Awkward, truth be told. He was very, handsie. I'm ready to do some work." The group laughed and Ali looked down, thinking about what had happened. She hadn't even questioned it, and she should have. Stephanie and Hunter would never do that to her.

Ali's POV

Ali walked into the hotel, her head down and glasses on. "Allison how does it feel to be cheated on yet again?", "Allison what did all those others have that you didn't?", "Allison, can you tell us about how you're feeling about the cheating and the lose of a child?" She turned around and took a deep breath, "If it's all the same to you all, I would rather not talk about my personal life until I have gotten over the fact that my body couldn't accept a child and that the men I trusted all betrayed me. I hope you all have a nice day, but please leave me in peace has I go through these times. Thank you." She walked into the hotel and everyone stood up and hurried over to her, Dolph being the first one to hug her and a silent sob slipped out, "Hey, shh. It's alright." She was shaking and Brie ushered everyone away, "Come on, give her some room with her best friend." Paige stood to the side and watched, "How could anyone hurt her like that? Why did we let her leave? She is so confused right now." Roman stood beside her, "Because we all thought she was going to be okay because she never lets anything effect her. He will take care of her, he has since she got here." Paige glanced at the blonde man holding her crying friend, each sob tearing at her heart, "How is Dean?", Roman let out a breath, "A little beat up, sore, and very sorry. Paige, he started crying because she left. He made a mistake." She looked at him, "Cheating isn't a mistake." Roman nodded, "I know, but he hasn't ever let anything like this affect him. He was crying real tears, real pain was coming from him. What am I suppose to do because he knew what he did and he knew her history and everything, but it's the same way. She knows how he is." Paige glanced up, "Well, this has been three times a promise to always be with her has been broken. I wouldn't be surprised if she turned into the next Aj. Warding off men, becoming the longest reigning champion, having a reclusive personal life,  only going to Work Events, only meeting fans. I fear she is going to go cold and hard." Dolph picked up Allison has she cried and walked her to his room, "What do I do?", Roman looked down, "We all help her has much has we can, we make her see that true honest love really does exist. Rather with someone from work or someone she's never met." Paige looked down, "What's sad is the happiest she has been was with Dean and look what happened, now she can't even smile, or laugh. She tried, did you notice it?", Roman nodded, "Yeah, I may have to call in Dwayne, he has always had a connection with her." The hotel door opened and Dwayne ran in, "Where is she?", a loud sob came from Dolph's room, "Oh dear lord. Can you get me in there?", the lady looked at the door and then at Dwayne, "What's she to you?" He looked at her, "She is my trainee, my best friend, my little sister. Let me in there or I'm going to break a door down and beat a man's ass with the boot." The lady nodded and opened the door. The sobs getting slightly louder, "Ali, Dolph, it's me." A red faced, teary eyed, Allison ran out of the hotel room and into Dwayne's arms. He held her close and tight has she cried, her closest friends in the hallway. "I've never seen her cry." Nikki, Natalya, Paige, Eva, Naomi, Cameron, Emma, Becky, Tamina, Charlotte, Stephanie, and Bailey nodded, along with Roman, Miz, John, Daniel, Seth, Triple H, Fandango,  Vince, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Ryback, Big E, Big Show, Kane, and Ubdertaker in the hallway. "Is this breaking anyone else's heart?", everyone looked at Kane has he looked at the girl he thought of has a sister, "Yep." Vince sighed, "She didn't even cry publicly  when she lost the baby. She didn't cry publicly when her friends called her to let her know her ex fiancé cheated, she didn't cry publicly when Randy cheated. Those tears on TV were fake." Roman sighed has Dwayne's chin rested on the top of her head and he was looking up, "Even he is crying." Dwayne kissed the top of her head, "Come on, let's go to bed. Shh, baby girl, shh. Come on, pull it together." Lana and Rusev stepped out of their room, "Poor Allison. She has been so strong in front of us all and she just can't anymore. We must break them." Stephanie sighed, "Has much has we would love to, Allison wouldn't want us to. She'll just go train harder, diet more, work more, forget about her actual life, and try to prove she's okay even though she isn't. Someone needs to be with her twenty four seven, even at shows. If Summer Rae, Dean Ambrose, or Randy Orton approach her; take them down. If she's in the ring and she looks like she isn't ready, don't go. I know we are suppose to be professional, but it's Ali. If she zones out and doesn't tap in a submission move, if she isn't screaming or isn't doing something she normally would do, notify the ref. She won't want to lose, so he'll ask her and she'll jump back, she'll come back. Don't let her go out, she'll turn to alcohol." Everyone nodded, "Right now she is with Dwayne and Dolph. That's her best bet at the moment, those two have been her friends forever. If Summer Rae purposely goes up to Allison and goes to torture her, let Allison handle it. Either backstage or in the ring. Keep the Wyatt's from her. She is a great victim and Bray still has a fight with her." The sobs stopped and Dolph walked out, "She cried herself to sleep, anyone have Advil or something. She'll wake up in a few hours with a headache." Brie nodded and handed him a bottle, "Thanks. She is out against Dwayne, she still has tears falling but she's asleep. Don't bring this up tomorrow or anything, act like nothing happened; just keep atleast 3 people near her. Dwayne has already said for the next two months he is staying by her side everywhere we go, maybe longer. I'll stay with her has much has possible. We just need a diva because we can't touch Summer."  Brie stepped forward, "I'll help. I'm sure April and Phil, along with Kaitlyn are coming. That's their family right there, Ali will probably want to be with them a bit. Someone needs to get Duke and his items from Randy, Daniel.", he nodded and walked away, going to find Randy Orton.

Stephanie walked into the room to see Allison curled into Dwayne and she sat on the edge of the bed, playing with Allison's hair, "Her life has gone to crap in just 6 months. If we hadn't of had Randy and Dean feud all that time ago, oils any of this happened?", Dwayne looked at her, "That's a lot to do Steph, it's happened and we can't change it. We can just help her. Brock called, he is on his way. Says he'll be with Ali has much has possible without causing any rumors. Says he doesn't want more people on her." Stephanie nodded and kissed the top of her head, "I don't want that for her. She has private everything for the next few months, 4 others has well. I'm sure she'll choose you and Dolph, Brock and one of the girls. What do you say about staying?", Dwayne looked up, "Stephanie, has far as I'm concerned Allison is family and I will always help her. I think most of your locker room thinks that, even the heels. She was just treated badly too many times and I'm not sure how that's going to effect her. She actually didn't cry over her fiancé until it was just me and her, she told me she didn't cry over Randy until she was alone, she cried over Ambrose in front of so many people. I think something is different. Either she is tired of being the one that's hurt, or there is something els going on. I'm praying its the first one, even though she'll change at least she won't be trying to cover up a story or secret." Stephanie nodded, "I hope so as well. We are letting Allison choose her schedule, make sure she doesn't double book herself and make sure she isn't over booking herself. I have a movie script in my office, one for you and her. See if getting away for about a year will help her at all." Dwayne nodded and Allison moved, causing him to wrap his arms around her, "I hope so. I'll even take her with me for a year. Award shows, red carpets, country life, Vin. She liked that stuff, especially if she isn't one of the biggest people there and she is a big Diva. A lot of people connect with her, she is one of the most loved Divas. Four people have ruined their ratings by wronging her, I hope the company knows that." She gasped in her sleep and tossed and turned, "No. No. Please stop. It's not him Stop." She whined and whimpered, Dwayne wrapping her up again and Stephanie playing with Allison's hair, "She baby girl, it's just a bad dream. You're with your Rocky. You're with your Dolphin. You're with you Steph. You're Samoan Superman is coming down the hall. You're fine. We'll fight away the bad and bring you all the good." Duke ran in and jumped on the bed, Allison calming has she found Duke's fur. "What was that?" Roman and Dolph were standing  beside the bed, "She cried herself to sleep, she's going to have nightmares, she always does." He rocked her back and forth and whispered a lullaby, "She's like a child when she is hurt, confused, scared, or worried. It's like being a parent. She is like a parent when it's you, if you're sick and she shows up, get ready for pampering, nursing, and love." He kissed the top of her head and Stephanie looked at him, "It sounds like you may love her has more than a friend." Dwayne looked at her, "I love her like family." Allison fell peaceful and quiet, "Alright, Dolph and Roman need to stay here. We take turns making sure she is okay. If she starts crying or whimpering, sing a lullaby, and rock her back and forth. If she wakes up with a headache, get her the Advil and some water. If she wakes up and wants to go to the gym, take her. If she wakes up hungry, feed her. If she wakes up and ask you to cuddle, freaking cuddle." The other two nodded and Stephanie left, "I'll take first watch." Dolph and Roman nodded then looked, "We aren't sharing a bed." Dwayne shook his head, "Fight over the bed and couch quietly, if you two wake up Ali, I'll rock bottom you." The two men nodded and Dwayne kissed the top of her head, hoping she'll be fine tomorrow.

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