Chapter 13

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4 Months Later

"I don't think she's coming back.", Nikki looked at Brie, "Don't say that, she'll be back. She just needed some time. I'm sure anybody would. She had to clear her head and all, plus everyone is asking about her, her merchandise has really sold, everyone is getting better if they mention her." Dean walked by, "Has anyone heard from her? Is Ali coming back? I've tried but I haven't gotten anything." The divas looked at him, "She'll answer when she's ready and she'll come back when she's ready." Naomi and Nattie nodded, "She'll come back, she'll be better, and she'll have her head held high." The door opened and every head turned, "Guys, it's just me." Everyone glanced at Dolph but noticed some light brown hair behind him, "Though I have a surprise." He moved and a familiar smile flashed, "Hey everyone." Nikki and Brie jumped up rushing to their friend, her hair was shorter and lighter, her eyes had their twinkle, and her makeup was still soft, "Allison." She smiled, "Nicole, Brianna. I've missed you." They hugged and she glanced up catching eyes with Dean and her smile softly twitched upward, "I have to go talk Stephanie and Hunter." She went to turn but she stopped, eyes staying with his, "Want to come with?" Everyone looked at him and he nodded, barely touching the ring and smiling, "Sure." She smiled, "Cool." She turned and started skipping, Dean practically running to catch her.

Ali just moved around the hallways, "Where did you go?", she glanced at him, "I moved to a home near Kris's. I helped watch North." She grabbed a water from a table and took a drink, "I started going to the cycle house with Kourtney, then boxing with Kim, me and Khloe went to a gym together. Kourtney got me on her diet. It's actually really good. I got better." She threw the water away and paused, "How are you?" She looked at him and crossed her arms, "I kind of left unannounced, it was selfish of me and I didn't answer you or anyone but Vince, Steph, and Hunter for that matter." He smiled, "I'm doing better now." She glanced down, "I was hoping you wouldn't say that. I've been watching, I've come to a lot of the house shows, you've gone haywire. I was hoping it wasn't because of me." She spun a ring on her finger and he glanced down, "Is that a-", she shook her head, "No, Kourtney and Scott got it for me. It was a present. Khloe and Kris got me a car, Kylie got me a new dog. She's is cute, stays with Kim and the baby when Kanye is gone. Kendall got me some make-up stuff, Bruce got me some new dresses and heels though I had never walked in any at all, with the help of the girls." She smiled, "It really is ridiculous how people walk in the all the time." He looked at her, "Presents?" She nodded, "My birthday was two months ago. April and Phil were there, along with Steph and Hunter, Brock came, Dwayne came, they were sworn to secrecy. They got to see my house." She smiled, "Enough about me, I did send you hints letting you know I was okay. All of you actually." He nodded, "Brie figured it out but you hadn't done anything these last few days so we figured you were talking-", she sighed, "About leaving? I'm not going to. Though Scott and Kim want me to. I just can't." She scoffed, "It's my life. I can't just leave. I've work way to hard. Maybe after I get the title and hold it for a long while, maybe hold it a few times. Maybe then I'll retire." She looked at the chain and lightly touched it a pulled it out of his tank top, "You kept it?", he smiled, "I told you, I would give it back." She smiled, "You don't have to, it's okay." He looked at her, "No, I do have to because I made a promise and I broke it. I have to make it right." She glanced up at him, "I don't know if you can Jon. You knew and you promised but you still-", he grabbed her face in his hands, "I know, I know, that's why I have to fix this because has soon has I knew that you knew, my heart was ripped out of my chest, it felt like I was dead because my ray of light was gone. Renee told me you left with Randy and it looked like you were okay, the two of that is, I shouldn't have listened but I did. I am so sorry that I let my own insecurities get the best of me.", she softly smiled, "You shouldn't be insecure Jon. You are an amazing person, a person that I truly love. You said it yourself, you're naturally beautiful. You're looks are amazing, your body is amazing, but that's the icing on the cake. Your personality is what I fell in love with. I also fell in love with your eyes, and my grandma use to tell me. When you fall in love with a person's eyes, you fall in love with their soul. That's something that doesn't change and you won't lose that love. I never loved Randy's eyes, they were always cold. Your's aren't. They tell a story, and it's one that I want to read. I just don't know if I can." He looked into her eyes and kissed her, "I'm so so so sorry." She softly smiled, "I know, Joe sent me a video of you crying and it tore my heart apart. It was actually Kourtney that told be to come back early and find you." He smiled, "You didn't need to talk to Steph and Hunter did you?", she softly smiled, "I did, but I've already done that. You were the last thing on my list before so go out and announce that I'm back and I'm ready for a match. Team B.A.D comes out and then I'm joined by Nikki and Brie. Alicia is off filming her show. I also show my new ring gear. Converse and Jean shorts still but I get a new shirt, it's just a black shirt cut up like my usual shirts, and a cute cut off jacket." She smiled and he looked down, "I'm pretty sure that is an Ambrose Asylum shirt." He raised an eyebrow, "I was in the stands last night and I guess you threw it and so caught it." He nodded, "Huh." She smirked and bumped his shoulder, "Kidding, I bought it. I gave me comfort. Well actually, Steph sent me one you wore because it smelt like you before a match, the musky smell that I like and she knew that I was having problems." He raised an eyebrow, "That's stalkery." She laughed, "Kind of. I have to go get my hair recurled and I have to change and get some more lipstick, then I'm going out. I'll meet up with you later. Wait-" she took off her ring, "Give this back after my match and maybe you can give me back the other one." He nodded and placed it on the necklace chain, "I promise." She softly smiled, "That's a big word Jon, say I will." He nodded, "I will." She nodded and lightly kissed his cheek, "I'll see you later." She walked off and Dean smiled and did a fist bump, hearing two giggles, "Oh the dear Bella Twins. Howdy." They smiled, "Hey, just don't hurt her like you did." He nodded, "I promise." They smiled again, "Promise is a big word Jon." He looked down, dimples showing, "She's about to
head out. Let's go watch from the gorilla." They group walked off to watch their friend.

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