Chapter 9

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I was the first at the meeting and I had my feet up on the desk, my phone in my hand, and a sucker in my mouth; "Well didn't someone just make their self right at home." I smirked and looked up at Stephanie, "I always do." I moved my feet, "So what did you want to talk about." She sat down, "Well, the fans want Alen and they want Brali, but Brali is for power purposes only.", I nodded in somewhat understanding, "You mentioned that if someone where to threaten Dean you would be there to help him." I nodded again, "Yeah, I'll always help him." She smirked, "Well, in two weeks, a man is going to show up and he is going to manhandle Roman and Dean both, rendering them unconscious. I want you to run out and try your hardest to beat him, Bray, and Luke Harper." I nodded, "Shit, SummerSlam is Sunday isn't it?" She nodded, "Well damn. Okay continue." She smiled, "You are going to go out to both Brock and the Undertaker's match and the match everyone has been waiting for, Dean and Roman versus Bray and Luke." I nodded again, "Alright." She smiled, "Also, you're kind of a superhero in StarDust's eyes, I want you to walk out and stand at the top of the ramp during his match. He isn't going to hurt you, but still." I nodded, "Right, I can do that." She smiled, "Well that's all I wanted to say to you." I smiled and stood up, taking the sucker from my mouth, "Well, maybe we can go out to dinner sometime." She nodded, "All the time." I smiled and hugged her, "Be careful alright." I winked and walked away, "Always am." I looked at the schedule for SummerSlam behind her head and smiled, "Summer and Rusev against Lana and Dolph." She looked at me, "Brilliant. Go out there and beat up Summer and distract Rusev." I nodded, "I can do that, no problem."

I walked into the hotel, "I thought you had a meeting?", I looked up at my friend, "Well it seems my meeting was more about me and less about the story line." Alicia smiled, "Fun fun." I nodded, "Yeah, pretty much." We both laughed and I looked at my watch, "Oh I have dinner plans with Aj and Phil and Jon, I'll see you later." I ran to my room and quickly changed, letting my hair out of the bun and running back to the lobby. "Hey." I smiled at Phil, "Waiting on April?" He nodded, "Yep." I chuckled and patted his back, "It's cool. She'll be done before Jon is." We stood in the lobby for 20 more minutes, April had come out 15 minutes ago. "Go on, get the table; we'll meet you there." The two nodded and I softly smiled, taking a seat in the lobby. I can wait.

I looked at my watch, I had sent April a text saying we couldn't make it a hour ago and he still isn't here. I sighed in annoyance and walked to the third floor, where his room is, I had a key and I opened it. I closed my eyes and turned around; Jon and Renee were in the bed I was in hours ago. I slipped off the ring and dropped it on the desk, grabbing my room's extra key card, closing the door loudly, and marching to the front desk, throwing my key cards down, "I'm checking out." They nodded and brought out my bags, I grabbed them and marched to my Tahoe and threw out Jon's stuff into the parking spot beside my car, and I left. How could I be so stupid? I sighed and called Stephanie, "Hey, I've decided that I am going to take the break. Just tell everyone I got hurt training or working out. I'll be back in 2 months or 3 months." She agreed and I left, going back home. Going back to my home, in Louisiana.

Jon's POV

We were all looking over our scripts, I didn't notice any changes, but I haven't seen Allison anywhere. Maybe she'll come in later with Brock. I sighed and walked out, ready for her distraction and me to win. Randy's music played and he walked out, a smirk planted on his face, "I thought you were suspended." He smirked and got into the ring, "Ali told them they were to harsh, and mistakes happen. She apologized for reacting the way she did.", this brought on confusion and I guess I wasn't the only one, "What? Why would Ali apologize? Randy was in the wrong!" Randy smirked and the bell rang, this shouldn't last long though this is against the script, I'll roll with it. Things happen.

This match has been going on for 15 minutes and there was still no sign or an appearance from Ali. The lights flashed off and the Wyatt music started, the flashed on the screen, "I'm ready for our match Ambrose and Reigns. You bring the lunatic, guard dog; and I'll bring my brother." Bray disappeared from the screen and now I was really confused, "Don't turn around Ambrose!" I turned anyway and was met with an RKO, "RKO outta nowhere!" Randy covered me and he won, I rolled over, where the hell is Allison?

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